Saturday, December 01, 1979


David Mallet : David Bowie : D.J. (GB 1979). Viewed on 16 mm at the office of the film society Monroe r.y.

/ Senso. IT 1954. D: Luchino Visconti. Solaris
Quadrophenia / Quadrophenia - 60-luvun kapinalliset. GB 1979. D: Franc Roddam. The Who. mods. Press screening at Savoy, Helsinki. I wrote about the mods for Uusi Laulu.
Fantômas 1 + 2 + the start of 3. FR 1913. D: Louis Feuillade. Presented by Jacques Champreux. SEA Joukola, Helsinki
The Searchers. tv [4] gets better every time
The Deer Hunter / Kauriinmetsästäjä. GB/US 1978. D: Michael Cimino. Pirkka
ნატვრის ხე / Navtris khe / Древо желания / Toiveiden puu / The Wishing Tree. GE-SU 1976. D: Tengiz Abuladze. tv. dull, null
David Bowie music videos directed by David Mallet: D.J.; Be My Wife; Look Back In Anger; Hang On To Yourself; Black Out; Ziggy Stardust. Monroe office, 16 mm
The Barber Shop / Parturissa. US 1933. W. C. Fields. Monroe office, 16 mm
Ai no borei / 愛の亡霊 / Intohimon valtakunta / L'Empire de la passion / The Empire of Passion. JP/FR 1978. D: Nagisa Oshima. Kino Palatsi, Tampere - I preferred this to Empire of the Senses.
Ani imoto / あにいもうと / Veli ja sisar / Brother and Sister. JP 1976. D: Tadashi Imai. Monroe office, 16 mm. Dull
Higanbana / 彼岸花 / Päiväntasaajan kukka / Sovinnon kukka / The Equinox Flower. JP 1958. D: Yasujiro Ozu. Monroe, 16 mm
Zangiku monogatari / 残菊物語 / Taru viimeisestä krysanteemista / The Tale of the Late Chrysanthemum. JP 1939. D: Kenji Mizoguchi. Monroe 16 mm. Amazing kabuki
I magliari / Rättikauppiaat. IT 1959. D: Francesco Rosi. tv. Juicy realism and comedy with Alberto Sordi
Судьба человека / Sudba cheloveka / Ihmisen kohtalo / Destiny of a Man. SU 1959. D: Sergei Bondarchuk. Sholohov. Pirkkala 16 mm. Superior to his later work
Dirty Harry / Likainen Harry. US 1971. D: Don Siegel. Clint Eastwood. Ilves. The best Clint Eastwood film so far, offensive and illuminating
Apocalypse Now / Ilmestyskirja. Nyt. US 1979. D: Francis Ford Coppola. Adams
Rakkaani, Tammerkoski / [Tammerkoski My Love]. TV doc. FI 1979. D: Arvo Ahlroos. YLE TV2 28 Dec 1979 - I was research assistant to Arvo Ahlroos at YLE TV2.
La terra trema / Maa järisee. IT 1948. D: Luchino Visconti. tv
Il gattopardo / Tiikerikissa. IT/FR 1963. D: Luchino Visconti. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. tv
Ihmemies / Mirakelmannen / The Miracle Man. FI 1979. D: Antti Peippo

Thursday, November 01, 1979


Einstein's Universe. TV doc. BBC. Narrator: Peter Ustinov. tv
Чистое небо / Kirkas taivas / Clear Skies. SU 1961. D: Grigori Chukhrai. SC: Daniil Khrabrovitsky. TAMY 16mm. The Stalin era revelations are timid in comparison with the thaw novels.
Октябрь / Lokakuu / October. tv [2] The Shostakovich version
Kanal / Kanal - kirottujen tie. PL 1957. D: Andrzej Wajda. Solaris
Отец Сергий / Isä Sergius / Father Sergius. TAMY 16mm [2]
Manhattan / Manhattan. US 1979. D: Woody Allen. Maxim, Helsinki
Осенний марафон / Syysmaraton / Autumn Marathon. SU 1979. D: Georgi Daneliya. Capitol. Unspeakably bad
Jonas qui aura 25 ans en l'an 2000 / Jonas täyttää 25 vuonna 2000. FR/CH 1976. D: Alain Tanner. John Berger. Monroe
Cinéma mort ou vif? 1978. Filmkollektiv. At the Monroe office
Charles mort ou vif. CH 1969. D: Alain Tanner. SEA. My favourite Tanner so far
Les Carabiniers / Karabinieerit. FR/IT 1963. D: Jean-Luc Godard. At the Monroe office

Monday, October 01, 1979


Otar Iosseliani: იყო შაშვი მგალობელი / Iko shashvi mgalobeli / Жил певчий дрозд / Oli kerran laulurastas / There Was a Singing Blackbird / Il était une fois un merle chanteur. GE-SU 1970.

