Sunday, July 03, 2005


Louis Feuillade: Tih-Minh: ciné-roman en 12 épisodes (FR 1918), produced by Gaumont, starring Mary Harald (Tih Minh) and René Cresté (Jacques d'Athys) was the morning serial at Il Cinema Ritrovato in 2005.

Bolognan Il Cinema Ritrovato oli tänä vuonna jälleen täysipainoinen. Ohjelma oli valitettavasti kolminkertainen, eli vain kolmannes korkeatasoisesta tarjonnasta oli mahdollista nähdä. Keskityin viiteen teemaan

– Sata vuotta sitten: vuoden 1905 elokuva tarjosi "festivaalin festivaalilla", kahdeksan upeaa kokoomaohjelmaa, jotka kattoivat sadan vuoden takaisen elokuvan eri ulottuvuudet

– Tih Minh, Louis Feuilladen 12-osainen sarjaelokuva esitettiin aamunäytöksissä

– André Deed, komedian pioneeri, jo Mélièsin elokuvissa aloittanut mestari, esiteltiin kuudessa ohjelmassa ja lisäksi omassa sarjaelokuvassaan

– Chaplin-projekti tarjosi uusia restauroituja laitoksia varhaisista Keystone-elokuvista, joita on totuttu näkemään vain huonoina kopioina, sekä Nainen Pariisissa -elokuvan uudella, entistä paremmalla, silti Chaplinin itse laatimalla musiikilla

– Dossiers -ohjelmissa nähtiin harvinaisuuksia suurten mestareiden tuotannosta

Suomi oli esillä ohjelmistossa arvokkaalla panoksella senkin lisäksi, että festivaalin taiteellinen johtaja on Peter von Bagh:

– Venäjän vuoden 1905 vallankumousta käsittelevät Pathén viisi elokuvaa, jotka kuuluivat Atelier Apollon ohjelmaan, ja jotka on restauroitu meillä viime vuonna Juha Kindbergin johdolla, saivat arvosijan. Ne olivat keskeisellä sijalla "Sata vuotta sitten" -teeman päätösnäytöksessä, jossa Mariann Lewinsky ja Roland Cosandey esittelivät ne. Lewinsky kertoi, että tuollaiset alkuperäiset esityskokonaisuudet ovat harvinaisia. Restauroinnin hyvä tekninen taso sai kiitosta. Lisäksi Révolution en Russie: les événements d'Odessa esitettiin erikseen festivaalin avajaisgaalassa Bolognan kaupunginoopperassa Panssarilaiva Potjomkinin alkukuvana.

– Teuvo Tulion Sellaisena kuin sinä minut halusit esitettiin toisen maailmansodan 60-vuotismuistosarjassa. Elokuva herätti sellaista kiinnostusta, että pyyntöjä Tulio-sarjoista maailmalle tullaan varmaan kuulemaan. Valitettavasti nähtävänä oli loiva kopio, joka ei tee oikeutta Tulion kuvalliselle hehkulle. Esittelyssään Petteri mainosti tulossa olevaa Tulio-DVD-julkaisua. Epäilemättä siihenkin tulee kohdistumaan kansainvälistä mielenkiintoa!

– Chaplin-sarjassa SEA:n materiaalia oli käytetty Keystone-elokuvan A New Janitor restauroidussa laitoksessa. Kopio oli parempi kuin aiempina vuosina nähdyt SEA:n materiaalia käyttäneet Chaplinit, ja hyvä niin, sillä kysessä on ehkä Charlien paras Keystone-elokuva.


Ritrovati & restaurati

Eventi speciali

La messa in scena della guerra

Cantando durante la guerra

Cinema di propaganda: 1947-1962. Democrazia Cristiana – Partito Comunista Italiano

Progetto Chaplin

Cento anni fa: i film del 1905

Omaggio a Betsy Blair

Omaggio ad André Deed

Omaggio a Lewis Milestone

Dossiers: Buñuel, Chaplin, Fellini La strada, Pasolini, Rossellini

Il Cinema Ritrovato DVD Awards

It was another great year at Il Cinema Ritrovato. There was again triple simultaneous programming, meaning that it was possible to see only a third of it at best. I focused on five themes.

CENTO ANNI FA: I FILM DEL 1905 was a magnificent "festival inside the festival", lovingly covering all aspects of cinema a hundred years ago. Surprisingly many films were shown in good prints.

TIH MINH was the wonderful morning serial of the year.

OMAGGIO AD ANDRE DEED covered the career of the great pioneer and visionary of comedy, also here many new prints were very good.

PROGETTO CHAPLIN brought us in full silent frame several Keystone films which have been available in cropped prints only. A Woman in Paris was premiered with a new Chaplin score; for the first time it is being made available with a good musical score, thanks to Timothy Brock.

THE DOSSIERS presented unknown materials of and about the great masters.

Technically the Cinema Arlecchino screenings were brilliant, and the screening of American Madness was technically for me the high point of the Festival; I heard that the restored UCLA print of Paths of Glory was even better, if that is possible. Some films were presented on video or DVD; there should be a warning about that in the programme schedule. With so many live presentations and exceptionally many short films in different speeds, the Festival's programme mosaic was very successfully realized, and the hospitality and guest service was excellent.

Sabato 2 luglio


Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna (Via Azzo Gardino, 65). Apertura ufficiale del Festival: conversazione di Michael Cimino con Peter von Bagh, direttore de Il Cinema Ritrovato. A main topic in the conversation was architecture, the idea of landscape and space, the example of Frank Lloyd Wright, and The Fountainhead, the novel by Ayn Rand filmed by King Vidor. Michael Cimino is certainly a very special individual.

Memory of the Camps

GB 1945-1985. R.: Sidney Bernstein. 58'. Commentary read by Trevor Howard. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna, theme “La messa in scena della guerra – il fronte inglese”. Presenta Toby Haggith (Imperial War Museum). I watched the presentation only, having seen the film before, in the Berlin Film Festival ca 1985. Mr. Haggith told that Alfred Hitchcock’s role was only that of a treatment advisor, who told the film-makers to avoid all tricks of editing. But the cinematographers had already followed the same philosophy, carefully using long shots and pans to cover the vastness and the context of the crime as fully as possible, already realizing that the film footage was a legal document. They filmed in Belsen etc. where there were no gas chambers, the Holocaust victims being starved to death. They realized that film was the best and maybe the only way to document the crime. Yet the camera was unable to portray everything in the dark rooms, hospitals, etc. That was covered by sound and written documentation. Before the film, we saw a reel of silent camera footage starting with the bucolic idyll surrounding Belsen, and then step by step descending into the horror, breaking all taboos of the presentation of victims and the dead, for a reason, and also involving footage of the Gestapo officials (here mostly women). Mr. Haggith told that the Soviet material of the Eastern camps survives and could be reconstructed. So Hitchcock was not centrally involved in the film, but I feel that this footage marked him, and Psycho was, among other things, his way to deal with the Holocaust.


Cento anni fa: i film del 1905 I. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Presenta Mariann Lewinsky. In Italian, earphone translation in English. The programme started with general introductions to the year, its world historical events and developments in entertainment. We heard the actual Italian newspaper report on the Battleship Potyomkin and saw a Powerpoint show of photographs from the Collection Brunetta. Part I: Introduction (+ 1 film), Part II: Image in Motion (4 films), Part III: Time in Motion (5 films)

Mitchell and Kenyon 291: Whitsuntide Fair at Preston

GB 1906. PC: Mitchell and Kenyon. 20 m. BFI / NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fascinating richness and abundance of detail in the fair.

Voyage en Suisse – L’Engadin

Een spoorwegtochtje in Zwitserland. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 95 m. NFM. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Phantom ride in the Alps.

Créations renversantes

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Segundo de Chomón. 50 m. Pochoir colour. AFF. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Trick film where everything goes backwards.

Panorama from the Roof of the Times Building, New York

US 1905. PC: American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. 88 m. LoC. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. An expressive high angle shot.

El hotel eletrico

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Segundo de Chomón. 145 m. Cin. fr. 2001. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The cinefantastique classic always a joy to revisit.

Bâteaux sur le Nil

Schiff auf dem Nil. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 30 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Views with a sense of plastic beauty.

La Ruche merveilleuse

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Gaston Velle. 58 m. Colour. NFM. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Gorgeous queen bee dancers threatened by a spider.

Cache-toi dans la malle!

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 96 m. Colour. Cin. Suisse. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A farce full of fast action introducing the man hidden in a casket.

La Perruque

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 38 m. AFF. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A farce about the man whose toupee is glued to his hat by a mischievous boy.

Les trois phases de la lune

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 56 m. Colour. Filmarchiv Austria. ♪ Alain Baents. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The story of the couple in three periods of the Moon: Honeymoon, Butter Moon, Mustard Moon.

Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba’s Forty Thieves

US 1937. D: Dave Fleischer. 17’. A brilliantly restored Technicolor film. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Arlecchino (via Lame 57), Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna.

In Old Arizona

(Not released in Finland.) US © 1929 Fox Films. D: Raoul Walsh, Irving Cummings. 95’. A beautiful definition of light in the restored print. Saturday 2 July 2005, Cinema Arlecchino, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna, e-subtitles in Italian. An early talkie, Walsh's first, about the exploits of Cisco Kid (Warren William). A crude film, yet there are already gratifying Walshian talkie elements there: a great sense of milieu, a great sense of rapport between the characters, including the lawman and the badman comparing their weapons, and a strong natural sense of sex. This is a film during which Walsh lost one of his eyes and started to sport that black patch. Originally Walsh himself played Cisco Kid, but had to be replaced because of that accident.

