Wednesday, October 01, 1975


Oldřich Lipský: Happy End (CZ 1967). Gallows humour in a black comedy unfolding entirely in reverse motion. It ends with the protagonist being shoved back into his mother.

Lola Montès
. [2]
Mать / Äiti / Mother. SU 1926. D: Vsevolod Pudovkin
Фома Гордеев / Kultaiset kahleet / Foma Gordeyev. SU 1959. D: Mark Donskoy
Happy EndStastny konec / Onnellinen loppu. CZ 1967. D: Oldřich Lipský. The whole feature story backwards, from the end to the beginning!
Skammen. [2]
Гамлет / Hamlet. SU 1964. D: Grigori Kozintsev
Grierson. CA 1973. D: Roger Blais
Angst / Uskottomuus. DE/IT 1954. D: Roberto Rossellini
Haluan rakastaa Peter / I Want to Love Peter. FI 1972. D: Matti Kassila
Дама с собачкой. [2]
Le petit théâtre de Jean Renoir / Onnen hetkiä. TVM. DE/IT/FR 1970. D: Jean Renoir
FILMS FROM CHILE: Venceremos (1970), Herminda de la Victoria (1969), Cronica del salitre, No los trancaran el Paso (1971, D: Guillermo Cahn, the chronicle of the Bima factory re-occupied by workers during the Allende era, to continue production, brilliantly shot, excellent use of the long shot), Mijita (1970)
Action in the North Pacific / Saattue Murmanskiin. US 1943. D: Lloyd Bacon
River of No Return / Joki jolta ei ole paluuta. US 1954. D: Otto Preminger. Pirkkalan elokuvapiiri, 16 mm scope
Романс о влюблённых. [2]
Девятсот незабываемых днеи / Taistelu Leningradista / [The Battle for Leningrad]. SU 1965. D: Valeri Solovtsov. doc
Five Fingers / Operaatio Cicero. US 1952. D: Joseph L. Mankiewicz