Monkey Business / Rakas, minä nuorrun. US 1952. D: Howard Hawks. Cary Grant, Marilyn Monroe. Stockholm, Filmstaden, Cinemateket viewing room with help from Rolf Lindfors
Don't Bother to Knock
/ Draama hotellissa. US 1952. D: Roy Ward Baker. Richard Widmark, Marilyn Monroe. Stockholm, Filmstaden, Cinemateket viewing room with help from Rolf Lindfors
Marilyn / Marilyn. US 1963. D: Harold Medford. Hosted by Rock Hudson. Stockholm, Filmstaden, Cinemateket viewing room with help from Rolf Lindfors
Exhibition at Centre Pompidou: Paris-Moscou, 19001930 (31 mai 5 novembre 1979), commissaire général : Pontus Hulten. My first visit to the Centre Pompidou that had opened in 1977.
/ Giorgobistve / Листопад / Lehtien pudotessa / Falling Leaves / La Chute des feuilles. GE-SU 1966. D: Otar Iosseliani. Paris, Palais de Chaillot, La Cinémathèque française. My first encounter with Iosseliani
იყო შაშვი მგალობელი
/ Iko shashvi mgalobeli / Жил певчий дрозд / Oli kerran laulurastas / There Was a Singing Blackbird / Il était une fois un merle chanteur. GE-SU 1970. D: Otar Iosseliani. Paris, Palais de Chaillot, La Cinémathèque française
Clash by Night / Purkaus yössä. US 1952. D: Fritz Lang. Barbara Stanwyck, Marilyn Monroe. Palais de Chaillot, La Cinémathèque française, private screening with help of Lucie Lichtig
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
/ Herrat pitävät vaaleaverisistä. US 1953. D: Howard Hawks. Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell. Palais de Chaillot, La Cinémathèque française, private screening with help of Lucie Lichtig
ჯარისკაცის მამა
/ Djariskatsis mama / Отец солдата /Sotilaan isä / Father of a Soldier. GE-SU 1964. D: Rezo Chkheidze. Pirkkala 16 mm

Saturday, September 01, 1979


Floyd Mutrux: American Hot Wax (US 1978), one of the great rock films. The central figure  is Alan Freed (Tim McIntire) in the heat of the payola scandal. Based on essential rock and roll history, with Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Screamin' Jay Hawkins and Frankie Ford as themselves.

Позови меня в даль светлую
/ Isää ei tarvita [insultingly bad Finnish title translation] / Call Me From Afar. SU 1976. D: German Lavrov & Stanislav Lyubshin. Vasili Shukshin. With Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Stanislav Lyubshin, Mikhail Uljanov. Fine Shukshin moments in this posthumous film adaptation
Мимино / Haukka / [The Falcon]. GE-SU 1977. D: Georgi Danelia. Capitol. dismal
American Hot Wax / Kuumaa vahaa. US 1978. D: Floyd Mutrux. An engaging interpretation of the Alan Freed payola story
Щорс / Punaisen lipun alla / Shors. SU 1939. D: Aleksandr Dovzhenko. SEA Joukola
Hair / Hair. US 1979. D: Milos Forman. Gerome Ragni & James Rado. Gloria. Sympathetic
La Salamandre / Salamanteri. CH 1971. D: Alain Tanner. Bulle Ogier. Solaris. "In Brazil they destroy the body, here, the soul"