Bronenosets Potyomkin

Panssarilaiva Potjomkin / The Battleship Potyomkin. SU 1925. D: Sergei Eisenstein. 70’. The 2005 reconstruction curated by Enno Patalas with Anna Bohn. A project of die Kulturstiftung des Bundes supervised by SDK – Filmmuseum Berlin. The original 1925 score by Edmund Meisel conducted by Helmut Imig and performed by Orchestra del Teatro Comunale. Saturday 2 July 2005, Teatro Comunale (Largo Respighi, 1), Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. German subtitles, e-subtitles in Italian and English. This is the third version I see of the film with the Meisel score: I remember the MoMA print with Meisel on the soundtrack; in the 1980s I saw a performance at the London Film Festival to the Meisel score, and now this. The problem is always that the score was written to a changed German version of the film, which spells trouble for the musical arrangement to the very carefully constructed film which follows the five act structure. Yes, it’s successful, yet I also appreciate the 1950 Kryukov original composition (the most memorable of them all) and the 1975 Shostakovich compilation scores. It was difficult to judge the quality of the restoration because in this screening there was no black, either because of the orchestra light or for some other reason (loss of black in the digital intermediate?). I confess that as for the content, I did not spot the differences with the exception of the Trotsky motto.

Sunday 3 July

Tih Minh I: Le Phyltre d’oubli

Tih Minh. Grand Ciné-Roman. Prologue. FR 1918. PC: Gaumont. D: Louis Feuillade. Starring Mary Harald (Tih Minh), René Cresté (Jacques d'Athys), Louis Leubas (Kistna), Edouard Mathé (Sir Francis Grey), Gaston Michel (Dr. Gilson / Marx), Georges Biscot (Placide), Marquet (Dr. Clauzel), Georgette Faraboni (Dolorès), Jane Rollette (Rosette). /18 fps/ 50’. French / Dutch intertitles. Print quality usually good. In the b&w print night scenes appear as daylight scenes. Archives Gaumont-Pathé. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Presenta Francis Lacassin. The "morning serial" of the year. Great cinema with panache, mystery and a sense of humor. In the Côte d’Azur, the explorer d'Athys brings home Tih Minh, an Anamite woman whose life he has saved. In his possession, he has a Hindu book with a pencil-written testament including a clue to a great treasure. Strange crimes occur, the victims of which totally lose their memory. Behind them is the gang of Kistna who sports a turban in the first of his guises. Tih Minh is kidnapped and returned as a blank person with no memory, not even a power of speech. d'Athys’s zealous servant Placide brings forth the Hindu book after having unwittingly erased the testament. A film full of poetry: the photograph turns black after having been examined; the blank sea guards its secret; in her mind, Tih Minh, fantôme mort, is wandering in a deserted cave.


Cento anni fa: i film del 1905 II. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Presenta Mariann Lewinsky. In Italian, earphone translation in English. A period program in honour the centenary of Italian cinema industry. 1: Scène de plein air, 2: Scène de danses, 3: Scène d’actualité, 4: Scène dramatique en six tableaux, 5: Scène comique, 6: Scène à trucs (Pathé) / vue fantastique (Méliès), 7: Scène historique, 8: Scène comique

En terre sainte – Jerusalem

In heiligem Lande – Jerusalem. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 100 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Charming footage, panning shots of major views such as the well of Solomon and the Wailing Wall.

La Danse du “Kickapoo”

FR 1904. PC: Pathé. D: Gaston Velle. 59 m. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Exotic dancing highlighting the beauty of the movement.

Delhi, grande ville de l’Inde supérieure

Delhi, die grosse Stadt in Vorderindien. FR 1909. PC: Pathé. 65 m. Pochoir colour. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Wonderful general views, miraculous acrobat performances, washing feet.

Les Chiens contrabandiers

FR 1906. PC: Pathé. D: Georges Hatot. 180 m. Cin. Royale de Belgique. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A wild chase film with dogs as smugglers.

Opération chirurgicale

Operazione chirurgica. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 55 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In Méliès style a single camera set-up showing a crazy surgery with a pipe, a hat, a hose, a fan, a crucifix, a boot, a live eel, a live lobster, and a pocket watch emerging from the stomach.

La Poule aux œufs d’or

De kip met de goude eieren. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Gaston Velle, Segundo de Chomón. 275 m. Dutch titles. Pochoir colour. Beautiful colour print from Filmoteca Española. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The surreal fairytale-fantasy classic always amazes. There is a direct line to Cocteau from here. The hen hatching the golden eggs brings infinite wealth and unspeakable evil with protean forms of the Devil and witchcraft.

La presa di Roma

IT 1905. PC: Alberini & Santoni. D: Filoteo Alberini. (Original: 250 m, 7 episodes.) Preserved: 75 m, 4 episodes. Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia/Cineteca Nazionale 1994. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A historical epic of the events of the 20 September 1870. Viva l’Italia!

Dix femmes pour un mari

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Georges Hatot, Lucien Nonguet. 69 m. Cin. fr. 2000. ♪ Neil Brand. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A wild chase where a dozen women hunt one man: a remake of an Edison subject, in the same tradition as Keaton’s Seven Chances.

Gaumont actualités – settimana n. 1 (gennaio)

FR 1914. 8’. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. DVD, alas!

The Mating Call

(Not released in Finland.) US 1928. D: James Cruze. 72’. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Video, alas! I walked out.

Beyond the Rocks

Kallioiden ja salakarien ohi. US 1922. D: Sam Wood. Starring Rodolfo Valentino, Gloria Swanson. 80’. Tinted. Restored, some elements digitally, by NFM (Giovanna Fossati) 2003- in three different versions; at Haghefilm; this is the premiere of the third version. Presenta Giovanna Fossati. ♪ Donald Sosin. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A good job of restoration of a difficult subject. The film is a mediocre triangle melodrama where Gloria gets married to an old millionaire but keeps getting rescued by Valentino (in the sea, in the Alps). The climax takes place in the Sahara, where the millionaire perishes in the attack of Arab bandits. The title refers to the motto about the angel who guides us beyond the rocks to the waters beyond.

Touchdown Mickey

Mickey Rugbyman. US 1932. P: Walt Disney. D: Wilfred Jackson. Cin. fr. dupe. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Arlecchino, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Little Mickey and his team against the overwhelming adversary.

American Madness

Suuri pankkirosvous. US © 1933 Columbia Pictures. D: Frank Capra. Starring Walter Huston, Pat O’Brien, Kay Johnson. 75’. New brilliant print from Sony Columbia. Sunday 3 July 2005, Cinema Arlecchino, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A masterpiece, one of the earliest with the full typical Capra touch, a study of hysteria and a defense of the New Deal. Prints don’t come more brilliant than this: ultra sharp in detail and grading of light.

Heaven’s Gate

Portti ikuisuuteen. US 1980. PC: United Artists. D: Michael Cimino. 225’. 2004 “restoration” by MGM/UA. Presenta Michael Cimino. Sunday 3 July 2005, Piazza Maggiore, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. I love this film and its powerful imagery, but the print was so bad that I quit after half an hour.

Lunedì 4 luglio

Tih Minh 2: Deux drames dans la nuit

Tih Minh 3: Les Mystères de la Villa Circé

FR 1918. PC: Gaumont. D: Louis Feuillade. /18 fps/ 30' + 37'. Archives Gaumont-Pathé. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. An amulet with a paralyzing impact, letters with vanishing ink, Tih Minh having lost her memory collecting flowers from the field. The cellar of the Villa Circé full with daughters of the upper circles in their underwear, having lost their identity. Placide the servant infiltrates to Villa Circé, switches water with the consciousness-deleting drug and hides in a trunk as the villains move. Memorable images: the wandering daughters who have lost their souls; the trunk where Placide is hidden shown as a see-through image.


A Hundred Years Ago: The Films of 1905, Program 3: Melanges and Combinations. Presenta Mariann Lewinsky. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. ♪ Alain Baents. Melanges and combinations of fiction and non-fiction in three installments: I: 4 films, II: 2 films, III: 5 films.

De mesavonture van een fransch heertje zonder pantalon aan het strand te Zandvoort

A Gentleman without Pants. NL 1905. PC: Albert Frères. 141 m. NFM. English subtitles. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Caught by the rising tide, the gentleman loses his pants, and gets chased by a crowd through the city.

Le Mât de Cocagne

Preisklettern. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 29 m. AFF. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In a climbing contest a boy gets stuck on the pole and is rescued by the police.


[Plongeurs]. GB 190X. PC: Warwick Trading Co. 31 m. Cin. Suisse 2005. Tinted. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Divers, the submarine world as a painted backdrop with water in front.

Un drame en mer

De scheepsbrand. FR 1905. P: Pathé. D: Gaston Velle. 160 m. NFM. Tinted and toned. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A seasick man gets to the cabin. A fire breaks out. The shipwrecked are rescued from a raft.

Le Raid Paris-Monte Carlo en deux heures

FR 1905. PC: Star Film. D: Georges Méliès. 280 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The great race with a lot of mayhem on the road. After endless filling up with fuel the fur-clad mobilists wreak havoc everywhere, flattening policemen, destroying happy homes, bringing disaster to market squares, exploding via animation, conquering the Alps in hand-drawn form, yet reaching the goal, even there breaking everything up. An early French film entry in the car-culture commentary continuing via Godard (Week-End) and Tati (Trafic).

Guerre enfantine

Children Playing at War. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 70 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Quite a war game in the same tradition as the Molnár adaptations (Borzage’s No Greater Glory and Zoltan Fabri’s Pal-utca fiúk) and La Guerre des boutons.

Quadrille des clodoches

Quadrille Tänzer. FR 1903. PC: Pathé. 35 m. Cin. Suisse. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A dance for four, with ample sights of petticoats.

L’envers du théâtre

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. Orig: 60 m, this print 36 m. Cin. fr. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A comedy from behind the stage of the theatre.

L’Indiscrét mystifié

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 50 m. NFM. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The image is divided, the Peeping Tom by his hole grimly surprised.

La Joueuse enragée

FR 1905. 19 m. AFF. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Full female nudity with Venus covered.

Eine Blume der Kasbah

IT 190X. PC: Ambrosio Film. 10 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In a circle-form mask the odalisque greets us good night in her see-through negligée.

The Battle of Midway

US 1942. PC: U.S. Navy. D: John Ford. 18’. In colour. MoMA. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. WWII was a turning-point for many American directors, including Ford.



