Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones ja kristallikallon valtakunta / Indiana Jones och kristalldödskallens rike. US (c) 2008 Lucasfilm. EX: Kathleen Kennedy, George Lucas. P: Frank Marshall. D: Steven Spielberg. SC: David Koepp - story: George Lucas, Jeff Nathanson - characters: George Lucas, Philip Kaufman. DP: Janusz Kaminski - negative: 35mm KodakVision - digital intermediate 2K - Panavision - DeLuxe - print: 35mm 1:2,35. M: John Williams. Starring Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones), Cate Blanchett (Col. Dr. Irina Spalko), Karen Allen (Marion Ravenwood), Shia LaBeouf (Mutt Williams), Ray Winstone (George "Mac" McHale), John Hurt (Prof. Harold "Ox" Oxley), Jim Broadbent (Dean Charles Stanforth). 122 min. Released in Finland by Finnkino (Paramount) with Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Marko Hartama / Saliven Gustavson. Viewed in Bristol, Helsinki, 23 May 2008. - Digital intermediate look. - The film received an applause. - He's back, and he's old. Last time, he brought his dad. This time, he discovers a son. - It's cold war, and Indiana Jones gets to fight Stalinists, but that does not rescued him from being blacklisted at his university. - Cate Blanchett is a memorable Stalinist ice woman, she can be compared with Greta Garbo!

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