Thursday, May 29, 2014

Synecdoche, New York

Synecdoche, New York / Synecdoche, New York. US 2008. PC: Likely Story / Projective Testing Service / Russia, Inc. Sidney Kimmel Entertainment. P: Anthony Bregman, Spike Jonze, Charlie Kaufman, Sidney Kimmel. D+SC: Charlie Kaufman. - Rainer Maria Rilke: "Herbsttag". DP: Frederick Elmes - negative: 35 mm - Super 35 - master: digital intermediate - colour: DeLuxe - 2,35:1. PD: Mark Friedberg. AD: Adam Stockhausen. Set dec: Lydia Marks. Art dept big. VFX: Brainstorm Digital – AAU – Circle-S Studios – Edgeworx – Anibrain – Deluxe EFilm Toronto – RotoFactory – a big department. AN: Chris Armstrong (AAU) – Katria Whalen (tv seq.). Cost: Melissa Toth. Makeup: Judy Chin. Prosthetics designer: Michael Marino. Prosthetics dept big. Hair: Mandy Lyons. M: Jon Brion. Songs: "Synecdoche Song" (Charlie Kaufman, Jon Brion) es. Sadie Goldstein. – "Gravity" (Kaufman, Deanna Storey) . – "I'm Just a Little Person" (Kaufman, Brion) and "Song for Caden" (Kaufman, Brion) es. Deanna Storey. S: Eugene Gearty. ED: Robert Frazen. Casting: Jeanne McCarthy. C: Philip Seymour Hoffman (Caden Cotard), Catherine Keener (Adele Lack), Samantha Morton (Hazel), Hope Davis (Madeleine Gravis), Tom Noonan (Sammy Barnathan, Caden's double), Emily Watson (Tammy, Hazel's double), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Maria), Dianne Wiest (Millicent Weems who plays Ellen Bascomb and is also Caden's double), Michelle Williams (Claire Keen), Deirdre O'Connell (Mrs. Bascomb), Robin Weigert (Olive Cotard, Caden's grown-up daughter), Sadie Goldstein (Olive at 4), Jerry Adler (Caden's father), Lynn Cohen (Caden's mother), Josh Pais (ophtalmologist). Loc: New York – Bronx, Brooklyn, Schenectady, Woodlawn, Yonkers. Not theatrically released in Finland – dvd: 2009 FS Film – tv: 12.12.2012 and 8.1.2014 Yle Teema – VET 210635 – K11 – 124 min
    A NFI print with Norwegian subtitles viewed at Cinema Orion, Helsinki (Philip Seymour Hoffman), 29 May 2014

SYNECDOCHE [Sih-NECK-doh-kee] -noun
A figure of speech in which:
A Part is used for the Whole The Screen for Movies
A Whole stands for a Part The Law for Police
A Species (specific kind) stands for its Genus (general kind) Cutthroats for Assassins
A Genus stands in for its Species Creature for Person
A Material stands for a Thing Ivories for Piano Keys
- Pressbook

Pressbook synopsis: "Theater director Caden Cotard (Philip Seymour Hoffman) is mounting a new play. His life catering to suburban blue-hairs at the local regional theater in Schenectady, New York is looking bleak. His wife Adele (Catherine Keener) has left him to pursue her painting in Berlin, taking their young daughter Olive (Sadie Goldstein) with her. His therapist, Madeleine Gravis (Hope Davis), is better at plugging her best-seller than she is at counseling him. A new relationship with the alluringly candid Hazel (Samantha Morton) has prematurely run aground. And a mysterious condition is systematically shutting down each of his autonomic functions, one by one."

"Worried about the transience of his life, he leaves his home behind. He gathers an ensemble cast into a warehouse in New York City, hoping to create a work of brutal honesty. He directs them in a celebration of the mundane, instructing each to live out their constructed lives in a growing mockup of the city outside."

"However, as the city inside the warehouse grows, Caden's own life veers wildly off the tracks. Somewhere in Berlin, his daughter is growing up under the questionable guidance of Adele's friend, Maria (Jennifer Jason Leigh). His lingering attachments to both Adele and Hazel are causing him to helplessly drive his new marriage to actress Claire (Michelle Williams) into the ground. Sammy (Tom Noonan) and Tammy (Emily Watson), the actors hired to play Caden and Hazel, are making it difficult for the real Caden to revive his relationship with the real Hazel. The textured tangle of real and theatrical relationships blurs the line between the world of the play and that of Caden's own deteriorating reality."

"The years rapidly fold into each other, and Caden buries himself deeper into his masterpiece. As he pushes the limits of his relationships, both personally and professionally, a change in creative direction arrives in Millicent Weems (Dianne Wiest), a celebrated theater actress who may offer Caden the break he needs." (synopsis from the pressbook)

I am a big fan of Charlie Kaufman as a screenwriter, and now I got to see his first (and so far only) achievement as a film director for the first time. It's a tightly packed tale of the theatre director Caden Cotard whose life is crumbling and who with the help of a timely grant ("the Genius Grant") mounts a gigantic production (the Great American Play?) in a vast warehouse based on his own life situation. Years go by, and Caden keeps rehearsing his life play increasingly reflecting also the production itself full of doppelgangers, triplegangers and quadruplegangers. Gradually they start to take over.

The film is so unusual and so full of of dark, witty, and intriguing remarks that it has to be seen more than once.

Caden calls his production Simulacrum, and it is a play about a world of representations of representations. He creates a half-world where "None is an extra. They are all leads."

Caden's wife Adele Lack becomes the world's leading artist. Her paintings are miniatures that need to be examined with microscopes in exhibitions.

