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David Mallet : David Bowie : D.J. (GB 1979). Viewed on 16 mm at the office of the film society Monroe r.y. |
Senso / Senso. IT 1954. D: Luchino Visconti. Solaris
Quadrophenia / Quadrophenia - 60-luvun kapinalliset. GB 1979. D: Franc Roddam. The Who. mods. Press screening at Savoy, Helsinki. I wrote about the mods for Uusi Laulu.
Fantômas 1 + 2 + the start of 3. FR 1913. D: Louis Feuillade. Presented by Jacques Champreux. SEA Joukola, Helsinki
The Searchers. tv [4] gets better every time
The Deer Hunter / Kauriinmetsästäjä. GB/US 1978. D: Michael Cimino. Pirkka
ნატვრის ხე / Navtris khe / Древо желания / Toiveiden puu / The Wishing Tree. GE-SU 1976. D: Tengiz Abuladze. tv. dull, null
David Bowie music videos directed by David Mallet: D.J.; Be My Wife; Look Back In Anger; Hang On To Yourself; Black Out; Ziggy Stardust. Monroe office, 16 mm
The Barber Shop / Parturissa. US 1933. W. C. Fields. Monroe office, 16 mm
Ai no borei / 愛の亡霊 / Intohimon valtakunta / L'Empire de la passion / The Empire of Passion. JP/FR 1978. D: Nagisa Oshima. Kino Palatsi, Tampere - I preferred this to Empire of the Senses.
Ani imoto / あにいもうと / Veli ja sisar / Brother and Sister. JP 1976. D: Tadashi Imai. Monroe office, 16 mm. Dull
Higanbana / 彼岸花 / Päiväntasaajan kukka / Sovinnon kukka / The Equinox Flower. JP 1958. D: Yasujiro Ozu. Monroe, 16 mm
Zangiku monogatari / 残菊物語 / Taru viimeisestä krysanteemista / The Tale of the Late Chrysanthemum. JP 1939. D: Kenji Mizoguchi. Monroe 16 mm. Amazing kabuki
I magliari / Rättikauppiaat. IT 1959. D: Francesco Rosi. tv. Juicy realism and comedy with Alberto Sordi
Судьба человека / Sudba cheloveka / Ihmisen kohtalo / Destiny of a Man. SU 1959. D: Sergei Bondarchuk. Sholohov. Pirkkala 16 mm. Superior to his later work
Dirty Harry / Likainen Harry. US 1971. D: Don Siegel. Clint Eastwood. Ilves. The best Clint Eastwood film so far, offensive and illuminating
Apocalypse Now / Ilmestyskirja. Nyt. US 1979. D: Francis Ford Coppola. Adams
Rakkaani, Tammerkoski / [Tammerkoski My Love]. TV doc. FI 1979. D: Arvo Ahlroos. YLE TV2 28 Dec 1979 - I was research assistant to Arvo Ahlroos at YLE TV2.
La terra trema / Maa järisee. IT 1948. D: Luchino Visconti. tv
Il gattopardo / Tiikerikissa. IT/FR 1963. D: Luchino Visconti. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. tv
Ihmemies / Mirakelmannen / The Miracle Man. FI 1979. D: Antti Peippo
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