Friday, May 24, 2024

ELO Spring Show: the latest student films by ELO Film School Finland IV

The poster image is from the opening imagery of: Milja Härkönen: Päättämättömien naisten tunnustuksia / Confessions of Undecided Women (FI 2024).


Bio Rex Lasipalatsi (Mannerheimintie 22–24, Helsinki)

Friday 24.5.2024



VUOSIEN PÄÄSSÄ ON PAIKKA (It Takes Years to Reach Us) documentary, 2024, dir. Mikael Rutkiewicz, BA film, 19’ – AA: Experimental. A light shines in the darkness. It reaches house by the forest. It is in ruins. The rain drops. The ruin is slowly aspiring the state of nature. Huge photographic images are reflected on its interiors. Photograps of a lost way of life in the countryside. An experimental play on the metaphor "light years away". A strong score of electronic music.

PEIJAISET (Bear with Me) fiction, 2024, dir. Jasmin Gummerus,  BA film, 19’ – AA: A drama in the forest. Donna's birthday party turns into a horrific tragedy involving a bear rug. Peijaiset is an ancient Finnish hunting tradition to celebrate the catch of a slain bear / moose / elk (in Hokkaido the Ainu celebrate the Iomante in a similar way). Jealousy, thunderous psycho music, transformation. Theme song: "Lapsuuden ystävälle" (trad. / P. J. Hannikainen).

PIENIÄ AJATUKSIA NAAPURUUDESTA (Small Notes About My Neighbours) documentary, 2024, dir. Anna Törrönen, BA film, 19’ – AA: Experimental memory journey, childhood joys, rainy day fun, abstract inserts, also vegetation and butterflies are neighbours. Reflections on the mycelium, the formidable fungus structure. "Also my root are growing here". "I can smell a butterfly". Infinity is everywhere.

ILLAN VIKA (Meanwhile) fiction, 2024, dir. Yasmin Najjar, BA film, 17’ – AA: A movie resembling a short story. A young woman in charge of a small hamburger restaurant, teaching a newcomer how everything works, meeting crisis. "La Voix humaine" situation with her girlfriend abroad. She does not answer the phone until she does. Displaying a sense of character, tempo and psychological nuance.

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