Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Sun

Lauri Harju | Finland 2015 | Animation | 8 min
P: Susanna Lätti, Lauri Harju. D+AN+DP: Lauri Harju. SC: Tero Liimatainen. S: Joni Heinonen. M: Janiv Oskar.
    Contact: Lauri Harju.
    Tampere Film Festival (TFF), National Competition 9
    10+11 March, 2016, Plevna 5, 2

TFF: "On a small island above the clouds a father and son have different views on their daily routine of keeping up the sun."

AA: The sun keepers: a puppet animation in rustical circumstances on an island in the sky. There is a bird's nest on the ceiling. The boy plays with a hot air balloon. Chicks hatch out and learn to fly. The boy takes off in a hot air balloon. A consistent and original visual world, mixing the cosmological with the rustical.

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