Sunday, January 26, 2014

Suomen Akatemian jäsenet. Alvar Aalto / [The Members of the Finnish Academy. Alvar Aalto]

Alvar and Elissa Aalto in the 1950s.
FI 1962. PC: Veikko Laihanen Oy. Säästöpankit esittää. Financed by: Säästöpankit. P: Lauri Siltala. D: Veikko Laihanen. DP: Reijo Hassinen - colour - Academy. Feat: Alvar Aalto. VET A-13199. 285 m / 11 min. Viewed at home on dvd, 26 Jan 2014

A good matter-of-fact general film survey in colour on the entire career of Alvar Aalto until 1962.  See the roughest notes below.

Roughest notes: - Talking head: Alvar Aalto in dark formal suit - architechture is social - the goal: a good society - profound will to that - Finland has not as a whole been a country building a society as a whole - except recently - Aalto draws a plan - now finally there have been opportunities to plan entire integral city centers - whose buildings serve all citizens - from my own sphere of experience I want to highlight Seinäjoki - miniature of Lakeuden risti - Seinäjoki was recently elevated to a city - in Seinäjoki there is truly a will and a power to an entire city center emerging in a coherent fashion - a similar opportunity seems to be growing in Helsinki in an even larger scale - the Helsinki city plan by Alvar Aalto (miniature) - doc: construction sites at Seinäjoki - the Seinäjoki City Hall - the Lakeuden risti [The Cross of the Plains] church - an early example of Aalto's trend to monumental architecture - Alvar Aalto atelier, from 1955 - doc: work at the Aalto atelier, with architects from India, Italy - the Aalto firm has projects in Europe and Asia - the range is from a French private house to a Finnish building project - foreign projects need special supervision - the house of Louis Carré near Paris - discussing the project at the Aalto atelier - 1920s in Jyväskylä - Jyväskylä theatre: classicism, a Renaissance balcony - the Muurame church, intimations of functionalism - the Paimio sanatory - the Viipuri / Vyborg city library - a breakthrough towards a mature, humanistic architecture in the 1930s - Aalto's home in Munkkiniemi - wood, brick, glass - the tiniest details of the living space of a human being are not neglected - research into the form into an industrially produced chair leg since the early 1930s - lamps - tables - 1937 Ameba vase - the question of the free line - Typpi Oy industrial complex after WWII - Säynätsalo Municipal Hall - Elisse and Alvar Aalto - Wäinö Aaltonen's cubistic statue - the high-walled chamber of the municipal council - the ceiling structure is simple but expressive like an abstract sculpture - the House of Culture in Helsinki, mainly of brick - with a freely curving wall surface - Rautatalo in Helsinki - the most important part: the hall of marble with a fountain - a sample of tilataide / environment art is also the Vuoksenniska church = Kolmen ristin kirkko, Imatra / The Church of the Three Crosses - environment art is not a game - it obeys the laws of acoustics also in the church hall - Kansaneläkelaitos / National Pension Institute - the Jyväskylä University and Campus - clip: Aalto lectures in the lecture hall of the Jyväskylä University (before 1966 known as the University of Pedagogics) - Sigfried Giedion (the Swiss historian of architecture) among the audience - an architect is bound with time - he cannot always stay in opposition to his entire age - Alvar Aalto exhibition in the Keski-Suomen Museo - the Experimental House, Muuratsalo the summer house - Sigfried Giedion as a guest at the summer house - Enso-Gutzeit Headquarters - Enso interiors: furniture - Elissa and Alvar Aalto's study at their home - Aalto draws - 100% voice of Elissa and Alvar - humanism - the man is the measure for everything - a rich social and artistic phenomenon

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