Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Anno uno 8 B: Films by Paul Nadar (2013 restorations in 4K by La Cinémathèque française)

[Mademoiselle Zambelli de l'Opéra] (1898). Photo: La Cinémathèque française. Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2014. Please click to enlarge.

1896. Cinema anno uno – Lumière!

1896. Year One of Cinematography
Programma 8 / Programme 8: B: Films by Paul Nadar

Introduce Céline Ruivo
♪ Grand piano John Sweeney
There are no intertitles in the films.
Cinema Lumiere – Sala Officinema/Mastroianni, 29 June 2016

Films by Paul Nadar, 1896-1898

Bologna catalog: "In 1896, Paul Armand Tournachon, known as Paul Nadar, son of photographer Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, known as Nadar, shot his first films with a cine-camera that ran non-perforated 35 mm film (a spiked-roller perforated the film as the camera operated). The cine-camera is preserved at Cinémathèque française together with another model (which utilised 58 mm film, absent from this body of work). The 35 mm version was demonstrated to the board members of the Musée Grevin on the 12th May 1897. Nadar was supposed to succeed Émile Reynaud and his Théâtre Optique but the board members were not enthused by the results of the screening (“The noise of the mechanism renders it absolutely unusable”, the board’s minutes of the 17th May 1897 record). Subsequently Paul Nadar used a cine-camera for 35 mm film with Edison perforations. The films we are presenting were shot with both the 1896 cine-camera and the later one in the standard format. Several original films made by Paul Nadar, together with his two cameras, were acquired by the Cinémathèque française from Nadir’s widow on the 7th February 1950."

[Danses slaves]. C: sorelle Rappo

[Danses russes]. C: sorelle Rappo

Les Deux Gosses. C: Marthe Mellot e Hélène Reyé

[Paul Nadar pratiquant l’escrime]

[Paul Nadar lisant “L’Écho de Paris” à la terrasse d’un café]

[Mademoiselle Zambelli de l’Opéra]. C: Carlotta Zambelli

[Danse du papillon]. C: Bob Walter

[Scène de rêve]

[Rue Royale]

[Place de La Concorde]

FR 1896-1898. D: Paul Nadar. 35 mm. 288 m / 10’. Col. Da: Cinémathèque française (coll. Olivier Auboin-Vermorel)
Restored in 2013 in 4K by Cinémathèque française, from negatives and positives of vintage prints

AA: I blogged about the Paul Nadar films at Le Giornate del Cinema Muto in 2014.

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