Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kummeli Alivuokralainen

[Kummeli Underhyresgästen]/ [Kummeli The Subtenant]. FI (c) 2008 Solar Films. P: Jukka Helle, Markus Selin. D: Matti Grönberg. SC: Timo Kahilainen, Heikki Vihinen based on their play. DP: Jari Mutikainen - shot on HDTV (Sony CineAlta F23)- distributed digital and 35mm - 1:2,35, color. Starring Heikki Silvennoinen (Pauli Bergström), Mikko Kivinen (Lauri Mustonen), Timo Kahilainen (Robban), Heikki Hela (John Molotov / Josef Molotov), Tuija Ernamo (Lydia Molotova), Ritva Jalonen (Marketta), Leea Klemola (Rautiainen), Risto Korhonen (Rafu), Jussi Lampi (Hirvonen), Oiva Lohtander (Pena), Taneli Mäkelä (man at service station), Jasper Pääkkönen (Roger / Kikke), Jukka Rasila (host), Mari Turunen (Inkeri Sortavala). A digital projection at Tennispalatsi 2, Helsinki, 20 September 2008. - A bright and pleasant HD digital look. - The fourth Kummeli film. - The Kummeli is a popular Finnish comedy team with a comedy series of their own. The dvd releases of their comedy episodes have tremendous success. The team consists of Heikki Silvennoinen (1991–), Timo Kahilainen (1991–), Heikki Hela (1992–), Heikki Vihinen (1995–), Olli Keskinen (1991–1994, 1999–2000), Mari Turunen (1995–), Miia Selin (2003–), Mikko Kivinen (2003–) (thanks to Wikipedia for this list, the complete Kummeli-graphy can be found in the Finnish Wikipedia). - I have seen all the Kummeli cinema films, and this I liked best. - Pauli and Lauri have been living on a very affordable rent in a spacious apartment (the actual apartment used is in Ullanlinna, Kapteeninkatu 20-22), but when the rent is updated by a sergeant major inheritor, they need a subtenant, and promptly there is a young gay nobleman. - The farce is largely based on the prejudices against gays. It would be interesting to hear what gays think about it, but to me it seemed it presented gays as men who are confident with their identity and not afraid to have fun with it. - It felt strange to have many children in the audience. I would not recommend it to under-teenage viewers.

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