Saturday, March 07, 2015

Career Plans / Urasuunnitelmia

GB/FI 2014. Documentary. PC: National Film and TV School. P+D+SC+DP: Sakari Suuronen. S: Matis Rei. ED: Jojo Erholz. M: Fraya Thomsen. Featuring: Dania Vanessa Hoang and her daughter Yumi Hoang, Paula Pietiläinen, Kirsi Oksaharju. 22 min
    In Finnish with English subtitles.
    Tampere Film Festival (National Competition 10), Saturday, 7 March 2015

TFF: "Where do you see yourself in five years? Everything seems so uncertain for Dania after graduation. Luckily her guidance counselor is with her on the journey."

AA: An intimate and sympathetic documentary film following a decisive moment in a young woman's choice of education and career. "Where do you see yourself in 3 years? 5 years? 7 years?" The intention is not to increase anxiety but to inspire.
    It starts with a young students examining forms with adjectives which might best describe them. Dania, 24, is on a five month home economics course in Jyväskylä, Finland. The course is about to end and she needs to figure out what to do with her future. The hairdressing school in Tampere has invited Dania for an inteview.
    Dania has arrived to Finland from Vietnam in the year 2000. Her mother was violent. She now is a single mother.
    Dania has been depressed since there has been no answer from Tampere. But there has just been a glitch of communication, and she has been accepted for the education to her dream job.
     The visual quality: a basic, plain, low tech documentary record.

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