Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jeanne d'Arc (2009)

FI (c) 2009 Sputnik. P: Aki Kaurismäki. D+SC: Lauri Timonen. DP: Olli Varja - b&w. S: Tero Malmberg. ED: Timo Linnasalo. CAST: Nuppu Koivu (Jeanne d'Arc), Timo Aarniala, Juuso Hirvikangas, Matti Kuortti, Erkki Lahti, Elena Leeve, Leena Lepistö, Velipekka Makkonen, Anssi Mänttäri, Jorma Markkula, Minna Maskulin, Heikki Metsämäki, Jyrki Näsänen, Päivi Paldan, Esa Pälve, Eeva Putro, Sakari Salko, Rain Tolk, Esko Valtaoja, Markku Varjola, Peter Wright. 22 min. Viewed at Cinema Andorra, Helsinki, 16 May 2009. - Part of the Anssi Mänttäri weekend programme. - The synopsis by the film-makers: "A young woman recovering from a suicide attempt arrives at a city at war and gets employed as a waitress in a bar. Jeanne becomes friendly with a drunken writer who has fallen out of favour, but fate has other plans for them... ". - Bitter, iconoclastic, non-believing remix of Jeanne d'Arc motifs in an Anssi Mänttäri style bar milieu (see Palkkasoturi / Soldier of Fortune). - Jeanne d'Arc is a heroin addict and a virgin who gets burned at the stake. - Stark black and white imagery.


  1. wow. where´d you get that location??? the film was shot mostly in suomenlinna and myllypuro. nowhere near corona bar. funny.

  2. Thanks, Eero. The entry is now updated. Antti
