Tuesday, November 02, 1982


Detlef Sierck: Das Hofkonzert / The Court Concert (DE 1936).

Die Arbeitsteilung. DE 1968. Educational film at W. F. Haug's seminar.
Black Narcissus / Musta narsissi. GB 1947. D: Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger. Arsenal. A wild drive, builds up speed towards the powerful finale.
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp / Ystävykset. GB 1943. D: Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger. Arsenal. A 124 min version. Marvellous, I look forward to the complete version.
A Matter of Life and Death / Kysymys elämästä ja kuolemasta. GB 1946. D: Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger. Arsenal. Did not work for me, too much dryness, also in the humour.
Unser täglich Brot. DD 1949. D: Slatan Dudow. Arsenal. A largely impressive account on the reconstruction of Berlin (DDR), but one of the strands of the storyline gets annoying. The tale of the boy who becomes a spy is not convincing.
Nuit et brouillard / Nacht und Nebel. Arsenal. DF [2]. The German version is important, a part of the official school curriculum in the country.
Das Frauenzimmer. DE 1981. D: Claudia von Alemann. Arsenal. Feministic avantgarde.
Judofrauen haben als Hilfe boten. DE 1982. D: Ulrike Rosenbach. Arsenal. Feministic avantgarde.
Das Hofkonzert / Hovikonsertti / The Court Concert / Du même titre. DE 1936. D: Detlef Sierck. tv. Interesting to encounter Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Mabuse) and Alfred Abel (Metropolis) in talking roles.
Arsenal 22.11.1982: Wolf Kahlen's Experimental Videos. DE 1970-1982. Presented by Wolf Kahlen. Arsenal. I Angleichungen. 1. Trespassing. 2. Ich kann sagen, was ich will. 3. I Can't Get Hold Of Her. 4. Body Horizons. II Video Entropy. 5. [systematic experiments of the apertures of the video camera]. 6. Three Unfocused Stories. 7. Ich kann sehen was ich will. 8. Schafe (part V: the letter F, and part VI: the letter E). 9. Ich kann mir schon schöner vorstellen. 10. Haarwasche.
The Wedding March. tv [2] The ZDF reconstruction from the best possible elements, with the colour sequences and the original soundtrack. Kept booming magnificently in my mind days afterwards.