Friday, January 21, 2011

Suomalaisen elokuvan tavoiteohjelma 2011-2015 / [The Master Development Plan of Finnish Cinema 2011-2015]

The Finnish Film Foundation celebrated the opening of the new film year at its premises on Kanavakatu 12, with speeches by Irina Krohn the CEO, Mari Kiviniemi the Prime Minister, and Pekka Karjalainen the film-maker. There was a show of the trailers of the year, and a short animation, Isän poika [The Father's Son]. Celebrated was also 2010, the most successful year audience-wise for Finnish films in cinema distribution in decades. Published was the master development plan of Finnish cinema 2011-2015, the third such plan in succession. The main points:
1. The public financing of Finnish films has substantially risen to 22 million Euro, and the goal is to reach the Nordic level of 33 million Euro.
2. A competitive production incentive model to be developed for foreign films shot in Finland.
3. A comprehensive digital cinema network.
4. Film to be included in the law about public broadcasting.
5. The reimbursement model of copying audiovisual works for private use is to be updated to match current technology.
6. Safeguarding national copyright.
7. Strengthening Finnish film export.
8. The status of Finnish cinema to be defended in the cultural agenda of the EU.

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