Sunday, January 21, 2018

Christmas holiday reading 3

17. Markku Eskelinen: Raukoilla rajoilla. Suomenkielisen proosakirjallisuuden historia. [Wretched Corners. A History of Finnish Prose Literature] 599 p. Helsinki: Siltala, 2016. – A magnificent provocation. Markku Eskelinen is a one man wrecking crew challenging established notions of the Finnish literary canon. Much is brilliant and original, but there is a mean streak that will date this work.

18. Tuomas Marjamäki: Spede, nimittäin. [Spede, You See.] 421 p. Jyväskylä: Docendo, 2017. – There have been distinguished books before on Pertti (Spede) Pasanen, the king of Finnish radio, television, and film comedy. Marjamäki has a great many new sources and he writes in an engaging way.

19. Jörn Donner: Suomi Finland. 120 p. Finland 100. Helsingfors: Förlaget, 2017. – It has been said that whatever the topic, the focus of Jörn Donner is himself. The same goes also for his centenary of Finnish independence essay book. His observations are interesting, he keeps renewing himself, and there is a lot in common in this book with his latest film, Perkele 2 – Images from Finland.

20. Jarkko Vesikansa: Salainen sisällissota. Työnantajien ja porvarien taistelu kommunismia vastaan kylmän sodan Suomessa. [A Secret Civil War. The Battle of the Management and the Bourgeoisie Against Communism in Finland During the Cold War]. 368 p. Helsinki: Otava, 2004. – An amazing and baffling book on a Quixotic secret war against leftist windmills in Cold War Finland. A rich collection of revelations in Maxwell Smart territory. Big money was involved. Could provide excellent film material.

21. Minna Eväsoja: Melkein geisha. Hurmaava ja hullu Japani. [Almost a Geisha. The Enchanting and Bewildering Japan]. 239 p. Helsinki: Gummerus, 2016. – Minna Eväsoja has spent long years in Japan seriously orientating herself in the culture and traditions. Essays full of insight, wit, and humour.

22. Mitä Missä Milloin 2018. Vuosikirja syyskuu 2016 – elokuu 2017. [MMM Yearbook 2018 {The What Where and When Yearbook}]. 68. vuosikirja. Editor: Ulla Paavilainen. 422 p. Helsinki: Otava, 2017. – I am a faithful reader and collector of the MMM Yearbooks, and I consult them regularly. I deplore the current populistic touch; the latest editions will date fast. But there are still several high quality contributions. And a favourite feature of mine, "words of the year", the funniest of which are untranslatable.


Rosa Liksom: Everstinna [Mrs. Colonel]
Kjell Westö: Rikinkeltainen taivas [A Sulphur Yellow Sky]
Juha Siltala: Keskiluokan nousu, lasku ja pelot [The Rise, Fall and Fears of the Middle Class]
Markku Kuisma: Venäjä ja Suomen talous [Russia and the Economy of Finland]
Suvi Ahola (ed.): Kirjava käsikirja kestävään kehitykseen [A Checkered Handbook of Sustainable Development]
Svetlana Alexievich: Sodalla ei ole naisen kasvoja [War's Unwomanly Face]


  1. Lauri Leinonen7:33 pm

    A short note: Salainen sisällissota is an abridged version of Vesikansa´s doctor thesis. Title: Kommunismi uhkaa maatamme. - If you enjoyed Salainen sisällissota (as you did), chances are good that you will find more interesting material on topic. Available in a few selected libraries in Finland. - I am more than slightly delighted having a copy of my own, purchased from the author 2005.

  2. Lauri Leinonen, kiitos, kyllä kiinnostaa! Antti
