At the FIAF Congress at Klingenberg Kino, Oslo.
08:00 Coffee
08:30 Long Term Data Integrity for Large Audiovisual Archives - Matthew Addis. - The industry is going tapeless, and two thirds of the material cannot easily be used. The trend in information technology is obsolescence. Storage density has become huge, but lifetime is short. Every six years new drives and new tape is needed. Obsolescence is everywhere in the IT world: encoding formats, media formats, storage hardware, upgrading systems, management software. The lifetime of a HDD is 3-5 years, and this is generally known in the IT industry. Latent errors are especially grave: permanent and undetected corruption of data. Cost of risk of loss needs to be managed. Approaches to long lived digital media can be expensive and will not be mainstream. Multiple copies of data tape with regular checking of integrity is needed. BBC uses resilient encoding (DIRAC) uncompressed. There are 37 risks with IT.
09:00 HD in the Archive Domain - Philippe Gerrier. - The INA view to the transition to HDTV, including how standard definition can be re-used in a high definition environment.
[James M. Turner's presentation was cancelled.]
10:00 Emerging Practices in the Cultural Heritage Domain: Engaging Users on a Large Scale, Collaboratively - Johan Oomen. - Interactive use of archival material from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision on the web. - In the discussion, Martin Koerber commented that the Netherlands is an access paradise, Nadja Wallaszkovits reacted that the NL web is an archival hell.
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Semantically Enhanced Audio-Visual Repository - Svetla Boytcheva. - New technologies for semantically enhanced maintenance of data, with metadata, and semantic web analyses.
11:30 Long Time Preservation: The Time After - Hermann Lewetz. - Comparison of systems, a) DAM (Digital Asset Management System), b) OAIS (Open Archival Information System): the Austrian Mediathek has written a simple Linux script both for the migration of digital files and for the checking.
12:00 Teaching Digital Preservation - Paolo Cherchi Usai. - Paolo's three main concerns were a) the transmission of knowledge, b) the analogue / digital divide, c) the learning curve. He stressed the interaction of the three areas of archival, academia, and laboratories. We need extensive expertise in analogue and digital, we believe in apprenticeship, and we believe in personalized training.
12:30 Open Microphone
13:00 END of JTS 2010
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