Jean Gili e Sandro Toni presentano il libro André Deed. Boireau, Cretinetti, Gribouille, Torbio, Foolshead, Lehman… (Edizioni Le Mani, 2005). Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. From Gili’s introduction: André Deed is one of the great characters of French and Italian burlesque. He distinguished himself above all for his use of surreal elements. Starting with the basic chases, falls and destructions he launched into more refined gags. He is at once material and immaterial, allowing himself to be hit one moment and becoming an invulnerable body the next. Fragila and indestructible, he strikes and penetrates; no walls can resist his assaults. A fusion of Méliès’s inventions, de Chomón’s tricks and Pastrone’s visions, he doesn’t hesitate to bring into the narrative the Itala goddess or the Pathé rooster. – Comments of mine: at his most unforgettable, Deed is a genius of chaos. Often he starts with carrying an impossible burden of luggage, then breaking everything trying to reach for his hat. The scenario of destruction escalates to metaphysical levels. Santa Claus takes him to the sky, where he enters heaven and manages to upset St. Peter and even God himself (interpreted by an actor one step more awesome than Santa). Deed’s wild manner proves intolerable even to Satan, and he is banished from Hell. – Deed belongs to the realm of myth: he is an incarnation of Shiva, the principle of destruction. – AD started with Georges Méliès and became a star with Pathé.

La Course à la perruque

FR 1906. PC: Pathé Frères. D: Georges Hatot. Starring André Deed. 130 m /16 fps/ 8’. AFF. ♪ Donald Sosin. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In his first film for Pathé, AD plays the unfortunate man who desperately chases the wig that some childred have swiped from his head (Catalogue). – The wild chase brings him to the Eiffel tower, to the banks of the Seine, aboard a ship. A remarkable breakthrough.

Les Débuts d'un canotier

FR 1907. PC: Pathé Frères. D: Georges Hatot. Starring André Deed (Boireau). 109 m /16 fps/ 6'. Cin. fr. 2002. ♪ Donald Sosin. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. From an open-air dancing stage on the Marne Boireau starts to learn rowing wreaking havoc among swimmers, other boatsmen, and fishermen, negotiating a waterfall and being angled with a hook.

Les Apprentissages de Boireau

Jim's Apprenticeship. FR 1907. PC: Pathé Frères. D: Albert Capellani. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Aurèle Sydney. 205 m /16 fps/ 12'. Colour: toned. AFF. ♪ Donald Sosin. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The no good Boireau is thrown out of school, beaten at home by mum and dad, and set to work to a hatter, a grocer, a barber, a baker, and an innkeeper, with catastrophal results everywhere.

Boireau fait la noce

FR 1908. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring AD (Boireau), Aurèle Sydney. 165 m /16 fps/ 10'. AFF. ♪ Donald Sosin. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Escaped from his parents' guard, Boireau invites two beautiful girls to lunch, spends recklessly in a chambre séparée, is thrown out, takes the girls to a ride on a stolen car, causes an accident, and is taken to home by two guys who take advantage of the situation and rob his parental home. (Following the catalogue text).

Boireau a mangé de l'ail

FR 1908. PC: Pathé Frères. Starring André Deed (Boireau). 123 m /16 fps/ 7'. Cin. fr. ♪ Donald Sosin. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Having eaten garlic Boireau wreaks havoc with his breath felling a dog, a caretaker, a window cleaner at the top of a ladder, and a newspapeer seller. With his breath he fells the passengers of the subway car, defeats two crooks and two policemen, has a horse gallop backwards and a dog run backwards. Finally, even his own walking stick, his hat, and his mirror image escape his garlic breath.

Une douzaine d'œufs frais

FR 1908. PC: Pathé Frères. D+starring André Deed. 150 m /16 fps/ 9'. AFF. ♪ Donald Sosin. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. AD as a character with oversized, sharply pointed shoes in a nightmare of endlessly breaking eggs. Everything breaks in his hands. Finally he returns home with the eggs; by the morning they turn to chicks.

Verdun, visions d'histoire

FR 1929. PC: Gaumont-Alliance Cinémat. Européenne. D: Léon Poirier. Starring Jeanne-Marie Laurent, Suzanne Bianchetti, Albert Préjean, Antonin Artaud. 1822 m /18 fps/ 89'. AFF. The dialogue as subtitles. ♪ Alain Baents. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The master director of La Brière and La Croisière jaune tackles a big subject, the epochal WWI bloodbath where 600.000 died. There are powerful images here, but somehow it doesn't work, maybe because the silent original was transformed into a sound hybrid. Now shown as a silent with unsuitable piano music.

Two Arabian Knights

Tuhat ja yksi kujetta. US © 1927 United Artists. D: Lewis Milestone. ♪ Robert Israel for 2004 edition. NTSC Digital Video, alas! Flicker Alley for Turner Classic Movies. Monday 4 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The unknown discoveries of Bologna's Lewis Milestone tribute (Two Arabian Knights, The Garden of Eden, The Racket) were shown on video only! I left the room quickly.

Milioni di lettori – centomila diffusori

IT 1950. PC: Partito Comunista Italiano. 10'. Theme: "Cinema di propaganda: 1947 – 1962. Democrazia Cristiana – Partito Comunista Italiano". Monday 4 July 2005, Piazza Maggiore, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Documenti provenienti dall'Archivio del Movimento Operaio. Video, alas! I didn't stay.

Martedì 5 luglio

Tih Minh 4: L'Homme dans la malle

Tih Minh 5: Chez les fous

FR 1918. D: Louis Feuillade. /18 fps/ 30' + 27'. Archives Gaumont-Pathé. ♪ Neil Brand. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Having been exposed, the crooks undergo a metamorphosis and go on with their villainous ways in a new villa under new guises. But the clever Placide has followed them hidden in a trunk. Tih Minh has regressed to the mental state of a baby, and Placide entices her to follow him with the help of a dog. D'Athys employs the services of two British experts: Dr. Cleuzel, "célèbre psychiatre Anglais", and Sir Francis Grey, a top man in the diplomatic hierarchy. The villains hijack Sir Grey to a mental hospital, "L'Asile Bon Repos" and wiretap the garden of the good guys. Still a great sense of mystery, action and rhythm in these episodes.


Presenta Mariann Lewinsky. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Parte prima: Corpo e chiesa (6 films). Parte seconda: Comic Relief (3 films). Parte terza: Bianco e nero (5 films). This program contained two unforgettable films of laconic horror (Les Martyres de l'inquisition and The White Caps) and a remarkable comedy (La Lotion magique).

Latina Contortionist

US 1905. PC: American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. 34 m. LoC. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Amazing body contortions through a ring performed by a very full-figured Latina lady.

[Two Fashion Models in a Garden]

FR 19XX. 16 m. Pochoir colour. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Modelling in a colourful garden.

[Ski Running]

FR ca 1907. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Ski racing with a lot of falls.

[Men In a Swimming Pool]

DE 190X. Coll. Joye X121. 16 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A view of swimmers much like those by Edison.

Les Martyres de l'inquisition

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Lucien Nonguet. 221 m. A fine print from Cin. fr. 1998. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A veritable anthology of the torture methods of the Inquisition, horrible in its laconic style.

La Confession

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 27 m. AFF. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The priest is obviously aroused by the voluptuous confession of a young maid.

La Lotion magique

Die Verhängnisvolle Wirkung. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 122 m. Filmarchiv Austria. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The marriage broker brings together a man and a woman who find each other lacking. The broker provides them with wonder lotions, but the bottles are changed, and the woman's breasts start to grow hair and the man's bald head to sport large breasts.

Erreur de porte

Ein grosses Malheur. FR 1904. PC: Pathé. 35 m. Filmarchiv Austria. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A man mistakes a telephone booth for a restroom.

Le Roi des dollars

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Segundo de Chomón. 34 m. A colour print from NFM. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A beautiful Chomón vignette with extreme close-ups, dominated by the colour of gold: a magician conjures big gold coins from the mouth.

Le Nègre gourmand

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 25 m. AFF. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A simple vignette in the Edison style: black man eats cake, drinks champagne.

The White Caps

US 1905. PC: Edison. D: Edwin S. Porter. 255 m. LoC. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Vigorous action and strong visualization from the director of The Great Train Robbery. Wife and daughter escape a violent husband. Men in white hoods chase the man and punish him with tar and feathers. The film is surprisingly ambiguous, as the white-hooded men are exactly like a KKK lynch mob. The matter-of-fact presentation of violence is still effective. Certainly a high point in Porter's career.

Fâcheuse méprise

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. 26 m. AFF. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Tar instead of holy water causes an unpleasant surprise for two dignified ladies in the church.

Le Langage des fleurs

FR 1905. 25 m. Cin. fr. 1998. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A black and white print featuring a young man and a lady of the court.

Le Langage des fleurs

FR 1905. 25 m /16 fps/ 2'. Cin. Royale de Belgique 1997. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A pochoir colour print featuring a young man and a lady of the court. The colour makes all the difference, completely transforming the film.


A cura di Ferran Alberich. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Five shorts or excerpts, all on video, alas!

[Menjant garotes]

[Eating Sea Urchins]. ES 1930. D: Luis Buñuel. 4'. Silent, no titles. Filmoteca de Catalunya – Fundació Gala-Dali. BetaSP, alas. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. While filming L'Age d'or in Cadaqués, LB shot this home movie at Salvador Dali's father's house. Climax: Dali's parents eat sea urchins, an important sexual symbol for Dali and Buñuel.

[Fragmentos de la filmación de Las Hurdes]

ES 1933–1934. D: Luis Buñuel. (5' announced, much longer in fact). Work print, no sound. Filmoteca Española. BetaSP, alas. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Las Hurdes outtakes: bees, fiesta di alberga, grim rooster rite, a storm hits the trees, in the goat sequence the goats are coaxed to jump, school footage with deleted shots of nice kids.

