Friday, November 25, 2011

Apflickorna / She Monkeys

Apinatytöt. SE © 2011 Atmo Produktion AB. P: Helene Lindholm. D: Lisa Aschan. SC: Josefine Adolfsson, Lisa Aschan. DP: Linda Wassberg. PD: Kia Nordqvist. Cost: Kia Nordqvist. Make-up, hair: Sandra Wolterdorf. M: Sami Sänpäkkilä. S: Andreas Franck. ED: Kristofer Nordin. Casting: David Färdmar. Loc: Göteborg (Gothenburg). CAST: Mathilda Paradeiser (Emma), Linda Molin (Cassandra), Isabella Lindqvist (Sara), Sergej Merkusjev (Ivan), Adam Lundgren (Jens), Sigmund Hovind (Tobias), Kevin Caicedo Vega (Sebastian), Nasrin Pakkho (simfröken), Maria Hedborg (voltigetränare), Inger Lindberg (linförare), Elin Söderquist (badvakt), Malin Müller (expedit). 90 min. Released in Finland by KinoScreen Illusion Ltd. with Finnish subtitles by Emmi Juutilainen. Viewed at Kino Engel, Helsinki, 25 Nov 2011.

Technical specs (IMDb): Camera: Aaton Penelope - Laboratory: Nordisk Film Post Production, Sweden - Film negative format: 35 mm (Fuji) - Cinematographic process: Techniscope - Printed film format: 35 mm (Kodak Vision 2383, Vision Premier 2393) - Aspect ratio: 2.39:1. --- According to the end credits the digitital intermediate is in 2K.

Svensk Filmdatabas: "She Monkeys is about the art of survival. We follow 15 year old Emma, her seven year old little sister Sara, and Emma’s newfound friend, Cassandra. Emma and Cassandra meet at the vaulting club and soon develop a symbiotic friendship."

"When Emma meets Cassandra a relationship full of brutal physical and psychical challenges starts. Emma does everything to master the rules of the game. Boundaries are transgressed, and the stakes grow higher and higher. Nevertheless Emma cannot resist the intoxicating sense of total control."

A coming-of-age story of two teenage girls, and the seven-year old sister Sara. A tale of the turbulence, disorientation and chaos of youth. These are wild girls like those in Vera Chytilova's Sedmikrasky (Daisies) or Marja Pyykkö's Sisko tahtoisin jäädä (Run Sister Run). Lisa Aschan and Josefine Adolfsson touch especially sensitive ground in the account of the little Sara who is forced to wear a bikini and gets to witness a stallion mounting a mare. I don't know what this modern account of (mostly sexual) awakening is finally all about.

But there is no doubt that Lisa Aschan knows how to tell it. The movie is original and interesting in its mise-en-scène, imagery, rhythm, and visual storytelling. The movie is both exciting and relaxed. The performances seem natural and spontaneous. Probably only women filmmakers could have made such a confidential and intimate film about girls.

The visual quality looks all-photochemical, but according to the end credits there was a 2K scanning. If it is so, congratulations for the soft, natural feeling of sensuality which is still rare in digital intermediates.

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