Wednesday, August 01, 1979


Kvinnodröm / Naisten unelmia / [Women's Dreams]. SE 1955. D: Ingmar Bergman. SEA Luotsikatu. a fine surprise
Såsom i en spegel / Kuin kuvastimessa / Through a Glass Darkly. SE 1961. D: Ingmar Bergman. SEA Luotsikatu. electrifying. We experimented first with Academy and then with 1,66:1, much more effective in the latter format
Törst / Jano / Thirst. SE 1949. D: Ingmar Bergman. SEA Joukola
För att inte tala om alla dessa kvinnor / Puhumattakaan naisista / Now About These Women. SE 1964. D: Ingmar Bergman. SEA Luotsikatu [2]
La grande illusion / Suuri illuusio. FR 1937. D: Jean Renoir. Diana
Tankavaaran Travolta / [The Travolta of Lapland]. FI 1979. D: Peter von Bagh. YLE Pasila
Sinitaivas / [Blue Skies]. FI 1978. D: Peter von Bagh. YLE Pasila
Repe - sirpaleita Reino Helismaan elämästä / [Repe - Fragments from the Life of Reino Helismaa]. FI 1980. D: Peter von Bagh. YLE Pasila. my favourite Bagh film so far
The Cocoanuts. Cinema [2]
A Streetcar Named Desire / Viettelyksen vaunu. US 1951. D: Elia Kazan. Tennessee Williams. Marlon Brando. Teatterikesä = Tampere Theatre Festival
Moonraker / Kuuraketti. GB/FR 1979. D: Lewis Gilbert. Ian Fleming. Roger Moore (James Bond), Lois Chiles, Michel Lonsdale. Petit
Pickpocket / Taskuvaras. FR 1959. D: Robert Bresson. SEA Joukola
Vampyr. FR/DE 1932. D: Carl Th. Dreyer. SEA Joukola
There's No Business Like Show Business / Rytmiä veressä. US 1954. D: Walter Lang. Marilyn Monroe. SEA Luotsikatu, a magnetic sound print at the flatbed without magnetic sound playback, I dubbed the songs myself
Elvis / [Elvis - the Movie] / Elvis. US 1979. D: John Carpenter. Kurt Russell. Adams Helsinki
Les Cousins / Rohkea nuoruus. FR 1979. D: Claude Chabrol. tv

Sunday, July 01, 1979


Rio Bravo. TAMY 16mm [2, 3]
Five Easy Pieces. TAMY 16mm [2, 3]
Zaproszenie do wnetrza / Käykää peremmälle / [Welcome Inside]. PL 1978. D: Andrzej Wajda. Doc. My favourite Wajda film since the 1950s
Splendor in the Grass / Kuumetta veressä. US 1961. D: Elia Kazan. Natalie Wood, Warren Beatty. tv
Иваново детство / Ei paluuta / Childhood of Ivan. TAMY 16mm [3, 4]
Trafic / Trafic. IT/FR 1971. D: Jacques Tati. TAMY 16mm [1, 2]

Friday, June 01, 1979


Thunderbolt and Lightfoot / Rajut kaverit. US 1974. D: Michael Cimino. Clint Eastwood. Hällä
Love Happy [2] SEA Luotsikatu
Bus Stop [3] SEA Luotsikatu
Niagara [3] SEA Joukola
The Prince and the Showgirl [2] SEA Luotsikatu
The Goddess / Jumalatar. US 1958. D: John Cromwell. Kim Stanley. SEA Luotsikatu
La strada [3] SEA Luotsikatu
Un chien andalou. TAMY Kesäkino, 16mm [3, 4] as projectionist
Partie de campange. TAMY Kesäkino, 16mm [2, 3] as projectionist
The Shootist / Revolverimies. US 1976. D: Don Siegel. John Wayne's last film. Petit
Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto. TAMY Kesäkino, 16mm [2, 3]
Kelly's Heroes / Kellyn sankarit. JG/US 1970. D: Brian G. Hutton. Clint Eastwood. Häme

Tuesday, May 01, 1979


High Sierra / High Sierra. US 1941. D: Raoul Walsh. Humphrey Bogart. tv. the first film in a month

Sunday, April 01, 1979


Pekka Parikka: Rakas peto (tv series, FI 1979) with Seela Sella as Laina "Vippi" Hedman.

Faust (Murnau). TAMY 16 mm [2]

TELEVISION WATCH 2–8 April, 1979. Together with Heikki Hellman, Erkki Astala, Jyrki Saarikoski, Esa Sirkkunen and other intrepid companions (fellow students of media studies) we made a commando strike into tv land and watched Finland's complete television programme for a week. Among the finds:
Pit Strike
/ Lakko (TV series Premiere, GB 1977, based on a novel by Alan Sillitoe, PC: BBC, D: Roger Bamford);
The Hunt for Doctor Mengele (TV doc, Granada, GB);
[From Mickey Mouse to Snow White]
(TV doc, BBC);
Irma la Douce
(Irma la Douce – pikku pariisitar, US 1963, D: Billy Wilder);
Tukkijoella (Timmerflottarna / The Log River, FI 1951, D: Roland af Hällström);
Docteur Popaul (Susiansa, FR/IT 1972, D: Claude Chabrol, Laura Antonelli);
Tarzan's Secret Treasure
(Tarzanin salainen aarre, US 1941, Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O'Sullivan) (2).
Among the programs viewed but not by me: Rakas peto 1–10 (FI 1979, D: Pekka Parikka). The first episode of one of the most discussed tv series of the year was telecast this week. Somehow the name of a character, "y Morales", has come to represent for me this series which I have never seen.
The results of the survey were published in the television theme issue of Filmihullu magazine under the title "Poliisipäivystys eli kohtauksia eräästä tv-viikosa", 3/1979.

