Monday, October 03, 2011

The Indian Woman's Pluck

(De Indiaanische min) (Hepworth, GB 1912) D: Frank Wilson; SC: Muriel Alleyne; cast: Ruby Belasco; 35 mm, 266 m, 14' (16 fps), col. (tinted); from: EYE Film Institute Netherlands, Amsterdam (Desmet Collection). Nederlandse tussentitels. Viewed at Teatro Verdi, Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, Pordenone, e-subtitles in English and Italian, grand piano: Philip C. Carli, 3 Oct 2011.

David Robinson (GCM Catalogue): "The Lancashire-born Ruby Belasco (1867-1936) was a regular member of the Hepworth company, generally cast in mature character roles, and sometimes “ethnic” parts, as in this early role. Seven years after his 1905 success, Rescued by Rover, we find Hepworth still making dramas about kidnapped children – in this the baby is snatched by a resentful dismissed workman, who conveniently leaves a blood-trail for the brave Indian Ayah to follow. The print comes from EYE’s Jean Desmet Collection." – DAVID ROBINSON

AA: Interestingly, the most effective feature of this movie is the kidnapper's very realistic performance of agony as he has cut his hand during the kidnapping process. The Indian maid is herself under suspicion, but it is she who saves the day single-handedly. A beautiful print, a beautiful color world.

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