Saturday, October 10, 2015

Colección Sagarminaga, Programme 2

Arrivée d'un train à wagons à étages (Auguste Baron, 1897-1901). Photo: Filmoteca Española
Sortie d'usine (Lumière 1896, second version).
Tor di Quinto (1905). The image is not from the Warwick Trading Co. film but gives an impression of the stunning steeplechase feats displayed.
La Poule merveilleuse (Pathé, 1902)
La Charité du prestidigitateur (Gaumont, 1905)
Filmoteca Española
Curated by Camille Blot-Wellens.
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto (GCM), Pordenone.
Viewed at Teatro Verdi, with subtitles, grand piano: , 10 Oct 2015

Prog. 2 (Rl.“K” – Rl. V)

Rl. “K”

TOR DI QUINTO (Tor di Quinto [caballería])  (Warwick Trading Co. – GB 1905) D: ?; 35 mm, 213.7 m, 10'23", col. (partially tinted); main title in German.
    AA: Non-fiction. Amazing horsemanship. Cavalry steeplechase exercise of the most highly demanding kind. Difficult stone walls, steep hills, waterfalls, ruins, dangerous falls, bathing. Screening speed on the slow side. Yellow tint. Visual quality: from a duped source but watchable. *

Rl. L

ENCIERRO DE LOS TOROS (Encierro de toros) (Lumière – FR 1898) D: ?; 35 mm, 16.8 m, 49", col. (tinted). This is the second version of this title, shot in Seville.
    AA:  Non-fiction. Running of the bulls. An interesting composition with people, horses, and bulls. Yellow tint.

(CORRIDA DE FUENTES) (?, GB?, 1902-1906) D: ?; 35 mm, 63.9 m, 3'06", col. (tinted). Possibly images of the bullfight at the Real Plaza de Toros de Aranjuez during the celebrations for the Feast Day of San Fernando, on 30 May 1903.
    AA: Non-fiction. Bullfight footage. A horse falls. From a low contrast source that has suffered damages.

GARDE RÉPUBLICAINE À CHEVAL (Guardia republicana) (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 19 m, 56”.
    AA: Non-fiction. A cavalry parade. Visual quality good.

ARRIVÉE D’UN TRAIN (Llegada del tren) (Pathé – FR, 1898-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 20.5 m, 60”.
This is the second version of this title.
    AA: Non-fiction. The train arrives on the right side of the image, a passerby falls, passengers board the train. Visual quality mediocre.

SORTIE D’USINE (Salida de un taller) (Lumière – FR 1896) D: ?; 35 mm, 16.5 m, 48", col. (tinted). This is the second version of this title.
    AA: Non-fiction. The classic view, workers in their good clothes, even a carriage emerges from the factory gate. Tinted yellow. Visual quality good.

ÉVOLUTION D’ESCADRE À TOULON (Visita a la escuadra francesa) (Parnaland – FR 1901) D:
 ?; 35 mm, 16.3 m, 46”.
    AA: Non-fiction. A vessel glides away from the harbour.  From a low contrast source.

LE PRÉSIDENT FÉLIX FAURE AUX COURSES (Mr. Faure en las carreras) (Pathé – FR, 1898-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 15.4 m, 45”.
     AA: Non-fiction. The President Félix Faure passes from right to left. Visual quality ok, from a damaged source.

Rl. M

POURSUITE ACCIDENTÉE (Persecusión accidentada)  (Pathé – FR 1903) D: ?; 35 mm, 21.3 m, 1'02", col. (tinted); main title in French
    AA:  Fiction: comedy: chase. A man is fishing, young boy rascals drive with their bicycles into the river, policemen splash into the water, they need help to be rescued. Visual quality: ok, watchable.
DÉMOLITION D’UN MUR (Muro derrumbado) (Lumière – FR 1896) D: Louis Lumière; 35 mm, 16.3 m, 47", col. (tinted). Another version was produced later.
    AA: Non-fiction. The familiar view. The wall is demolished, there is a cloud of dust. Visual quality: duped, ok, watchable.

PETITES CAUSES GRANDS EFFETS (La disputa) (Parnaland – FR, 1902-1904) D: ?; 35 mm, 28 m, 1'24"; main title in French.
    AA: Fiction: comedy: tit for tat. A little girl lands into a dispute which escalates in Laurel & Hardy fashion. The screening speed is on the fast side. Visual quality watchable.

