Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Tampere Film Festival 2020: Opening Screening

Angello Faccini, Guille Isa: Dulce.

Tampere Film Festival (TFF): Opening Screening
Plevna 2, Tampere, 4 March 2020


Angello Faccini, Guille Isa | United States, Colombia, Peru 2018 | Documentary | 11 min

TFF: "On Colombia’s Pacific Coast, a mother teaches her daughter, Dulce, how to swim. It is an essential skill in this remote region, where livelihoods are made on the sea and where rising tides, made worse by climate change, have swept entire villages away in recent years. Overcoming her fear of the water is just one element of Dulce’s budding awareness of her natural and cultural surroundings."

"Tyynenmeren rannikolla Kolumbiassa äiti opettaa tytärtään Dulcea uimaan. Se on tärkeä taito syrjäisellä seudulla, jossa elanto tienataan merestä ja jossa ilmastonmuutoksen pahentamat nousuvedet ovat viime vuosina vieneet mennessään kokonaisia kyliä. Veden pelon voittaminen on vain yksi osa Dulcen kasvavaa tietoisuutta häntä ympäröivästä luonnosta ja kulttuurista." TFF

AA: The water is rising. To know how to swim is a matter of life and death. The climate change affects the entire habitat of the mangrove biome. A small story about great issues.

Miia Tervo: Lumikko (2009).


Miia Tervo | Finland 2009 | Documentary | 20 min

TFF: "It’s not wrong to want love – you just need to look for it in the right place."

"Ei ole väärin haluta rakkautta, pitää vain tietää mistä etsiä." TFF

AA: Miia Tervo's Lumikko, which won the Grand Prix of the Tampere Film Festival in 2009, was also for me the revelation of the talented director at the time, soon reaffirmed by an equally unique short film, Santra and the Talking Trees. Lumikko starts with a radio confession to Pekka Sauri at Yölinja (Night Line), a tale of sexual awakening, school bullying and survival instinct. It's a young woman's story of being "dazed and confused", told with confidential intimacy and a wide palette of cinematic means, including charcoal animation and documentary inserts (rescuing an elk from a hole in the ice).

Nelson Makengo: Up at Night.


Nelson Makengo | Congo, Belgium 2019 | Documentary | 21 min

TFF: "darkness > in the depths of the working class neighbourhoods, in the absurdity of the rubble of endless nights, night > in this nocturnal shipwreck of the physical and symbolic power cut, resistance > abandoned to itself like a motherless chick, like a pot without a lid, like a house without a window, without a door, like a door without a lock, like a lock without a key… light > resilience, darkness > and the beauty of resistance?"

"pimeys > työläislähiön syövereissä, loputtomien öiden raunioiden absurdiudessa, yö > fyysisen ja symbolisen sähkökatkon öisessä haaksirikossa, vastarinta > hylättynä kuin emoton linnunpoika, kuin vakka ilman kantta, kuin talo ilman ikkunaa, ilman ovea, kuin ovi ilman lukkoa, kuin lukko ilman avainta… valo > lannistumattomuus, pimeys > ja vastarinnan kauneus?" TFF

AA: Executed in Polyvision, like Napoléon vu par Abel Gance, a poetic and energetic vision about turbulence in Kongo, in accelerated motion.

Dylan River: Nulla Nulla.


Dylan River | Australia 2014 | Fiction | 6 min

TFF: "A young policeman, fresh out of the academy, gets his first taste of the complexities of community life. Taken under the wing of a senior Aboriginal Community Police Officer, he is thrown into the deepend when he is encouraged to repsond to a Domestic Dispute on his own."

"Juuri akatemiasta valmistunut nuori poliisi saa esimakua yhteisöelämän monimutkaisuudesta. Aboriginaaliyhteisön vanhemman poliisin suojeluksessa oleva nuorimies joutuu tositoimiin, kun häntä rohkaistaan vastaamaan kotiväkivaltahälytykseen yksin."

AA: A novel twist to the conventional dramatis personae concept of the veteran cop / the rookie cop. Two mean and formidable First Nation grannies give the young white cop a lesson that he is unlikely to forget.

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