Espagne 1936

ES/FR 1937. PC: Ciné-Liberté. D: Luis Buñuel. SC: Jean-Paul Le Chanois; Pierre Unik, LB. DP: Roman Karmen, Manuel Villagas López. Commentary read by Gaston Modot. Original in French. 35'. Filmoteca Española. BetaSP, alas, bad sound, misframed. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Buñuel worked as a cultural attaché for the Spanish republic in Paris, where he made this film, a history and defense of the Spanish Republic established in 1931 and attacked by the forces lead by Franco. There are powerful images of the Civil War. "Madrid est devenu le Verdun d'Espagne": Spain had to suffer the experience of total war with Franco backed up by Hitler and Mussolini. This film ends on an optimistic note. No pasaran!

[Happy End for Los Olvidados]

MX 1950. PC: Ultramar Films. D: Luis Buñuel. 5' + 2'. Filmoteca Española. BetaSP, alas. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. First the real ending was shown, and then the happy end that was never used: Pedro kills Jaibo in the fight in the attic, gets back the money that was trusted him by the benevolent schoolmaster and stolen by Jaibo, and returns to the school at dawn.

[Comparison of two versions of Las aventuras de Robinson Crusoe]

MX/US 1952. PC: Tepayac. D: Luis Buñuel. 10'. Filmoteca Española. DVD, alas. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Two negatives were shot for Robinson Crusoe: an English and a Spanish original version. There are many differences between the two, mainly minor ones. The comparison footage is available as two parallel frames.


Five films with André Deed as Cretinetti. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In this programme, Come fu l'ingordigia rovinò il natale a Cretinetti is a seminal piece, and Cretinetti distratto another especially successful title.

Cretinetti ficcanaso

IT 1909. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 99 m /16 fps/ 6'. Cineteca di Bologna / L'Immagine Ritrovata 2005. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A wild series of gags where Cretinetti's head becomes an anvil, he gets covered by flour, falls in a pit, and gets stuck in telephone cables.

["Cretinetti ha ingoiato un gambero"]

Gibrouille heeft... [Catalogue information: IT 1909. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti)] /16 fps/ 10'. Dutch intertitles. NFM. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Not André Deed, said Jean A. Gili in the screening. Man eats lobster and transforms into a human lobster, doing everything backwards. Finally, even the carriage he mounts starts to move backwards, and the horse, too. – This film is probably an imitation of a Cretinetti film with the same title and idea.

Cretinetti distratto

Distractions of Foolshead. IT 1910. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 168 m /16 fps/ 9'. AFI / Cineteca di Bologna. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A sleepwalker's adventures: with a dancer's grace and a pantomime's skill Cretinetti walks through the city wreaking havoc; finally a cigarette lit in the wrong place causes an explosion which lands him back to bed.

Cretinetti fra due fuochi

De vreeding van Gibrouille. IT 1910. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 183 m /16 fps/ 11'. Dutch intertitles. NFM. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Cretinetti has double-booked a date with two beautiful women. They start a duel with swords and pistols. Cretinetti loses them both to other men.

Come fu che l'ingordigia rovinò il Natale di Cretinetti

IT 1910. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 237 m /16 fps/ 13'. Cineteca di Bologna, Museo Nazionale del Cinema. ♪ Alain Baents. Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinèma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Programme book: Cretinetti is a very greedy boy, and he eats ten cakes prepared by his parents for him on the Christmas tree all at once. He then falls asleep and has a bad dream: the ways of the heavens open up before him. After having caused such confusion in heaven that God in person has to intervene, Cretinetti finds himself in hell where some little devils cook him in the pot. – Own comments: At night the impatient boy Cretinetti robs the Christmas tree, and breaks the plates and the toys and eats up the goodies. Santa Claus gets angry, takes him to the sky, even to Heaven, but Cretinetti escapes, sits on God's chair, and takes the key from St. Peter. God gets furious, and Cretinetti lands in hell, but he is too much even for the Devil to handle. The definitive André Deed movie of the ones I have seen.

I delfini

(Not released in Finland). The Dauphins. IT 1960. PC: Lux Vides. P: Franco Cristaldi. D: Francesco Maselli. SC: Ennio De Concini, Maselli, Aggeo Savioli, con la collaborazione di Alberto Moravia. DP: Gianni Di Venanzo. M: Giovanni Fusco. Starring Betsy Blair, Claudia Cardinale, Gérard Blain, Anna-Maria Ferrero, Tomas Milian. 110'. Restauro realizzato dalla Cristaldi Film in collaborazione con la Fondazione Scuola Nazionale di Cinema-Cineteca Nazionale e con il contributo dell’Associazione Philip Morris Progetto Cinema, della Regione Marche – Assessorato alla Cultura e del Comune di Ascoli Piceno – Assessorato alla Cultura. In the presence of Betsy Blair (*1923) and Francesco Maselli (*1930). Tuesday 5 July 2005, Cinema Arlecchino, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. – Betsy Blair, who recently published her memoir, The Memory of All That (2003), was honored in Bologna with a tribute of three films including this quality piece from the golden age of Italian cinema. It's Antonioni land, and the configuration resembles Le amiche. Maselli is a good director of actors, some of them here at the beginning of their careers. It's a complex web of relationships in a little town where everything seems to turn around the town square, Café Meletti, and Villa de Matteis. – The Jewish connection: the foundation of the wealth of one of the rich men of the town is the fact that he has betrayed the trust of his Jewish companion during WWII. A seguire incontro con Betsy Blair e Francesco Maselli. Betsy Blair was blacklisted in Hollywood and went to a permanent European exile to make films with Bardem, Antonioni, Maselli, etc.

Wednesday 6 July

Tih Minh 6: Les Oiseaux de nuit

Tih Minh 7: Evocation

FR 1918. PC: Gaumont. D: Louis Feuillade. /18 fps/ 31' + 27'. ♪ Donald Sosin. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Grâce à la science du docteur, Tih Minh semblait de regaigner la vie. She is a tabula rasa, but her intelligence is revitalized to grow like flowers. Après des semaines de silence, les premiers paroles: "je t'aime". The villains keep lurking in the bushes with wiretaps. Le cousin Baptiste: engaged to serve the diplomat, Sir Grey. But the villains plant a decoy, Dolorès, in the adjoining room, to seduce Baptiste. Interesting touch: the thoroughly disgusted habitus of Dolorès. Still Baptiste is easy prey for her. Beautiful scene: Francis returns, and through the mirror we see the pistol of Dolorès under the bed. Another interesting Feuillade feature: long takes of faces of persons caught in a dilemma. We see them think hard. Oiseaux nocturnes dans Villa Luciola. Marquise Dolorès, une enigme vivante. Placide is the life of the film, great in love scenes with Rosette, amusing in his disappointed reaction to Baptiste. The good doctor hypnotizes Dolorès, and in her hypnotized state we now learn the backstory to everything. In 1911 in Tonkin, Laurençon, le père de Tih Minh... clair de lune... flashback... le voisin: un allemand nommé Marx. Un jour, un vieil Hindu: "je veux parler à un representant de France". The Hindu message from 1870 ("en cas d'une guerre Européenne") gives highly sensitive information for European politics. Tih Minh's memory comes back: Marx = Gilson, he is the murderer of her father, already then in search for the secret document. She senses more: "Marx est ici!". Yes, he is hiding behind the curtain, the nail marks of Tih Minh still on his chin. The villains cut the electricity, and Marx/Gilson manages to escape again.


Prima del divismo – Before Stars. Presenta Mariann Lewinsky. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Prima parte: Protagonisti (5 films), Seconda parte: Sosia – Remake I (2 films), Terza parte: Con dedica – A Boby / Roving around Rover (6 films). – Among the discoveries of this programme: Loïe Fuller and Vie de Moïse. – The actual programme was different from the published ones on the internet and in the catalogue.

Loïe Fuller

Loïe-Fuller. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. Scène de danse, Cat. Bousquet No. 1201. 28 m. Colour. AFF. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Pochoir colour fantastic. A serpentine dance at its most brilliant, a wonderful apparition.

Le Pape Léon XIII au Vatican

FR 1903. PC: Pathé. Scène d'actualité, B. 985. 20 m. Cin. Royale Belgique 1994 / Alan Roberts. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The Pope is carried in his sedan chair.


Hunde Theater. FR ca 1908. PC: Pathé. Scène d'acrobatie. Österreichisches Filmmuseum. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Circus dogs perform in their elaborate show. Even monkeys get to help.

Vie de Moïse

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. Scène biblique en 6 tableaux, B. 1276. 170 m. Colour. Cin. Royale Belgique / Alan Roberts. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The six tableaux: Moïse sauvé des eaux. Le Buisson ardent. Passage de la Mer Rouge. Les Hebreux au désert. Sur le Mont Sinaï. L'Adoration du veau d'or. A fascinating naive, primitive Biblical film. The parting of the Red Sea is realized with paint and reflections. Blasphemously, God is made visible. Moses breaks the golden calf with the tablets of the Law. In the final image he sports long drawn gold horns.

Première sortie

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. Starring Max Linder. Scène comique, B. 1254. Originally 110 m, surviving footage 66 m (incomplete). AFF / Lumière Project. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Max in uniform getting drunk. An early comedy of the future star.

Les Farces de Toto gâte-sauce

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. Scène comique, B. 1303. 82 m. NFM. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A good sense of rhythm and movement in the story of the pranks of the young rascal Toto at the pâtisserie. His victims go after him in a wild chase, but he catches them in a trap and sets them on fire (!).

Our New Errand Boy

GB 1905. PC: Williamson Kinematograph Co. D: James Williamson. 109 m. AFF. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A bad dupe, paper print quality. A British remake of Les Farces de Toto gâte-sauce.

Unter dem Mikroskop: Larve der Wasserfliege

(possibly: The May Fly Larva). GB 1903. PC: Charles Urban Trading Co. D: F. Martin-Duncan. 23 m. Filmarchiv Austria. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The beauty of scientific cinema, very close to experimental film.

Le Déjeuner du savant

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. Scène comique B. 1240. 40 m. AFF. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. At breakfast, the scientist senses a foul smell in his bread and puts it under the microscope. The view is like that of the ship doctor's in Potyomkin. He then decides to drink water only, but it occurs to him to examine it, as well. It is full of living creatures.