PIERROT BUVEUR (Pierrot y el diablo) (Parnaland – FR, c.1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 16.1 m, 47", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: féerie: metamorphoses. Pierrot drinks, the Devil appears, there are metamorphoses and visions including a woman with a cross. Tinted yellow. From a worn source.

CAMBRIOLEUR INSAISISSABLE (Ladrón que se escurre) (Parnaland – FR 1901) D: ?; 35 mm, 19 m, 55", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: trick film. A magician thief escapes from the policeman with his disappearing tricks. Tinted yellow. From a worn source.

FÂCHEUSE DISTRACTION (Distracción seltz al sombrero) (Parnaland – FR 1901) D: ?; 35 mm, 19.1 m, 56", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: comedy: delirium. A man drinks, sees amusing images, pours drink to the ground. Tinted yellow. From a worn source.

Rl. N

FEU D’HERBES (Quema de hierbas) (Parnaland – FR, c.1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 15.9 m, 46", col. (tinted).
    AA: Non-fiction. Burning grass. The whole family is at it, including a little girl. "Children at work" again. Tinted yellow. From a worn source.

BRÛLEUSES D’HERBES (Quema de hierbas) (Pathé – FR, 1896-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 18.9 m, 55”.
    AA: Non-fiction. A bigger hay-burning job. Maidens.

COUR DE FERME (Corral de aves) (Parnaland – FR, c.1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 17.5 m, 51”. This film is also known as Intérieur de ferme.
    AA: Non-fiction. At the farm. Birds are fed. There are cows, too. From a worn, low-contrast source.

MOUTONS (El rebaño) (Parnaland – FR, c.1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 14.2 m, 41", col. (tinted). This film is also known as Sortie de moutons.
    AA: Non-fiction. Sheep are let loose from their corral. Dogs are guiding them. Tinted yellow. From a source tending to a low contrast.

THE KIDDIES AND THE RABBITS (Niños y conejos) (Warwick Trading Co. – GB 1904) D:  Archibald Brown; 35 mm, 28.7 m, 1'24”.
    AA: Non-fiction. Rabbits eat cabbage. Three babies observe them. Visual quality pretty good, with a slight tendency to high contrast.

LES DÉNICHEURS D’OISEAUX (Los nidos) (Pathé – FR 1904) D: Gaston Velle; story: Charles Pathé; 35 mm, 48 m, 2'20" , col. (tinted); main title in French.
    AA: Fiction. Three rascals steal a bird's nest. The forester chases them. They cross a river. Title tinted red. A beautiful print.

LES BÛCHERONS (Los leñadores) (Parnaland – FR, 1902-1903) D: ?; 35 mm, 33 m, 1'36", col. (tinted); main title in French.
    AA: Fiction: trick film. Lumberjacks. They settle scores with axes and sticks. An axe sticks on the head. Members are put back together in a changed order. Speed on a fast side. Visual quality watchable.

Rl. O

BAIGNEURS ET PLONGEURS (Baño de colegiales) (Pathé – FR, 1896-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 19.6 m, 57”.
    AA: Non-fiction. Swimmers and divers. Dozens of them. Skilful diving jumps. Speed on a slow side. From a bad and worn source.

SAUTS DU TREMPLIN (Baños públicos) (Parnaland – FR, 1897-1898) D: ?; 35 mm, 17.9 m, 52", col. (tinted). This film is also known as Ecole de natation.
    AA: Non-fiction. Learning to jump and dive. Tinted yellow. Visual quality watchable.

AU RÉFECTOIRE (Comida de colegiales) (Pathé – FR, 1896-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 15.8 m, 46”.
    AA: Fiction: farce. At the canteen. Slapstick with messing around with food. Gray. From a soft source, watchable.

BATAILLE DE NEIGE (Batalla en la nieve) (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 15.5 m, 45”.
    AA: Fiction: farce. Rookies in uniforms start a snowball war. A cyclist falls. From a source tending towards high contrast, visual quality fair.

(TABERNA BRETONA) (Pathé? – FR?, 1896-1899?) D: ?; 35 mm, 14.5 m, 42”. Fiction subject set in a tavern, with people in French Breton costume.
    AA: Fiction: comedy. A lively scene at a dinner table with ten guests. There is enough to drink, and a rough-and-tumble ensues. From a source tending towards high contrast, visual quality fair.

