Sunday, February 17, 2013

Books on my table

André Gaudreault, Nicolas Dulac, and Santiago Hidalgo (ed.): A Companion to Early Cinema. Assisted by Pierre Chemartin. Editorial Board: François Albera, Jennifer Bean, Paolo Cherchi Usai, Jane M. Gaines, Richard Koszarski, Michèle Lagny, and Charles Musser. 631 p. Oxford / Malden: John Wiley & Sons / Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - An essential opus on early cinema (the cinema before WWI) with 30 articles by top experts. - NB. Brise-glace en Finlande (FR 1910), p. 291-292.

Sarah Keller & Jason N. Paul: Jean Epstein: Critical Essays and New Translations. Amsterdam: S. Keller & J.N. Paul, 2012. The first extended English-language book on the great French poetic film artist and philosopher of the cinema. Many-sided and representative, with a fine selection of Epstein's own texts.

Giovanna Fossati: From Grain to Pixel. The Archival Life of Film in Transition. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009. A basic study on digital restoration and archiving.

Petteri Järvinen: Kodin digitekniikka. Kuva, ääni, laitteet & mahdollisuudet. [Home Digital Technology. Image, Sound, Equipment, Opportunities]. Jyväskylä: Docendo / WS Bookwell, 2007. - A good general survey, extensive and detailed, on the situation of home digital technology six years ago. Everything has changed, but the basic questions about durability remain.

Matti Rinne: Yksitoista Tapiovaaraa. Tuoleja, tauluja, elokuvia [Eleven Tapiovaaras. Chairs, Paintings, Movies]. Helsinki: Teos, 2008. - The great man of the cinema Nyrki Tapiovaara belonged to a remarkable cultural family. This is their story with new information and insight about Nyrki Tapiovaara.

Jaakko Seppälä: Hollywood tulee Suomeen. Yhdysvaltalaisten elokuvien maahantuonti ja vastaanotto kaksikymmentäluvun Suomessa. [Hollywood Comes to Finland. The Import and Reception of American Films in Finland in the 1920s]. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, 2012. - Jaakko Seppälä's huge dissertation is a thorough study on the breakthrough of Hollywood films into Finland based on comprehensive archival sources. The Hollywood dominance in Finnish film distribution started in 1923.

Olivier Assayas: A Post-May Adolescence. Letter to Alice Debord. And two essays on Guy Debord. Translated and annotated by Adrian Martin and Rachel Zerner. Wien: SYNEMA, 2012. Olivier Assayas's key texts on politics and Situationism.

Olivier Assayas: Présences. Écrits sur le cinéma. Préface de Laurence Schifano. Paris: Gallimard, 2009. Writings for Cahiers du Cinéma (1980-1985) and a "En marge de mes films" section (1993-2008).

Vesa Manninen: Halun ja moraalin maisemia. Psykoanalyyttista suunnistusta [Landscapes of Desire and Morality. Psychoanalytic Orientations]. Forssa: Helsingin Psykoterapiayhdistys Ry. - Includes Vesa Manninen's psychoanalytical study on The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (p. 71-84).

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