Le Bébé gourmand

Der kleine Vielfrass. FR 1903. PC: Pathé. Scène comique B. 706. 40 m. Filmarchiv Austria. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. On a black fond, a baby feeds another chocolate, but there is no end to crying.

Our Baby

US 1908. 80 m. BFI/NFTVA – Collection Joye. German intertitles. (sostituisce: Bain de Bébé, FR 1903, PC: Pathé, B. 1252). ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Educational film on baby care in precise and loving detail.

Rescued by Rover (version 2)

Boby, il cane salvatore. GB 1905. PC: Cecil Hepworth. D: Lewin Fitzhamon. 120 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Mariann Lewinsky: this film, canonized as a milestone of cinema history for its editing, is not very original from a contents point of view. Cinema adopted an old literary motif, and especially around 1905 children are frequently being searched for in films, either because they were stolen, or because they themselves had stolen something.

Mixed Babies

GB 1905. PC: Sheffield Photo Co. D: Frank Mottershaw. 47 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A young rascal mixes the babies in two carts. There is a wild chase with the police at the heels.


A cura di Adriano Aprà, in collaborazione con Jon Wengström, Claudio Bondi e Fiorella Mariani. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. An ambitious project to screen scattered Rossellini material and to cover variants to nearly all his films was launched. I watched the three contributions on 35mm and skipped the DVD Rossellini / Pascal, un ricordo.

Kort möte med familjen Rossellini

Brief Encounter with the Rossellini Family. SE 1953. PC: Europafilm. D: Gert Engström. Featuring Ingrid Bergman, Roberto Rossellini, the three babies, and George Sanders. 5'. Cin/SFI, edited in 2004 from a SVT interpositive. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Shot on the island of Capri during the production of Viaggio in Italia.

[Riprese per Santa Brigida]

SE 1952. D: Roberto Rossellini. Featuring Ingrid Bergman. Silent footage. 9'. Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Cineteca Nazionale, from Cin/SFI. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Outtakes and rushes shot for the Swedish short film För barnens skull (For the Sake of the Children) produced by the Swedish charity organization Rädda barnen (Save the Children). Ingrid Bergman visits the Brigida nunnery at piazza Famese in Rome to help nuns distribute clothes donated to children in need.

Ingrid in Italia

IT 1982. PC: Asadin srl. D: Fiorella Mariani. Incorporating Rossellini-Bergman home movies. 30'. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Beautiful colour combines vintage footage with contemporary location footage. Glimpses from 1950 onwards: the mother's footage on the babies and the family. Rare home movies with Alberto Sordi as a birthday guest. "I wanted the hard way, and that's what I got". "In Italian I can only say 'I love you'".


Presentano Sergio Toffetti (Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Cineteca Nazionale) e Davide Pozzi (Cineteca di Bologna), Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Five Italian films with André Deed as Cretinetti. The best ones of this set: Il regalo di Cretinetti and Il Natale di Cretinetti.

Cretinetti vuol romperla ad ogni costo

IT 1911. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 173 m /16 fps/ 10'. Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale, copia restaurata nel 2005 presso il laboratorio L'Immagine Ritrovata. Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Cretinetti is engaged with a kind girl, but his previous love, an opera singer, will not stand for it. There is a trick with a false beard like later in To Be Or Not To Be.

Il regalo di Cretinetti

IT 1911. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 164 m /16 fps/ 9'. Cineteca di Bologna, Archivo Nacional de la Imagen - sodre (Fernando Pereda) 2004. Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Cretinetti wants to buy her lady friend a gift. The bunch of flowers is taken away, a set of dishes ends up shattered down the stairs, and the final gift idea, a piano, is hauled with results maybe topping even Laurel & Hardy. A fatal kiss leads to the final catastrophe.

Cretinetti assiste ad un combattimento di galli

IT 1911. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 146 m /16 fps/ 5'. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following a cockfight, Cretinetti is inspired, even possessed by the roosters, with a disturbing intensity, liberating hens, and causing a general chaos.

Cretinetti s'incarica del trasloco

Müller übernimmt den Umzug. IT 1911. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). 150 m /16 fps/ 8'. Cineteca di Bologna. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The Bioscope: "Cretinetti finds his fiancée and her parents very worried about the arrival of the porters that should move their furniture, but he reassures them that he will personally resolve the problem. The last of his worries is the integrity of the furniture that must be moved, so that every object is thrown out of the window or down the stairs at a faster speed than any normal porter. The cyclone of falling objects knocks over passers-by and residents". Even the maid gets thrown out together with the objects, and house walls tumble down in Cretinetti's moving zeal.

Il Natale di Cretinetti

IT 1911. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti). Original 236 m, surviving: 132 m /16 fps/ 8'. Cineteca di Bologna, Archivo Nacional de la Imagen - Sodre 2002 (Fernando Pereda). ♪ Maud Nelissen. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Another great Christmas film by Cretinetti. He comes to the Christmas party at his fiancée's house with an overwhelmingly bigger amount of gifts that he can comfortably carry, complete with a Christmas tree, a rifle, and a wooden horse. He bumps into a postman, gifts get mixed up, and Cretinetti picks up a packet containing three bottles: ether of fear, ether of mirth, and ether of anger. He bumps into the butler, and the three ether bottles break with predictable results.


Five restored Chaplin films. ♪ Neil Brand. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The photochemical look of the BFI/NFTVA restorations is much more pleasant than the digital look of some other Keystone restorations. The films are usually storywise very crude but visually charming if seen in close-to-the-original prints. It's very gratifying to see new, better prints of films previously known in a highly battered state.

Kid Auto Races at Venice, Cal.

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D: Henry Lehrman. Starring Charles Chaplin. 147 m /16 fps/ 7'. Chaplin Opus 2. BFI/NFTVA. Neil Brand. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Photochemical look. The first film with Chaplin as the Tramp, it's a one-joke movie: the annoying guy keeps appearing in front of the camera, spoiling every shot of the newsreel.

Mabel at the Wheel

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D+SC: Mabel Normand, Mack Sennett. Starring Charles Chaplin (Villain), Mabel Normand (Mabel). 441 m /18 fps/ 21'. BFI/NFTVA. Chaplin Opus 10. ♪ Neil Brand. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Photochemical look. In this brutal farce, Chaplin plays the villain in a very extreme fashion with no redeeming traits. This cinema of cruelty is not really funny at all.

A Film Johnnie

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D: George Nichols. Starring Charles Chaplin (The Film Johnnie), Roscoe Arbuckle (Fatty), Virginia Kirtley (The Keystone Girl). /18 fps/ 15'. Chaplin Opus 5. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Neil Brand. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Photochemical look. Following the David Robinson synopsis: at the cinema, Charlie falls for the Keystone Girl, pursues her to the studio, and causes havoc among the productions, until fire breaks out, and the fire brigade enters.

The Property Man

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D+starring: Charles Chaplin. /18 fps/ 27'. Chaplin Opus 21. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Neil Brand. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Photochemical look. This film also belongs to the cinema of cruelty line in Chaplin's career. Charlie is still the heartless villain, but the film is richer than the ones directed by others.

Gentlemen of Nerve

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D+starring: Charles Chaplin. 314 m /16 fps/ 17'. Chaplin Opus 30. LoC. Neil Brand. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Not much progress in here: Charlie is still a violent, annoying villain trying to trick his way into the racetrack. But all Keystones are exciting as exercises in speed, movement and physical gags.

The Way of Lost Souls

"Son dernier tango" [FR, title of the print]. Rue des ames perdues (BG). The Woman He Scorned. Langenneiden sielujen katu. GB 1929. PC: Warner Bros. P: Charles E. Whittaker. D: Paul Czinner. SC: Czinner, Whittaker. DP: Adolf Schlasy. Starring Pola Negri (Louise), Warwick Ward (Maxim), Hans Rehmann (John). 1835 m /22 fps/ 73'. A sonorized silent. Version française, intertitres français. From Cinémathèque de Toulouse. Restored by AFF/CNC. Presenta Martine Offroy. Wednesday 6 July 2005, Cinema Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. OK high contrast print. Czinner's first non-German-language film, after five brilliant Bergner vehicles his first without her. Stark melodrama takes place in the red-light district and the lighthouse. Pola escapes from her criminal boyfriend Maxim and marries the lighthouse keeper John, but her past life returns to the sheltered tower. Not one of Czinner's masterpieces. Memorable: strong expressionistic sense of milieu and atmosphere; Pola's funnily overblown advances (feeling his telescope); one of the most surprising instances of montage in the history of the cinema: the lighthouse keeper's boat is wrecked in a storm, and in the next shot he weds Pola in the church. This is one of the transitional films from the German silent age to the French poetic realism (Dans les rues, La Rue sans nom) and the US film noir. Some of its English and French titles connect it directly to the German street films. – Omaggio ad Raymond Borde – following Natacha Laurent: he preferred the road less travelled, never settled for reproducing what others had done before him, actively refusing any nostalgia, an explorer of the seventh art. "We look for what thrills us: freedom, poetry and love".

Thursday 7 July

Tih Minh 8: Sous le voile

Tih Minh 9: Le Branche de salut

FR 1918. PC: Gaumont. D: Louis Feuillade. /18 fps/ 29' + 30'. Archives Gaumont-Pathé. ♪ Alain Baents good. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Only the good doctor with his magnetic touch can cure Dolorès, the decoy of the villains. He hypnotizes her to lead the heroes to the villains' lair. Simultaneously, two villains enter Villa Luciola disguised as monks. From a speeding car, Dolorès is taken away from the heroes just like that. A great sense of the absurd and a great sense of humour in several scenes (Placide finds the wiretaps, the statue hit by a bullet, a little dog chasing the villains). The disgraced Baptiste finds the villains' lair in the mountains. The heroes' group now consists of three amorous pairs. Tih Minh wants to join the mission to the mountains à venger mon père. Unbeknownst to d'Athys, she is hidden in the bottom of the giant provisions basket. Sidonie, the new cook, is a new agent for the villains, and she alerts them via a messenger dog. Cliffhanger scene: the basket with Tih Minh in it falls and hangs on a branch.


