Sunday, August 31, 1997


The latest capsule review appears at the top of the page. The information is in the following order:

The register number of the Finnish Board of Film Classification. The main register (having now reached 100381 etc) was established in 1911. The separate register for Finnish films, here marked with the letter A, was established in 1933. The register marked with the letter V contains straight-to-video programmes examined by VET. The register marked with the letter I contains straight-to-video programmes registered but not examinded by VET.

The rating ( G - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - banned). G = general audience = approved for all audiences. Banned are films with actual sadism, child molestation, cruelty to animals, etc.

The country of production (following the two-letter standard. FI = Finland, SE = Sweden, etc.)

The year of production

The author (usually but not always the director)


The original title

The Finnish title

PC = production company

P = producer

EX = executive producer

D = director

SC = screenplay

DP = director of photography

PD = production design

ST = costumes; stylist

AN = animation

FX = special effects

ED = editor

M = music

R = sound recording

CAST / FEAT = featuring


The duration in minutes

The projection speed is the 24 fps standard unless otherwise indicated.

Of silent films, length in meters and projection speed /fps = frames per second/ is given when known. The silent speed can vary between 12-40 fps, sometimes within the same film.

The European PAL and SECAM television and video standards run at 25 fps. The calculation to get the cinema duration from the European video duration: multiply by 25, divide by 24. For example: Malcolm X runs 193’ on European video, 201’ in the cinema. To get the European video duration from the cinema duration: multiply by 24, divide by 25.

The aspect ratio is Academy (1,33-1,37) unless otherwise indicated

DIST = The distributor in Finland

TRANS = the translator of the Finnish and Swedish subtitles

VET = Valtion elokuvatarkastamo = The Finnish Board of Film Classification

SEA = Suomen elokuva-arkisto = Finnish Film Archive

The prints reviewed are 35 mm safety film prints, in colour and with sound, and in the original language version unless otherwise indicated.

B&w = black and white

The personal evaluation follows the Leonard Maltin scale from **** (the best) to BOMB.

The diary includes films viewed outside the Classification Office. The official ratings of old films may be dated, and the films might get a new rating if they would be classified today. For instance, almost all Finnish films of the 1940s with a 16 rating would be G today.

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