CARAVANE DE CHAMEAUX (Caravana de camellos) (Lumière – FR 1897) D: Alexandre Promio; 16.9 m, 49", col. (tinted).
    AA: Non-fiction. A Lumière view of a caravan with camels. Tinted yellow. Tending towards high contrast, visual quality fair.

RESTITUTION FORCÉE (Restitución del vaso de vino) (Parnaland – FR, c.1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 14.7 m, 43", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: farce: trick film. A forced restitution. The clown taps the gentleman's stomach to get the wine back. Tinted yellow. From a worn source, visual quality fair.

Rl. P

MARIE ANTOINETTE (Fiestas en Versalles) (Pathé – FR 1903) D: ?; 35 mm, 100.4 m, 4'53", col. (tinted); main title and intertitles in Spanish. This print does not include the last three episodes of the film.
    AA: Fiction: period views. A historical reconstruction. 1) A pleasure boat arrives. 2) A menuet outdoors. 3) Merienda campese = picnic on the grass. Deep focus with three layers of action in depth. A performance in the background. 4) Playing blindfolded. 5) A gallant rendez-vous. From a source tending to high contrast, visual quality quite good, with a lot of detail.

LA CHASSE À COURRE (Caza del ciervo en Inglaterra) (Parnaland – FR, c.1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 80.7 m, 3'43", col. (partially tinted); main title in French.
    AA: Non-fiction. Chasing with hounds in England. Ten hound dogs. Embarking on a hunting trip along the road. A deer swims. Surrounded by dogs. The deer is killed. Dogs get meat to eat. From a worn source, visual quality passable.

BOIS DE BOULOGNE (Avenida del Bois de Boulogne) (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 19.1 m, 56”.
    AA: Non-fiction. Traffic: people and bicycles, horse-drawn carriages, the smart set, a steam tram. Visual quality passable.

Rl. R

LE PAPE AU VATICAN (León XIII en el Vaticano) (Pathé – FR 1903) D: Lucien Nonguet; 35 mm, 37.1 m, 1'48"; main title in French. Various versions of films bearing this title exist.
    AA: A reconstruction. The Pope enters in his carriage. There was laughter in the audience when it became obvious that this is a reconstruction. Tending towards a high contrast. Visual quality fair.

SORTIE D’ÉGLISE EN BOHÊME (Salida de iglesia en Bohemia) (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 20.1 m, 60”.
    AA:  Non-fiction. Coming out of the church in Bohemia. A big crowd full of joy. A series of faces, many facing the camera. A sense of fun. Visual quality fair.

DANSE BOHÉMIENNE (Danza bohemia) (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 19.9 m, 58”.
    AA: Non-fiction. A Bohemian ball. Musicians, beer, national dresses, a ring dance. Visual quality fair.

AVENUE DES CHAMPS-ELYSÉES (Avenida de los Campos Elíseos) (Parnaland – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 16 m, 47", col. (tinted).
    AA: Non-fiction. Vehicles, horse-drawn carriages, bicycles. Tinted yellow. Visual quality fair.

GÉNIE (Regimiento de ingenieros) (Parnaland – FR 1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 21.6 m, 1'03", col. (tinted). This film is also known as Défilé du régiment de Génie. Another version exists of this title, measuring 44 metres.
    AA: Non-fiction. A parade from right to left. Tinted yellow. Visual quality fair.

ARRIVÉE D’UN TRAIN À WAGONS À ÉTAGES (Tren con imperial) (Auguste Baron – FR, 1897-1901) D: ?; 35 mm, 17.6 m, 52", col. (tinted).
    AA: Non-fiction. The arrival of a train with double-decker carriages. See image above. A lively crowd of people. Tinted yellow. Visual quality pretty good.

ARROSAGE GÉNÉRAL (Riego general) (Parnaland – FR 1901) D: ?; 35 mm, 21.7 m, 1'03", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: comedy: prank. A new kind of prank with the gardener's hose. The police is involved. The innocent are punished. A little rascal is behind the prank. Tinted yellow.

GENDARME ET VOLEUR DE CANARD (El gendarme atascado) (Parnaland – FR, 1900-1901) D: ?; 35 mm, 20.2 m, 59", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: comedy. A boy steals a duck and makes a fool of the policeman. Tinted yellow. Visual quality fair.

Rl. S

BALLET SUR SCÈNE AVEC ORCHESTRE (Fiesta nocturna en Michelet) (Auguste Baron – FR, 1897-1901) D: ?; 35 mm, 17.3 m, 51", col. (tinted).
    AA: Non-fiction: a record of a ballet performance. A big ballet number on a stage in the middle of the auditorium. Tinted yellow. From a source tending to a high contrast.