Presenta Mariann Lewinsky. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Prima parte: Pars e toto (3 films). Seconda parte: Sincronicità: Remake II (one double projection). Terza parte: Prima – dopo: Remake III (4 films). This was the golden age of cinema for children: children were the biggest audience, and the fairytale (féerie) was a major genre.

Duel scene from "Macbeth"

US 1905. PC: American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. Based on the play by Shakespeare. 34 m. LoC. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A theatrical duel against a painted backdrop.

Le Chemineau

De zwerver. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Albert Capellani. Based on Les Misérables by Hugo. Originally 110 m, this print incomplete. Tinted and toned. NFM. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Jean Valjean as a tramp (chemineau) enters the bishop's house as it snows, steals the silverware and gets caught. Already an assured touch to the subject by the director, who in 1911 directed the first feature-length adaptation of Hugo's novel.

Vot' permis? Cours après! Viens l'chercher!

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Charles Lucien Lépine. DP: Segundo de Chomón. B. 1241. AFF. Tinted and toned. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. At the beginning of a great development. A great chase: the gamekeeper on the hunter's trail.

Rescued by Rover (versions 1+3)

GB 1905. P: Cecil Hepworth. D: Lewin Fitzhamon. 140 m. BFI/NFTVA. The special scope print for the simultaneous comparison of the two versions in fullsize. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Still an exemplary study print of two versions of a film.

Mitchell and Kenyon 323: Burnley Children Treat (2) 24.6.1905

GB 1905. PC: Mitchell and Kenyon. 42 m. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Children waiting in a queue.

La Belle au bois dormant (1902)

Dornröschen. FR 1902. PC: Pathé. D: Lucien Nonguet, Ferdinand Zecca. D'après le conte de Charles Perrault (1697). Orig. 300 m, "l'apothéose est en couleur". 264 m. Filmarchiv Austria. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. An effective rendering of the tale in frontal tableau style. Das fatale Spinnrad, Der 100-jährige Schlaf, Der Traum des Königssohns, the three-way crossing, Die verzauberte Hütte, Die Affeninsel, Die wunderbare Eiche, Die Feen-Grotte, Dornröschens Erwache, Im Feenland Apotheose – the climax in colour.

La Belle au bois dormant (1908)

FR 1908. PC: Pathé. D: Albert Capellani, Lucien Nonguet. D'après le conte de Charles Perrault (1697). Orig. 300 m, this print 200 m. Colour: tinted, toned, pochoir. NFM. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Interestingly, the second Pathé rendering of the fairy-tale is not necessarily better, at least not in this shortened print. The climax is more pronounced: the entrance of the prince to the dormant castle, through the cobweb, waking the princess with a kiss, the appearance of the good fairy.

Mitchell and Kenyon 324: Burnley Children Treat (3) 24.6.1905

GB 1905. PC: Mitchell and Kenyon. 24 m /16 fps/ 2'. BFI/NFTVA. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The frame is full of waving, running children by the Empire Theatre.

Sellaisena kuin sinä minut halusit

Come mi volevi. FI 1944. P+D: Teuvo Tulio. 102'. La messa in scena della guerra – il fronte finlandese. Presenta Peter von Bagh. English subtitles, earphone commentary in Italian. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A low contrast print. I listened to the presentation only.


♪ Neil Brand. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Seven French films, in the first of which his Italian incarnation Gribouille–Cretinetti becomes again the original French Boireau character.

Gribouille redevient Boireau

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli. 213 m /20 fps/ 10'. Brilliant print from Cin. fr. 2002. ♪ Neil Brand. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following Bulletin Pathé: Gribouille (Cretinetti) once in France called himself Boireau before falling in love with a Sicilian girl, but her terrible father has Gribouille run away over the border back to France. There is an incredible locomotive chase with a terrible explosion. Gribouille flies to the clouds and falls through a cinema studio roof like a meteor. He is welcomed with open arms, a number of lenses focus on him, and repatriation complete, he can become Boireau again.

Boireau au harem (version A)

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: Henry Gambard. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Cherifeh Hanem. 290 m /16 fps/ 16'. AFF. ♪ Neil Brand. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following the programme text: Boireau is asked to photograph the Pasha of Istanbul, but he falls in love with a harem dancer. Threatened with being decapitated he dresses up as a bayadère. The disguise is discovered, and Boireau is spared his life only because the Pasha is very happy with the portrait taken by the photographer.

Boireau au harem (version B)

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: Henry Gambard. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Cherifeh Hanem. 290 m /16 fps/ 16'. Restored by AFF. ♪ Neil Brand. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following the programme text: Boireau is asked to photograph the Pasha of Istanbul, but he falls in love with a harem dancer. Threatened with being decapitated he dresses up as a bayadère. The disguise is discovered, and Boireau is spared his life only because the Pasha is very happy with the portrait taken by the photographer. – Version B differs slightly from A in the fact that the ballerina Cherifeh Hanem and AD perform more scantily dressed.

Boireau en mission scientifique

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau). 286 m /16 fps/ 16'. AFF. ♪ Neil Brand. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following Bulletin Pathé: Boireau sets off for a scientific mission on behalf of a society of scholars of which he is president. They explore the bottom of the ocean for the famous sponge used to make towels. The ship, hit by an iceberg, sinks, but Boireau is saved on a raft. He reaches an island, where he puts on the diving suit. The natives see him emerge from the water and adore him as God. Tired of adulation Boireau flees back home. – The wildly gesticulating scientists (qf Méliès), the charmingly rudimentary special effects.

Boireau fille de ferme

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli (Gribouillette). 192 m /16 fps/ 11'. B. 5412. Fine print AFF. ♪ Neil Brand. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following Bulletin Pathé: Gribouillette, the daughter of a fat Normandy land agent, has four suitors: a fireman, a land agent, the clerk of a notary office, and Boireau the stable boy, the only one who has managed to win her heart. The father dreams of a good match for his daughter: the three other suitors have his support. Boireau dresses up as Gribouillette and receives, in his way, her suitors. – Both André Deed and his real-life wife Valentina Frascaroli are seen in drag as they change parts. AD is quite funny as the feisty "country girl".

Boireau et la gigolette

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli. 269 m /16 fps/ 15'. B. 5195. AFF. ♪ Neil Brand. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following Bulletin Pathé: AD the bon-vivant is alerted by noises of apaches fighting over their queen's heart, a dark-haired gigolette. Mesmerized by her as well, Boireau follows her to their underworld den, starts to sport apache wear. The fellow gangsters do everything to get rid of Boireau. But the gigolette is conquered by her suitor's perseverance. – Lots of trick gags, including one where the gangsters bury Boireau alive, but in a cross-section image we see him dig a tunnel through the earth like a mole.


Four newly restored versions of Chaplin's Keystone films. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The best of the set: The New Janitor, also good: His Musical Career.

The New Janitor

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D+starring: Charles Chaplin. Chaplin Opus 27. 311 m /16 fps/ 17'. Da SEA, BFI/NFTVA, Cineteca di Bologna, and Lobster Films, restaurato presso L'Immagine Ritrovata nel 2005. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A step above the routine Keystone romps, this one has the same structure as The Floorwalker for Mutual. It's fast and sharp, there are dimensions of feeling beyond slapstick, the development of the storyline and gags is more mature than in routine Keystones, and the characters are more interesting. Charlie's best Keystone film?

Mabel's Busy Day

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D: Mabel Normand. Starring Mabel Normand, Charles Chaplin. Chaplin Opus 18. 304 m /16 fps/ 17'. Da Cineteca di Bologna, BFI/NFTVA, Lobster Films. Restaurato presso L'Immagine Ritrovata nel 2005. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In this film with a highly improvised look Charlie is an annoying disturber in a race, who intrudes without paying and keeps stealing from Mabel the sausage-seller. The vicious, lady-kicking Charlie is not in his tramp costume. The slapstick is crude and violent, even sadistic and misogynistic, although Normand was the director. Yet there are some redeeming aspects of pantomime in the slapstick, and the final battle is impressive.

Making a Living

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D: Henry Lehrman. Starring: Henry Lehrman (the reporter), Charles Chaplin (the dude). Chaplin Opus 1. 314 m /16 fps/ 18'. Da Cineteca di Bologna, BFI/NFTVA, Lobster Films, restaurato presso L'Immagine Ritrovata 2005. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In his first film, Charlie is at first sight unrecognizable in his dude costume, to quote David Robinson: "he wore a grey top hat, check waistcoat, stiff collar, spotted cravat and monocle. Most surprising was the long, drooping moustache of a rather dejected stage villain". The ultra-fast story is about a reporter (Lehrman) and his villainous friend (Chaplin) who wants to steal his girl and sets to flirting both with her and her mother. Following the Robinson synopsis, there is a chase, a contretemps in a lady's bedroom, and a grand finale on the cow-catcher of a moving train. "Chaplin hated the film" (Robinson); so did I.

His Musical Career

US 1914. PC: Keystone. D+starring: Charles Chaplin, with Mack Swain. Chaplin Opus 31. 312 m /16 fps/ 18'. Cineteca di Bologna, BFI/NFTVA, Lobster Films – restaurato presso L'Immagine Ritrovata 2005. ♪ Donald Sosin. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The model for The Music Box (Laurel & Hardy). Charlie and Mack are piano movers with two orders: to deliver a piano to Mr. Rich and to collect a piano from another address for unpaid installments. The addresses get mixed up. After quite a commotion the piano lands in the lake with a big splash. The most memorable gag: Charlie is unable to straighten up having carried the piano on his back.

