Saturday, October 06, 2012

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2012 Catalogue online

The Catalogue of 31st Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, in Pordenone, 6-13 October, 2012, is available online. It is again an elegant publication, of great independent value even for the one who cannot attend the festival. The texts represent the highest scholarly standard, they are well written, and the design does justice to the visual inspiration of the movies themselves. Online there are also previous catalogues and the entire database of the festival.

Last year in Pordenone was a year of surprises. In advance the programme did not look particularly promising, but in reality there were rewarding discoveries every day. Reading the catalogue the anticipation grows that this year will be similar.

It would not even have to be that way. For anyone seriously interested in the cinema, going back to the silent years (from 1889 until the early thirties, over 40 years of film history) is like studying Greek and Roman classics for a lover of literature: these are the wellsprings, the youth, with the charm of the early days, with roads still less travelled, and with achievements still unsurpassed (in comedy, for instance). During the Pordenone decades we have sometimes had to endure pain and suffering in the presentations, but that has become more rare, also thanks to the much greater assurance in the way the films are shown (the shows start on time, the fine translations are projected in electronic subtitling, the standard of the prints is higher). The story of the cinema looks a bit bigger and richer every year.

Premio Jean Mitry / The Jean Mitry Award
In ricordo di Jonathan Dennis / The Jonathan Dennis Memorial Lecture
The 2012 Pordenone Masterclasses
Collegium 2012
Eventi speciali / Special Events
Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé
The Patsy
A colpi di note / Striking a New Note
Jean Darling 90!
Le Petit Nuage
La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc
A Woman of Affairs
Charles Dickens: Il padre della sceneggiatura / Father of the Screenplay
Anna Sten: Attrice prima che diva / Actress before Star
W. W. Jacobs, narratore / The Storyteller: W. W. Jacobs
Selig Polyscope: Gli innovatori dimenticati / The Forgotten Innovators
Cinema d’animazione tedesco / German Animation, 1910-1930
Il canone rivisitato / The Canon Revisited
Cinema delle origini / Early Cinema

Après la bataille; Automaboulisme et autorité
Danse de l’éventail; Eugénie, redresse-toi
Nouvelles luttes extravagantes
Viaggio in una stella; Voyage autour d’une étoile
The Corrick Collection
Riscoperte e restauri / Rediscoveries and Restorations
De Bertha; A Couple of Down and Outs
Familientag im Hause Prellstein; The Goose Woman
Jenseits der Straße; Rupture; The Spanish Dancer
The Unwanted; The Viking
The Haghefilm/Selznick Fellowship 2012
The Apollo Mystery: Das Geheimschloss; Wenn Völker streiten
Tardi/Late Thanhouser: A Modern Monte Cristo; Fires of Youth
Cinema italiano: Idillio infranto; Gli spazzacamini della Val d’Aosta
“Oh! Mother-in-Law”
Ritratti / Portraits.

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