Sunday, August 01, 1971


Tito Davison: Corazón salvaje / Metsik süda (MX 1968).

The Searchers / Etsijät. US 1956. D: John Ford. John Wayne. Cinema
Boomerang / Saarroksissa. US 1947. D: Elia Kazan. Dana Andrews. tv
The Ox-Bow Incident / Kuolemantuomiopaikka. US 1942. D: William Wellman. Dana Andrews. tv
Little Big Man / Pieni Suuri Mies. US 1971. D: Arthur Penn. Dustin Hoffman
The Chase / Armottomat. US 1965. D: Arthur Penn. Marlon Brando, Robert Redford, Jane Fonda
Corazón salvaje / Metsik süda. MX 1968. D: Tito Davison. Based on the radioplay and novel by the "Margaret Mitchell of the telenovela", Caridad Bravo Adams. A mother is brutally wronged, and her son becomes a pirate of the Caribbean in the early 19th century. Seen in Tallinn, Estonia. The print had probably a spoken commentary in Estonian. The daytime screening was sold out, it was full of grown-up women, and they cried out loud. The Soviet premiere of the movie was on 24 May 1971. According to Wikipedia, it sold 41,6 million tickets in the Soviet Union. As a Finnish tourist in Tallinn, I was in that number. 
Desperate Hours / Epätoivon hetkiä. US 1955. D: William Wyler. Humphrey Bogart. tv