Friday 8 July

Tih Minh 10: Mercredi 13

Tih Minh 11: Le Document 29

FR 1918. PC: Gaumont. D: Louis Feuillade. Da Archives Gaumont-Pathé. /18 fps/ 37' + 31'. ♪ Neil Brand. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Auberge de la montagne: Placide guesses that Rita the dog is carrying a secret shipment from the villains. The shipment contains highly powerful sedative, replaced with plain sugar by our heroes. Fine use of extreme long shot in the image of the spies trying to find the Tih Minh basket. Counter-hypnosis unsuccessful on Dolorès. Fine instance of mise-en-scène in the kitchen as Sidonie the maid is tricked with the sedative. Followed by a beautiful sequence with the fake sleepers. Tih Minh rescued by Dolorès. Sir Grey the diplomat learns of grave danger, occult powers, secret armies, connected with Document 29. A fake mailman sent by the spies steals the secret letter revealing that the conspiracy has been made harmless; only the three spies remain to be captured. The tables turn, the spies now being the hunted ones.


A cura di Mariann Lewinsky. Presenta Camille Blot-Wellens. Selezione di film restaurati dalla Filmoteca Española, dalla Filmoteca de la Generalitat de Catalunya e dalla Lobster Films. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Prima parte: Film Parnaland provenienti dalla Filmoteca Española (Madrid) (25 films), Seconda parte: Film Parnaland provenienti dalla Filmoteca de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Barcelona) (2 films), Terza parte: Film Parnaland provenienti da Lobster (Paris) (5 films). – (Three further films mentioned in the programme catalogue were not screened.) – From the presentation of Camille Blot-Wellens: Ambroise-François Parnaland, one of the pioneers of animated photography, registered his patent in February 1896, and presented his first "filmed views" in 1897. From the foundation of his first company with his brother until the premises became the Eclair company in 1907, Parnaland made more than 500 films of all genres: "actualities, historical, scientific, comedies, films to run backwards, transformations, trick films, etc." (Parnaland Catalogue, 1901). The in-depth history of the company has been published by Laurent Mannoni. The history of the Eclair company is well-known, but the Anciens Etablissements Parnaland and the films made there are almost completely unknown. Among the hundreds of films acquired 1897–1906 by Sagarmínaga, one of Spain's cinema pioneers, whose collection is being restored by Filmoteca Española, are some 30 Parnaland films. In Bologna around 40 films, nearly all Parnaland titles recovered so far, were shown.

Ecole de natation

Baño des colegiales. FR 1897–1899. PC: Parnaland. 16 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A long shot of a swimming school.

Le Chien et l'arroseur

FR 1897–1899. PC: Parnaland. 13 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Dogs showered on the street in front of the studio.

Bonne d'enfant et militaire

Galanteos militares. FR 1897–1899. PC: Parnaland. 19 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction on two amorous soldiers and a nursemaid.

Avenue des Champs-Elysées

Avenida de los Campos Eliseos. FR 1897–1899. PC: Parnaland. 20 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A street view, horses.

Cour de ferme

Corral de aves. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 15 m. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction view of a farm with hens, fowl, cow.

Feu d'herbes

Quema de hierbas. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 16 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: burning leaves.

Chanteur des cours

El músico galante. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 20 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Farce: a brass band serenading a woman, the bugle player gets water in the horn.


El rebaño. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 14 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction on a sheep pen.

Grosse tête de Pierrot

FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 17 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. An extreme close-up of Pierrot, symbol pour sa maison.

[Les Plongeurs]

FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 20 m. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: a general view of a port.

Pierrot buveur

Pierrot y el diablo. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 30 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A black dream devil vs. the woman of the cross.

Restitution forcée

Restitucion del vaso del vino. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 15 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Pierrot and the drunkard with a tap installed on his side.

Sauts de haies par des officiers de cavalerie

Saltos de caballeros: [...]. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 21 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: steeplechase.


Regimiento de ingenieros. FR 1900. PC: Parnaland. 18 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: a parade.

Le Bâteau insubmersible

FR 1900. PC: Parnaland. 20 m. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: Expo Universelle 1900: an unsinkable boat.

Gendarme et voleur de canards

Gendarme atascado. FR 1900–1901. PC: Parnaland. 17 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: a boy's prank.

Sieste interrompue

La siesta del portero. FR 1900–1901. PC: Parnaland. 16 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Comedy: a children's prank with a sleeping porter.

Les Bons payent pour les mauvais

El fumador. FR 1900–1901. PC: Parnaland. 19 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: a pipe-smoker drives everyone away.

Le Cambrioleur insaisissable

Ladron que se essurre. FR 1901. PC: Parnaland. 19 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: transformation film: the metamorphosing thief.

Arrosage général

Riego general. FR 1901. PC: Parnaland. 19 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: with sets: the man with the waterhose and the boy (not the same prank as with Lumière).

Fâcheuse distraction

Distraccion seltz al sombrero. FR 1901. PC: Parnaland. 10 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Comedy: medium shot: an elegant woman and La Vie en rose soda water that lands in the hat.

Le Marchand de nougat et le marchand de coco

El anunciador. FR 1902. PC: Parnaland. 15 m. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Comedy: water inside an advertising horn.


FR 1902. PC: Parnaland. 15 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: the big waves of the sea.

Petits causes, grands effets

La disputa. FR 1902–1904. PC: Parnaland. 12 m. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: with sets: a little girl and grown-ups in a park.

Les Bûcherons

Los leñadores. FR 1902–1904. PC: Parnaland. 45 m. Tinted amber. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: with sets: workers idle whenever no one is looking; a dispute is settled with an axe on the head; a clown's head.

La Chasse à cour

Caza del ciervo Angleterra. FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 81 m. Tinted yellow. Filmoteca Española. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction on deer hunting in England.

Fox terriers et rats

FR 1XXX. PC: Parnaland. 25 m. Filmoteca del Generalitat de Catalunya 2005. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: in a fence, puppies of fox terriers chase and eat rats.

Bain de pieds à la moutarde

FR 1XXX. PC: Parnaland. 46 m. Filmoteca del Generalitat de Catalunya. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: with sets: and transformations: a mustard bath for feet to cure a headache turns the feet into webfeet.

En passant l'octroi

FR 1901. PC: Parnaland. 18 m. Lobster Films. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: with sets: a "woman" forced to strip at the customs is a man with a giant consignment of smuggled goods.

La Malle et l'Auvergnat

FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 18 m. Lobster Films. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Fiction: with sets: a cross-dressing sketch.

Lions sauteurs (dompteur Laurent)

FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 18 m. Colorié en main. Lobster Films. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A multi-colour lion-taming show, very impressive.

La Loïe Fuller dans la cage aux lions (dompteur Laurent)

FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 18 m. Colorié en main. Lobster Films. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A wild spectacle of Loïe Fuller's serpentine dance in a lion's cage.

Ours blanc

FR ca 1900. PC: Parnaland. 18 m. Lobster Films. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Non-fiction: first black bears, then a white one.


A cura di Tatti Sanguineti e Paola Pallottino. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 2, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Discussed: the real fire-eater Savitri, set consultant and Anthony Quinn's personal trainer in La strada, himself documented on film in Dieci anni della nostra vita and Fuori le mura (1948). Discussed by Paola Pallottino: the many connections of La strada to Corriere dei piccoli (1919), including the characters Zarappa>Zampanò and Cerini>Gelsomina.


Eight films by André Deed as Boireau for Pathé. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The most memorable film of this set: Une extraordinaire aventure de Boireau.

Boireau et la demi mondaine

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli (la demi mondaine). 207 m /16 fps/ 12'. Good AFF print. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following the catalogue notes: Boireau Sr has decided to marry off his son, the hope of the family. But Boireau Jr has already made his choice for Valentine. He locks away in the spacious shelves of an old cupboard all who oppose the wedding, including father, mother, and Valentine's tutor. – Witty triple shot of the hidden ones. I understand, too, that there is a Spanish rival, and that both father and son have enjoyed relations with Valentine the demi mondaine.

Boireau et la fille du voisin

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli (Gribouillette). B. 5484. 193 m /16 fps/ 11'. Good AFF print. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following the catalogue notes: Boireau is in love with Gribouillette, the neighbour's daughter. A dispute over the boundary hedge becomes for Gribouillette's father the excuse to unleash his anger and attack the neighbour. Boireau responds angrily, whilst Gribouillette vainly searches for pacification. To obtain parental consent, the two lovers fake suicide. Only in front of the pleas of the terrible neighbour Boireau agrees not to die and to live happily with Gribouillette. – The main action is an early instance of the great tradition of Big Business (Laurel & Hardy) and Neighbours (Norman McLaren): the war of the neighbours quickly escalates into a mini-epic. Boireau pretends to reject Valentina, thus ensuring that he gets her.

Boireau se venge

FR 1912. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli (Mlle Jane Ronchenot, colonel's daughter). B. 5370. 197 m /16 fps/ 11'. Good AFF print. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following the catalogue notes: Boireau aspires to the hand of a retired colonel's daughter. Jane returns Boireau's love but father has someone else in mind. To win over the paternal hostility, Jane and Boireau agree to ridicule the other suitor. – The main action consists of the many pranks Boireau and Valentina prepare for the unfortunate rival to ridicule him utterly in the eyes of the colonel.

Boireau cherche sa femme

FR 1913. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli. B. 5773. 145 m /16 fps/ 8'. AFF. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. "Les Vacances de M. Boireau": gags and jokes on the beach have an impressionistic feel. Alone, without his wife, Boireau goes swimming, sees a beautiful girl, and starts to flirt with her, but her husband and his wife appear to witness him peeking through a hole as she changes clothes. Jokes with birds, beach, water, undressing.

Boireau sauveteur

FR 1913. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau). B. 5664. 139 m /16 fps/ 8'. Good AFF print. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following Bulletin Pathé: Boireau, busy repairing fishing nets, notices a man struggling at sea, and becomes a lifeguard. He collects some twenty life preservers, knocks over a dozen people, and puts a boat to sea. However, he cannot swim. The most difficult thing is to convince the poor victim, a common swimmer, to get on the boat. In the commotion, the boat is overturned, and Boireau is rescued by the swimmer.

