Thursday, September 01, 1983


Vittorio De Sica: Miracolo a Milano / Miracle in Milan (IT 1951). Totò is discovered as a baby in a cabbage patch. Upon release from the orphanage, he settles in a shantytown. The key film of magic neorealism was photographed in luminous images by Aldo Graziati.

Geoff Posner: Nice Video, Shame About the Song (GB 1983) music video parody for Not the Nine O'Clock News with Mel Smith and Rowan Atkinson, also starring Pamela Stevenson and Griff Rhys Jones.

1.9. Red River / Punainen virta. US 1948. D: Howard Hawks. TV, in part.
2.9. Lonesome Lenny. US 1947. D: Tex Avery. Video
2.9. A Day's Pleasure / Meidän sakin Kalifornian matka. US 1919. Charles Chaplin
2.9. Pop videos
2.9. TV: James Bond: the First 21 Years
2.9. TV: Rockrullen: II: 4
3.9. Two Rode Together. Video. [3]
4.9. Pay Day / Palkkapäivä. US 1922. Charles Chaplin
4.9. A Sailor-Made Man. Video. [2]
4.9. Grandma's Boy. Video. [2]
4.9. Pop videos
4.9. That's Entertainment 2, selections. [x]
5.9. Mystery of the Wax Museum. Video. [2]
5.9. Dr. Jack. Video. [2]
7.9. Blackmail / Kiristys. GB 1929. D: Alfred Hitchcock. Video
7.9. This Land Is Mine / Tämä maa on minun. US 1943. D: Jean Renoir. Video
8.9. The Plough and the Stars / Vallankumouksen pyörteissä. US 1936. D: John Ford. Video
8.9. B. Traven. SE 1978. Doc. Video
9.9. Not the Nine O'Clock News. Video. Including: "Hollywood Loves Solidarity", 
Geoff Posner: "Nice Video, Shame About the Song" (GB 1983) (a great pop video parody).
10.9. Ladri di biciclette. TV. [2]
11.9. Stella Dallas / Äidin uhraus. US 1937. D: King Vidor. Video
11.9. Kiss Me Stupid / Suutele minua, tyhmyri. US 1964. D: Billy Wilder. TV
14.9. Orson Welles: Citizen Kane Interview. Video. [2]
14.9. Gubijinso / Poppy. JP 1935. D: Kenji Mizoguchi. Video
14.9. Meito Mijomaru / The Famous Sword. JP 1945. D: Kenji Mizoguchi. Video
15.9. Tokyo koshinkyoku. Video. [2]
15.9. Little 'Tinker. US 1948. D: Tex Avery
16.9. Two Rode Together. Video. [4]
17.9. Hallelujah! / Neekeriromantiikkaa. US 1929. D: King Vidor.
17.9. The Trial / Oikeusjuttu. FR/IT/DE/YU 1962. D: Orson Welles.
17.9. Miracolo a Milano / Milanon ihme. IT 1951. D: Vittorio De Sica
20.9. Someone's Watching Me! / Vainoavat silmät. TVM. US 1978. D: John Carpenter
21.9. Dumb-Hounded. US 1943. D: Tex Avery
23.9. Someone Up There Likes Me / Kadun kuningas. US 1956. D: Robert Wise
24.9. The Unknown Chaplin 1: My Happiest Years. GB 1983. Kevin Brownlow & David Gill
27.9. The Unknown Chaplin 1: My Happiest Years. Video. [2]