Sunday, September 11, 2011

Varastetun kuoleman maisemissa / [On the Location of "Stolen Death"]

FI 1987. PC: Yleisradio TV1 Opetustelevisio. P: Airi Vilhunen. D: Lauri Tykkyläinen. A documentary about Nyrki Tapiovaara's film Varastettu kuolema (Stolen Death, 1938). In colour. Featuring (new interviews): Ilmari Tapiovaara, George de Godzinsky, Sakari Toivianen - and others in excerpts from the documentary Nyrki Tapiovaara - elokuvaohjaaja. 21 min. A digibeta from YLE projected at Cinema Orion, Helsinki (Nyrki Tapiovaara), 11 Sep 2011.

Introduced by Lauri Tykkyläinen, who told how the source materials of Nyrki Tapiovaara's film heritage were rescued. They were in terrible condition. The Juha negatives were in a potato cellar. When the Red Air Force bombed Helsinki during WWII the Eloseppo negatives were thrown onto the street to save them from the fire. Everything else was recovered except the bulk of Herra Lahtinen. 40% of it was collected from a junk film heap. The famous hanging linen wash scene was shot at Luotsikatu 11, and the overhead bridge scene at Luotsikatu 13 in the Katajanokka district of Helsinki.

Precious footage of the designer Ilmari Tapiovaara, brother of Nyrki. The composer George de Godzinsky tells how he started his prominent career as a film composer with Stolen Death, watching the shots over and over again with a stopwatch. He reports that Nyrki was a musical person, with an inner ear, and a sense of the colour of music and a sense of harmony. A cinéaste par préférence. Sakari Toiviainen is the author of the only Nyrki Tapiovaara monograph. - The digibeta on display was from a workprint with unedited sound.

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