Friday, March 10, 2017

Drag Me to Kempele

Tampere Film Festival
Kotimainen kilpailu 9
T34 | 9.3. THU/TO 16:00 | PLEVNA 5
P15 | 10.3. FRI/PE 18:00 | PLEVNA 2
Duration/kesto: 95 min
Samuli Alapuranen | Finland 2017 | Experimental, documentary | 8 min

TFF: Kempele is a grey hole located in the northern part of Finnish Ostrobothnia. It neither pulls in or pushes away the flow of traffic that trickles through it via the E4 motorway. It is ordinary. It is flat. It is very difficult to come up with any more adjectives describing it. Drag Me to Kempele is a portrait of a mediocre town where people shop, exercise or drive through on their way to North or South.

Kempele on Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla sijaitseva harmaa aukko. Se ei vedä puoleensa eikä hylji sen läpi valuvaa nelostien liikennevirtaa. Se on tavallinen. Se on tasainen. Siitä on vaikea keksiä enempää adjektiiveja. Drag me to Kempele on kuvaus keskinkertaisesta paikkakunnasta, jossa käydään kaupassa, harrastetaan urheilua ja jonka läpi ajetaan matkalla pohjoiseen tai etelään

AA: A meditative vision on Kempele, a municipality near Oulu by the sea (the Gulf of Bothnia of the Baltic Sea). This is a film without living beings. We see shells of cars and carcasses of a fox and a pike. The movement is slow, much of the footage is shot in extreme high angle with a drone camera. A film about a thoroughfare, a space of passage, a site of transit. The colour is autumn bleak, "there'll be no sunshine in my life", the music is calm and meditative.

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