Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Espagne 1936

ES/FR 1937. PC: Ciné-Liberté. D: Luis Buñuel. SC: Jean-Paul Le Chanois; Pierre Unik, LB. DP: Roman Karmen, Manuel Villagas López. Commentary read by Gaston Modot. Original in French. 35'. Filmoteca Española. BetaSP, alas, bad sound, misframed. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Buñuel worked as a cultural attaché for the Spanish republic in Paris, where he made this film, a history and defense of the Spanish Republic established in 1931 and attacked by the forces lead by Franco. There are powerful images of the Civil War. "Madrid est devenu le Verdun d'Espagne": Spain had to suffer the experience of total war with Franco backed up by Hitler and Mussolini. This film ends on an optimistic note. No pasaran!

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