UNE BONNE HISTOIRE (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 20.3 m, 59”. Pathé produced another version of this title in 1903.
    AA: Fiction: comedy. Two clergymen at the table share a funny story that apparently involves a woman's breasts. Visual quality pretty good.

VOYAGE DANS UN TRAIN (Pathé – FR 1896) D: Charles Pathé?; 35 mm, 14.3 m, 42”.
    AA: Non-fiction: phantom ride. Shot from the back terrace of a train. From a source about to be destroyed, visual quality bad.

 (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 16.6 m, 49”. The entire Spanish title was illegible in Sargarmínaga’s original notes.
    AA: Non-fiction. A lively view of horses being bathed. Visual quality fair.

SAUTS DE HAIES (Militar saltando cerco) (Parnaland – FR, c.1900) D: ?; 35 mm, 21.2 m, 1'02", col. (tinted).
    AA: Non-fiction. Cavalry. Jumping hurdles from left to right. Tinted yellow.  Visual quality stuffy.

SAUTS D’OBSTACLES PAR DES OFFICIERS (Militares a caballo) (Pathé – FR, 1898-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 15.6 m, 46”. This film is also known as Sauts d’obstacles par les dragons.
    AA:  Non-fiction. Cavalry. Jumping hurdles from right to left. Visual quality fair.

LA POULE MERVEILLEUSE (La gallina misteriosa) (Pathé – FR 1902) D: Ferdinand Zecca; 35 mm, 37 m, 1'48”.
    AA: Fiction: féerie: A Miraculous Hen. A wizard conjures eggs, chicken are hatched from the eggs, and then it all happens backwards (the chicken return to the eggs). From a source tending to high contrast, visual quality pretty good.

Rl. V

LES PAYSANS À PARIS (Provincianos en París) (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 18.9 m, 55”.
    AA: Fiction: comedy: Peasants in Paris. The country folks come with a rabbit and hens. They do enjoy to drink. Visual quality ok.

BONNE D’ENFANTS ET MILITAIRE (Galanteos militares) (Parnaland – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 19.8 m, 58", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: a joke. The familiar early cinema joke again. The nanny flirts with a soldier, sitting on a plank, and when the soldier has to stand up to salute, the girl falls flat on her behind. Tinted yellow. Visual quality stuffy, passable.

LES BONS PAYENT POUR LES MAUVAIS (El fumador) (Parnaland – FR, 1900-1901) D: ?; 35 mm, 19.4 m, 57", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: comedy. A bum chases a woman away from a bench in order to be able to lie down on it alone. The policeman stops this. Tinted green. Visual quality ok.

UNE PARTIE DE CANOT (Accidente naútico) (Pathé – FR 1903) D: ?; 35 mm, 24.4 m, 1'11", col. (tinted); main title in French.
    AA: Fiction: comedy: tricks. Landing into water on a canoe trip. A reversal of footage. Visual quality ok.

LA CHARITÉ DU PRESTIDIGITATEUR (Caridad sin recompensa) (Gaumont – FR 1905) D: Alice Guy; 35 mm, 62.5 m, 3'03", col. (tinted).
    AA: Fiction: trick film. See image above. A magician helps a tramp, but having turned into a tramp himself and asking for help, he does not get any help from the ex-tramp. The magician then reverses everything. From a low contrast source, with a dull visual look.


(Films once part of edited compilation reels, but received separately by the archive.)

LAVEUSES EN BOHÊME (Las lavanderas) (Pathé – FR, 1897-1899) D: ?; 35 mm, 62.5 m, 3'03”.
    AA: Non-fiction: washerwomen in Bohemia. A huge courtyard full of washerwomen. From a worn source. A lively visual quality.

(DESFILE DE BIENVENIDA) (?, ?, 1896?) D: ?; 35 mm, 18.7 m, 55”. Possibly shot during the Parisian visit of Tsar Nicholas II in October 1896.
    AA: Non-fiction: an endless cavalry parade. From a worn source, low-contrast, with rain.

AA: See my remarks on Colección Sagarminaga, Programme 1 a few days ago. A wonderful cross-section of early cinema as screened by an early major exhibitor. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult the restoration must have been. The result is very watchable, the image is stable, and with program notes like this it is possible to make sense of a rich and varied collection.

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