Boireau s'expatrie

FR 1913. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau), Valentina Frascaroli (Gribouillette). B. 6186. 149 m /16 fps/ 9'. Good AFF print. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following Bulletin Pathé: On their wedding night Gribouillette finds in Boireau's pocket a compromising photo. She sulks on a chair while the annoyed Boireau falls into a deep sleep. In his dream, Boireau embarks for Canada. But she enters his dream, and under a series of disguises chases the unfaithful like living guilt. After various adventures Boireau wakes up and the newlyweds make up. – Gribouillette's parallel dream is seen in superimposition. The double nightmare is a novel innovation. Valentina's multiple guises. A largely improvised atmosphere.

Boireau en voyage

FR 1913. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau). B. 5708. 107 m /16 fps/ 6'. Good AFF print. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Following Bulletin Pathé: Boireau with four large suitcases enters a hotel that is fully booked. He tries to enter into a room anyway, but there are two lovers there. He ends up down the stairs, knocks down the hotel bellboy, falls on the road, passes from hand to hand and finally lands in the water of a drain and falls asleep. – Wild slapstick, physically extremely demanding stunts. In his final tryst in the drain under the bridge Boireau makes his bed with a suitcase and a blanket.

Une extraordinaire aventure de Boireau

FR 1914. PC: Pathé Frères. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed (Boireau). B. 6522. 272 m /16 fps/ 15'. Good AFF print. ♪ Donald Sosin. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Jean A. Gili: in some of Deed's 1914 films the comedy becomes subtler. Petr Kràl: Deed's buffoonery reveals the subversive potential of the burlesque. Joined by their backs following an accident, a rich socialite and a tramp reveal the relativity of their status by dragging each other in their respective environments. Back-to-back with his double, the tramp empties without hesitation the trays at a reception. Finally separated with a saw the characters move away from the camera showing the picture of their vertebral column, roughly outlined with chalk on their jackets. – On a building site accident, a boulder crushes two men (a rich man and a tramp) together, and they become "Siamese twins". Together they enter a fine reception and descend into the gutter.

J'accuse! (1919)

Minä syytän! I-II. FR 1919. PC: Pathé. D+SC: Abel Gance. DP: Marc Bujard, Léonce-Henri Burel. Starring: Romuald Joubé (Jean Diaz), Séverin-Mars (François Laurin), Maryse Dauvray (Edith Laurin), Maxime Desjardins (Maria Lazare), Mme Mancini (mother of Jean). 2989 m /20 fps/ 131' [the intertitles change too fast at this speed]. Cin. fr. con il permesso di Nelly Kaplan. ♪ Alain Baents. Friday 8 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna ("La messa in scena della guerra – La Grande Guerra"). Seen again after some 20 years, the film looks more impressive as I keep ignoring its weaknesses and focusing on the strengths. It's a personal film, an essay film in a French tradition, speaking in an individual voice about matters of great importance. Formally, it is fascinating, not taking the easy way out, starting with the interesting opening credit metamorphoses. It is an important film in the history of montage, experimenting with intellectual montage, conceptualizing with images. It takes steps beyond the Griffith school, beyond Intolerance, an obvious inspiration. The story: two young Frenchmen and a young Frenchwoman, whom they find with a baby after the war, the result of being raped by a German. Edith suffers fourfold. The film is a blend of drama (the triangle drama), non-fiction (authentic war documentary), allegory, and pacifistic propaganda. Some battle scenes are still very powerful. Memorable image in the hospital: the death of François, his hand gripping Jean's. Jean goes mad, calls himself "J'accuse", and in the final vision he is the commander of the Battalion of the Dead, in a (clumsy) superimposition, which marches in a (clumsy) double image above the victory parade by the Arch of Triumph.. The march of the ghosts is the best-remembered idea. Before the war, Jean was a poet, author of Le Hymne au soleil. The poet has lost himself, he is looking for himself, calling himself by name. He tears up his notebook of poetry and dies. – There can be no poetry after this war, is Gance's conclusion.

Saturday 9 July

Tih Minh 12: Justice

FR 1918. PC: Gaumont. D: Louis Feuillade. /18 fps/ 33'. Da Archives Gaumont-Pathé. Presenta Francis Lacassin. ♪ Maud Nelissen. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Placide, a stowaway in the spies' car, empties their gasoline canisters. The spies, knowing they've been exposed, decide to split. There is a dispute over the money, though. One of them crushes his companion with a rock, another lights a cigarette and catches fire from the gasoline leaked by Placide. Impressive image of Gilson/Marx observing the mountain road. The gasoline gone, the spies run to a mountain elevator / transporter. A thrilling action sequence, Kistna vs. Gilson in the car speeding over the valley, impressively in a majestic long shot. Also impressive: an eagle's-eye view on Gilson, reduced to a small dot among the rocks. There is a dynamite alarm, and after the detonation, Gilson's mutilated body is found amongst the debris. And from a water reservoir the dead Kistna's stiffened hand points defiantly towards the sky. Dolorès, having given her confession de sa vie, deeply troubled, bites a poison pearl on her necklace. A triple wedding is being prepared. FIN


A cura di Mariann Lewinsky. Presenta Roland Cosandey. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. From Roland Cosandey's introduction in the catalogue: Today when we use the term "actualité reconstituée" we often mean that this genre of representation is inherently false. We will therefore simply use the term found in the catalogues, "vues d'actualité", an ideal definition for images filmed either en plein air or reconstructed in the studio, provided that they represent events that were reasonably recent, and reasonably sensational, and more or less relayed by other images and accounts. We show both types of film and some cases where both types of "actuality" share the same film. We examine several methods of visual information before the era of the newsreel. Three-four years later the founding of this new genre was probably the primary cause of the disappearance of what now seems so typical to 1900–1905: reconstructed or re-staged news. – Prima parte: Naturalism, Sensation, and Actuality. Seconda parte: Combined images: Russian Revolution Images: original screening reel ordered from Pathé in 1905 by the Finnish Atelier Apollo Co. and premiered in Helsinki on 13 December 1905 in the Maailman Ympäri Cinema. Terza parte: Living Pictures, Photographs, Drawings. (The American Mutoscope & Biograph's The Mutiny on the Potemkin, announced in the catalogue, was not shown.)

Au pays noir

FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet. 179 m. Tinted + b&w. Cin. Royale de Belgique. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Reconstruction: with painted sets: a short epic story of miners and a catastrophe in the mine (explosion, flood). Impressive.

La Catastrophe de Courrières: 1200 victimes

GB 1906. PC: Warwick Trading Co., Robert Raleigh. 130 m. Cin. Suisse 2005. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Authentic footage after a terrible catastrophe, a big funeral.

Reddition de Port-Arthur

Übergabe von Port-Arthur. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Lucien Nonguet. 74 m. SEA 2004 from a vintage nitrate print. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Reconstructed "vue d'actualité".

Atrocités antisémites russes

Russische antisemitische Greuel. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Lucien Nonguet. 33 m with some freeze frames. SEA 2004 from a vintage nitrate print. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Reconstructed "vue d'actualité".

Les Troubles de Saint-Petersbourg

Aufruhr in St. Petersburg. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Lucien Nonguet. 69 m. SEA 2004 from a vintage nitrate print. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Reconstructed "vue d'actualité".

Révolution en Russie: les événements d'Odessa

Revolution i Ryssland: upproret i Odessa. FR 1905. PC: Pathé. D: Lucien Nonguet. 80 m. Tinted in red. SEA 2004 from a vintage nitrate print. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Reconstructed "vue d'actualité": the battleship Potyomkin.

La Révolution russe

FR 1905. D: Lucien Nonguet. 45 m. Tinted. SEA 2004 from a vintage nitrate print. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Reconstructed "vue d'actualité". No text in the Pathé catalogue.

Japanese and Russian Peace Delegates Leaving New York City

US 5 Aug 1905. 100 m. LoC. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. A simple record.

[Soldats Russes]

GB 1905. PC: Charles Urban. D+DP: George Rogers. 53 m. Cin. Suisse. ♪ Gabriel Thibaudeau. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna.


A cura di Cecilia Cenciarelli (responsabile del Progetto Chaplin). Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. 1) The presentation by Cecilia Cenciarelli. 2) Kevin Brownlow's fascinating DVD extra interview from Unknown Chaplin. 3) The making of The Count: the DVD extra, Frank Scheide Presentation. 4) DVD extra: Chaplin meets Harry Lauder, ♪ Neil Brand on DVD. 5) Live presentation of David Robinson on Chaplin and the British Music Hall – the music hall of Victorian and Edwardian England 1899–1914, with fascinating images on Chaplin's early models and influences. The programme continued, but I had to leave.


♪ Marco Dalpane. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Two films.

Paura degli aeromobili nemici

IT 1915. PC: Itala Film. Starring André Deed (Cretinetti), Léonie Laporte. 320 m /18 fps/ 18'. Museo Nazionale del Cinema e Cineteca di Bologna 2005. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The war has been declared, but Cretinetti causes an even greater catastrophe in his own wedding with his excessive caution measures for the attack of the Zeppelins.

L'uomo meccanico

IT 1921. PC: Milano Film. D: André Deed. Starring André Deed, Valentina Frascaroli. Orig. 1821 m, surviving 850 m /16 fps/ 46'. Beautifully tinted. São Paulo 1992. ♪ Marco Dalpane. Saturday 9 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Having seen this film before, I just checked the beginning of one of Deed's first feature films, the second part of a ciné-roman, a follow-up to Il documento umano (1920). It's quite ambitious and impressive film involving a robot, one of the earliest in the history of the cinema.

A Woman of Paris

Nainen Pariisissa. US 1923. PC: United Artists. D: Charles Chaplin. Starring Edna Purviance. 89'. Copia restaurata dalla Cineteca di Bologna presso L’Immagine Ritrovata nel 2005. ♪ original, partly previously unpublished music by Charles Chaplin newly arranged and conducted by Timothy Brock, performed by Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna. Saturday 9 July 2005, Teatro Comunale, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. The new music is a big improvement, lovingly arranged by Brock from Chaplin's unpublished material for Limelight etc. The print did not look good in this screening. Apparently Chaplin burned the negative, and it is perhaps impossible to produce a good print now.

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