French Cancan / Ranskalainen cancan. FR/IT 1954. D: Jean Renoir. tv

The Big Knife
/ Filmin kulissien takana. US 1955. D: Robert Aldrich. tv

Journal d'un curé de campagne
/ Papin päiväkirja. FR 1951. D: Robert Bresson. SEA Tampere. half of it only, profoundly impressed

The Bergman File. FI 1978. D: Jörn Donner. tv

Thursday, March 01, 1979


Стачка / Stachka / Lakko / The Strike. tv [2]
Nóz w wodzie / Veitsi vedessä / Knife in the Water. TAMY 16mm. [3]
Animal Crackers [2]
The Diary of a Chambermaid / Kotiapulaisen päiväkirja. US 1946. D: Jean Renoir. SEA
Отец Сергий / Otets Sergii / Isä Sergius / Father Sergius. RU 1918. D: Jakov Protazanov. Leo Tolstoy. Ivan Mosjoukine. at the screening room of Kosmos-Filmi, Helsinki
Отец Сергий / Otets Sergii / Isä Sergius / Father Sergius. SU 1978. D: Igor Talankin. Leo Tolstoy. boring
Стачка / Stachka / Lakko / The Strike. TAMY 16 mm [3]
The Count / Kreivi. US 1916. Mutual. Charles Chaplin. 16 mm. At the office of Monroe. forwards and backwards
Fröken Julie / Neiti Julie / Miss Julie. SE 1951. D: Alf Sjöberg. Strindberg. Anita Björk. TAMY 16 mm [1,2]
The Fugitive Kind / Käärmeennahkatakki. US 1959. D: Sidney Lumet. Tennessee Williams. Marlon Brando. with half an eye, tv
The Duellists / Kaksintaistelijat. GB 1977. D: Ridley Scott. Joseph Conrad. Keith Carradine, Harvey Keitel. Visually impressive
Las largas vacaciones del 36 / Pitkä loma 1936. ES 1976. D: Jaime Camino. Monroe
Зеркало / Zerkalo / Peili / The Mirror. SU 1975. D: Andrei Tarkovsky. Ilves. profoundly impressed
A nous la liberté / Kaksi onnellista sydäntä. FR 1931. D: René Clair. SEA
L'Amour en fuite / Rakkaus karkuteillä. FR 1978. D: Francois Truffaut. Orion, Helsinki
La muerte de un burócrata. 16 mm at Valmet and Pirkkala [3,4,5]

Thursday, February 01, 1979


Cul-de-sac. Solaris [2]
Grease / Grease. US 1978. D: Randal Kleiser. Adams
Donzoko / Pohjalla. JP 1957. D: Akira Kurosawa. Gorky. SEA
Stroszek / Stroszek. DE 1977. D: Werner Herzog. Monroe
Le Journal d'une femme de chambre / Kamarineidon päiväkirja. FR/IT 1964. D: Luis Buñuel
Lăutarii / Лаутары / Lautaarit / Lautary. MD-SU 1971. D: Emil Loteanu 16mm Valmet, Pirkkala (1,2)
Блокада 3-4: Ленинградский метроном. Операция «Искра» / Saarto 2 / The Blockade 2. SU 1977. D: Mikhail Yershov. Aleksandr Chakovsky. Capitol, Helsinki

Monday, January 01, 1979


Cabaret / Cabaret. US 1972. D: Bob Fosse. tv
Ratsumies / Ryttaren / The Horseman. TV play. FI 1979. D: Kalle Holmberg. SC: Paavo Haavikko. tv
Elämän kevät 1-3. Pasila. 16mm [2]
Степь / Aro / The Steppe. SU 1977. D: Sergei Bondarchuk. Chekhov. Capitol
A Day at the Races / Päivä kilpa-ajoissa. US 1937. The Marx Bros. three fourths. Solaris
Nationalité immigré / Kansallisuus: siirtolainen. MR 1975. D: Sidney Sokhona. tv
Las doce sillas / 12 tuolia / The Twelve Chairs. CU 1962. D: Tomás Gutiérrez Alea. Ilya Ilf & Jevgeni Petrov. SEA Helsinki
FM / FM - rock-kanava. US 1978. D: John A. Alonzo. Bio Bio
Дело Артамоновых / Artamonovien tarina / The Artamonov Affair. SU 1941. D: Grigori Roshal. Maxim Gorky. Eisenstein had something to do with this. tv