Friday, November 26, 2010

Treasures from the archives at the Nordic and Baltic Film Archives' Meeting

Kino Tulio, Helsinki, 26 Nov 2010.

FINLAND, introduced by Mikko Kuutti.
1. Split screen test comparison of The Bridge on the River Kwai (GB 1957) the beginning on 35 mm and 4k - 4k superior to the used Technicolor print from 1962 - our old print is not great - Sony Columbia did a superb job with the 4k.
2. Melody Boys scene from Sininen varjo / [The Blue Shadow] (FI 1933) on 2k DCP.
3. Aikahahmoja / [Patterns in Time] (FI 1970) on 2k DCP - Seppo Huunonen's relaxed documentary on Pori Jazz.
4. Arvi A. Karisto Hämeenlinna. Karisto Oy:n 25-vuotisjuhlafilmi [Arvi A. Karisto 25th Anniversary Film] (FI 1925) on 35 mm. - An industrial promotion film on the Karisto printing and publishing house, with footage of the legendary literary figure Väinö Hämeen-Anttila. From a colour print which has been apparently shot on 12 fps, professionally made but with not the most brilliant definition of light.

SWEDEN, introduced by Jon Wengström.
5. Finurliga Fridolf (SE 1929) on 35 mm, from a dupe negative and sound on disc. Early music film in the Vitaphone tradition works fine with good sound and good synch.
6. [Sven A:son Berglund Sound Experiment] (DE 1922) on 35 mm. Restored from an optical sound experiment where the soundtrack fills the whole 35 mm frame, and there is no other image. - Our Lord's Prayer in English.

NORWAY, introduced by Håvard Oppøyen
7. Forfølgelsen / Förföljelsen / The Witch Hunt [the film was not released in Finland] (NO/SE 1981, D: Anja Breien) the beginning on blu-ray - looks great on blu-ray.

Tiedemann tobacco commercials introduced by Kjetil K. Sørenssen
8. Revyens mester (NO 1929) on 35 mm - Cromwell Turkish Tobacco and variety showgirls.
9. Tiedemanns Naturfilm: Lofotfiske (NO 1929) on 35 mm - great fishing footage and pipe tobacco.
10. Tiedemanns Naturfilm: Geiranger 1 (NO 1929) on 35 mm - wonderful scenic views and cigars.

DENMARK, introduced by Thomas Christensen.
11. Le Signalement (FR 1912, D: Albert Capellani, PC: Film d'Arte Italiana) 35 mm from a colour negative from a stencil-coloured print - a film without a title card or intertitles - a romantic drama between a washerwoman and a pipe smoker - a film lost elsewhere has been identified at Det Danske Filminstitutt.
12. [A Max Linder comedy, FR 1907] 35 mm b&w without titles. A farce revolving around laxative. Not Erreur de pharmacien ( Could it be C'est papa qui prend la purge?

ESTONIA, presented by Ivi Tomingas.
13. ... Ja teeb trikke / ... And Plays Tricks (EE/SU 1979, D: Priit Pärn), dvd. - A fascinating animation that was banned during the Soviet years because the heavy is a bear.

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