Friday, February 01, 1980


Ingmar Bergman: Gycklarnas afton (SE 1953). Hasse Ekman (Frans), Harriet Andersson (Anne).

The Amazing Howard Hughes 2 / Hämmästyttävä Howard Hughes 2. TVM. US 1977. D: William A. Graham. Tommy Lee Jones. tv. An excellent tv biopic, although not of Welles calibre
Valahol Európában / Jossakin Euroopassa / Somewhere in Europe. HU 1947. D: Géza von Radványi. SC: Béla Balázs. SEA Tampere. One of the cinemas memorable stories about the young outcasts, qf. Los olvidados, Putjovka v zhizn, Wild Boys of the Road, Sciuscià
Великая Отечественная 6: Война в Арктике / Tuntematon sota 6: Taistelut arktisella alueella / The Unknown War 6: War in the Arctic. SU/US 1978. D: Leonid Kristi. tv
A Night at the Opera / Ilta oopperassa. US 1935. The Marx Bros. Olympia
Du rififi chez les hommes / Rififi. FR 1955. D: Jules Dassin. Pirkka. Magnificent crime film, along with Touchez pas au grisbi
Gycklarnas afton / Viettelysten ilta. SE 1953. D: Ingmar Bergman. Walhalla
Monkey Business. tv [2]. Disturbed by an avalance of commercials, this film with its special rhythm does not work on tv
On Her Majesty's Secret Service / Hänen majesteettinsa salaisessa palveluksessa. GB 1969. D: Peter Hunt. Ian Fleming. George Lazenby (James Bond). Royal. Big fun, better than its reputation
Tavaszi zápor / Marie eli unkarilainen legenda / Marie, a Hungarian Legend. HU 1932. D: Pál Fejös. Annabella. SEA Tampere
Великая Отечественная 8: Победа под Сталинградом / Tuntematon sota 8: Voitto Stalingradissa / The Unknown War 8: Survival at Stalingrad. SU/US 1978. D: Semiramida Pumpjanskaja
Конец Санкт-Петербурга / Pietarin viimeiset päivät / The End of St. Petersburg. TAMY 16 mm [2, 3]
Ukigusa / Kiertolaiset. JP 1959. D: Yasujiro Ozu. Diana
Bellissima / Bellissima. IT 1951. D: Luchino Visconti. tv. Magnani magnificent
Gone With the Wind / Tuulen viemää. US 1939. D: Victor Fleming. Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable. The 1967 70 mm re-release version looked strange, yet magnificent. Bristol, Helsinki
Jour de fête / Lystikäs kirjeenkantaja. FR 1947. D: Jacques Tati. TAMY 16 mm
Великая Отечественная 9: Битва за Кавказ / Tuntematon sota 9: Taistelu Kaukasuksella / The Unknown War 9: The Battle of Caucasus. SU/US 1978. D: Dzhemma Firsova. tv