When the film starts, Caden is mounting a production of Death of a Salesman where the leading roles are played by young actors, to reveal in a novel way the tragedy that they, too, will be crushed when they grow old.

The film is about the downfall of Caden. He crumbles physically, his grip on reality deteriorates, and his affairs with women tangle up because he is always lingering in the previous attachment even while embarking on the next one. Caden keeps watching television and seeing himself as a figure in commercials and animations. Finally his role is played by a woman, and he is taken over by her.

The Simulacrum ends in apocalypse. Corpses litter the streets of the huge stage.

Philip Seymour Hoffman has a strong presence in the impossibly complex leading role.

There are several strong female roles: Catherine Keener as the artist Adele Lack, Hope Davis as the marriage counsellor, Michelle Williams as the actress Claire, Samantha Morton as Hazel, Emily Watson as Tammy, Robin Weigert as Caden's daughter Olive as an adult, Jennifer Jason Leigh as Adele's friend Maria, and Dianne Wiest as the final doppelganger.

The film is too long and complicated. When the point has been made, the complications go sometimes on needlessly.

The print is clean and complete.

Our program note, from the review by Manohla Dargis:

Synecdoche, New York on yksi vuoden parhaista elokuvista; se, joka on sydäntäni lähinnä. Sen esikoisohjaaja Charlie Kaufman tunnetaan sellaisten epätodennäköisten Hollywood-elokuvien kuin Elämäni John Malkovichina, Adaptation – minun versioni ja Tahraton mieli käsikirjoittajana. Synecdoche on niin hienovaraisen tunteen siivittämä romanssi, että on pienoinen shokki, että se on päässyt studiolevitykseen.
    Synecdoche kertoo teatterijohtaja Caden Cotardista (Philip Seymour Hoffman: hänen jokainen hengenvetonsa huokuu epätoivoa), joka on onnettomasti naimisissa lahjakkaan taiteilijan Adele Lackin (Catherine Keener) kanssa. He elävät Schenectadyssa, New Yorkissa, nelivuotiaan tyttärensä Oliven (Sadie Goldstein) kanssa. Tarinan alkaessa tämä käsittelee tyynen rauhallisesti radioaktiivisen vihreää jätöstä.
    Perhe asuu "hauraalta tuntuvassa kodissa". Sanat osuvat kohdalleen, vaikka niitä käyttikin Arthur Miller kuvaillessaan Willy Lomanin kotia. Caden ohjaakin parhaillaan Kauppamatkustajan kuolemaa, ja sen tulkintaideana on, että kaikki näyttelijät ovat nuoria. Tragedia piilee siinä, että nähdessään nuoret kasvot yleisö tiedostaa, että heidätkin murskataan ajan mittaan kuten Willy. Miller kirjoitti, että Willyn kotia ympäröi "todellisuudesta nousevan unelman ilmapiiri". Kaufman ei siteeraa noita sanoja, mutta ne ovat elokuvassa läsnä kuitenkin.
    Kauppamatkustajan kuolema on jättimenestys, mutta kaikki muu hajoaa kappaleiksi. Adele jättää Cadenin ja vie Oliven mukanaan Berliiniin, jossa hänestä tulee maalaritähti. Caden oudoksuu haavoja ruumiissaan ja lääkemainosta, jossa hän näyttää esiintyvän. Terapeutilleen hän kertoo haluavansa luoda jotakin "suurta, totta ja kovaa. Haluan lopultakin panna oman itseni likoon."
    Caden onnistuu luomaan jotakin suurta, totta ja kovaa, mutta toiveen loppuosa on vaikeampi toteuttaa. Monien muiden asioiden rinnalla Synecdoche on elokuva aitoudesta, myös aidon minuuden etsinnästä epäaidossa maailmassa. Fantastisessa, mahdottoman valtavassa varastossa Caden alkaa harjoittaa kymmeniä, satoja, lopulta tuhansia näyttelijöitä. Clairesta (Michelle Williams), joka oli esittänyt rouva Lomania, tulee Cadenin uusi vaimo.
    Varastossaan Caden rakentaa jäljitelmän maailmastaan vuorosana vuorosanalta, esiintyjä esiintyjältä, kunnes fiktion ja ei-fiktion rajat hämärtyvät. Kuten oikeankokoinen kartta Borgesin novellissa "Tieteellisestä tarkkuudesta" representaatio alkaa muistuttaa todellisuutta siinä määrin, että se voi korvata sen. Jean Baudrillard käytti Borgesin tarinaa simulakrumin käsitteensä vertauskuvana, ja Caden antaakin tuotantonsa nimeksi Simulacrum. En edes tiedä, mitä se tarkoittaa, huokaisee Cadenin tyttöystävä Hazel (Samantha Morton). Mutta ei tunnu ymmärtävän Cadenkaan, joka rakentaa toista maailmaansa niin suurella tarmolla, että unohtaa elää ensimmäisessä.
    Niin varma kuin Kaufmanin ote onkin tarinaan, jossa ajan, tilan ja kerronnan säännöt luisuvat käsistä, Synecdoche on yhtä suuressa määrin sydämen tuskanhuuto kuin luovan mielikuvituksen juhlaa. Elää tässä ja nyt, maailmassa sellaisena kuin se on eikä sellaisena kuin haluamme sen kuvitella, on yksinkertainen ajatus, mutta se on ainoa ajatus, joka on kaiken työn ja tuskan ja vaikutuksen ahdistuksen arvoinen. Elämä on unta, mutta ainoastaan nukkujille.

– Manohla Dargisin mukaan ("Dreamer, Live in the Here and Now", The New York Times, 23.10.2008) AA 29.5.2014

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