Monday, September 18, 2023

Irgendwann werden wir einander alles erzählen / Someday We'll Tell Each Other Everything

Emily Atef: Irgendwann werden wir einander alles erzählen / Someday We'll Tell Each Other Everything (DE 2023).

Someday We'll Teach Each Other Everything
Animals / Journey / Female Stories / LoveSex
Theme: Let's Talk about Sex!
Country: Germany
Director: Emily Atef
Screenplay: Emily Atef, Daniela Krien
Starring: Marlene Burow, Felix Kramer, Cedric Eich, Silke Bodenbender, Florian Panzner
Production: Karsten Stöter / Rohfilm Factory GmbH
Duration: 133 min
Rating: K16
Tripla 4: Love & Anarchy: Helsinki International Film Festival (HIFF), 18 Sep 2023

Tytti Rantanen (HIFF 2023): " Eletään korkeinta suvea 1990 Itä-Saksassa. 18-vuotias Maria viettää kesää poikaystävänsä Johanneksen perheen maatilalla. Nuorilla on elämä edessä yhdistyvissä Saksoissa. Kyläkaupan baarissa ukot jupisevat D-markan vaiheista, mutta Marian mielessä pyörii naapurin synkänkarismaattinen, nelikymppinen hevosmies Henner. He aloittavat suhteen, jossa ei kaihdeta riuskoja otteita, mutta jonka tulevaisuus on hauras. "

" Emily Atefin One Day We’ll Tell Each Other Everything on sekoitus Euroopan poliittista mikrohistoriaa ja 1990-luvun Regina-lehden Naisen unelmia -palstan tyylistä eroottista seikkailua. Kuin suoraan seksinovelleista Henner jopa murahtaa Marialle: ”Nyt olen napannut sinut ja raahannut luolaani.” "

" Regina-vertaus ei ole moite. Atef tavoittaa Marian seksuaalisen heräämisen katkeransuloisen ristiriitaisuuden: Entä jos haluankin olla aktiivisesti passiivinen? Jos en tiedä, mitä tekisin vapaudella ja mahdollisuuksilla? Elokuva tavoittaa myös haluavan naiskatseen, kun Henner työntää pöpelikköön suistuneen Trabantin takaisin tielle. Tosin kaikista eniten haaveellinen Maria ehkä haluaisi lukea rauhassa Dostojevskin Karamazovin veljeksiä, elleivät elämä ja erotiikka pitäisi häntä kiireisenä. " Tytti Rantanen

Quoted by HIFF 2023: " More Than Ever director Emily Atef’s new film is a tale of erotic obsession and despair in the farmlands of Thuringia on the eastern side of Germany’s now vanished internal border: it is the summer of 1990, the last historic moments of the GDR. This is a movie to raise the possibility that Germany has still not perhaps made a full reckoning with the euphoric trauma of the Berlin Wall coming down. Atef finds something mythic, tragic and romantic in the great healing rupture. Something comic, too. " Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian

" Maria (Marlene Burow) is directionless, spending her days smoking absent-mindedly and trailing through fields that reflect her honey-hued tresses. Her parents divorced and her mother unemployed, she is living with her boyfriend’s family when a run-in with their troubled neighbour Henner (Felix Kramer) ignites a spark of lust. Maria embarks on a rough affair that leaves her bruised, lovesick, and with more questions than answers about what to do next; as she tussles with her options, the film suggests, melancholically, that we are all doomed to choose the wrong path and must be taught a harsh lesson. " Steph Green, Sight and Sound

Language: German
Subtitles: English
Distribution: The Match Factory
Print source: The Match Factory
Cinematography: Armin Dierolf
Editing: Anne Fabini
Music: Christoph Kaiser, Julian Maas
Sound: Kai Tebbel
In collaboration with Goethe Institut and German Films

Soundtrack selections include: - Depeche Mode - Moorsoldaten - Dancing Barefoot (end credit theme).  

AA: The title of the movie is from The Brothers Karamazov, the book that Maria (Marlene Burow) is reading all through the picture.

Someday We'll Teach Each Other Everything is an excellent movie in the mode of classical realism, social, historical and psychological, set in the crucial turning point in the history of Germany, the Wiedervereinigung. In an original and compelling way, it portrays the huge Zeitenwende from the viewpoint of the East German people, who are now able to welcome relatives from the West after many decades. Unhealed memories from WWII also turn up in crucial ways. 

All this is conveyed from the viewpoint of the 19 year old protagonist Maria who has received East German Pioneer education, who struggles with the circumstances of a broken family, yet is lovingly welcomed in a tender foster family, living together with her boyfriend Johannes. But there is something undiscovered burning inside, and the movie is an original and powerful Bildungsroman covering also the full sexual awakening of the young woman, reaching to the taboo territory of violence and pain.

Among the distinctive recurrent features of this remarkable film, shot in scope, are visions of the Thuringian landscape, breathtaking in a way comparable with the greatest classics of German painting.

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