Monday, December 01, 1980


Stanley Kubrick: Paths of Glory (US 1957) with Kirk Douglas as Colonel Dax.

Jean Cocteau: Le Testament d'Orphée (FR 1960). The intellectual lovers. Photo from: Matthew Dessem: The Criterion Contraption, 3 May 2007.

A Woman of Paris / Nainen Pariisissa. US 1923. D: Charles Chaplin. Edna Purviance. tv. The Chaplin year: The Kid still touching. A Woman of Paris important and full of insight, but suffers from the lack of a strong cast.
Picnic at Hanging Rock / Huviretki hirttopaikalle. AU 1975. D: Peter Weir. tv. A mystery from Victorian Australia.
Paths of Glory / Kunnian polut. US 1957. D: Stanley Kubrick. Filmklubben / Filmhuset. Now I have seen all K.'s films except Fear and Desire. Paths of Glory is an ardent anti-war film. Lolita is K's only erotic and humoristic film. The Shining is his best since 2001, I confess it frightened me, although I was not profoundly impressed at first. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".
Ramodenime interviu pirad sakitkhebze / Несколько интервью по личным вопросам / Henkilökohtaisia kysymyksiä / Personliga frågor. GE-SU 1979. D: Lana Gogoberidze. tv. New style Soviet cinema. A newspaperwoman investigates complaints made on officials and gets to examine questions on the quality of life. Working overtime she is distanced from her husband. Attractive milieux. Somewhat half-hearted.
The Kid from Brooklyn / Pahus mieheksi. US 1946. D: Norman Z. McLeod. Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo. tv. One of the original pop comedies, before Tashlin, Lewis.
Les quatre cents coups. tv [2]
Kalle Anka och hans vänner önskar god jul / Samu Sirkan joulusirkus. US. A Walt Disney Christmas cavalcade with very funny Swedish dubbing.
The Silent Lovers / Moviola 1: Greta Garbo. TVM. US 1980. D: John Erman. tv. Miserable, Kristina Wayborn (Garbo). Brian Keith all wrong as Stiller.
The Flame and the Arrow / Liekki ja nuoli. US 1950. D: Jacques Tourneur. Lancaster & Cravat. tv
Arsenic and Old Lace / Arsenikkia ja vanhoja pitsejä. US 1944. D: Frank Capra. Fkl / Fst. The Capra year: Meet John Doe fascinating and naive. Arsenic and Old Lace a special black farce.
The Scarlett O'Hara War / Moviola 2: The War of the Stars. TVM. US 1980. D: John Erman. tv. Morgan Brittany (Vivien Leigh), Tony Curtis (David O. Selznick)
ABBA - The Movie. SE 1977. D: Lasse Hallström. tv
Le Testament d'Orphée. FR 1960. Fkl / Fst. [3] Favourite scenes this time: Orphée meets his double and tells Cégeste they hate each other; the wanderers meet the intellectual lovers which take notes while embracing and give their autographs to two autograph hunters who drop them into a stone augur's muzzle. The augur has the capacity to make anybody famous in fifteen minutes.
Help! tv [2]
Salt of the Earth / Maan suola. US 1953. D: Herbert Biberman. Fkl / Fst. Great. The story of the miners' strike is also psychologically credible. Many layers of conflict included: workers / employers, the white / the coloured, men / women. A feminist classic, too.
This Year's Blonde / Moviola 3: This Year's Blonde. US 1980. D: John Erman. tv. Constance Forslund (Marilyn Monroe). Based on Garson Kanin's novel this was a good tv miniseries. This episode is about the MM - Johnny Hyde relationship. Not profound, nor scandalous.
All This and World War II / Yesterday - det andra världskriget. US 1977. D: Susan Winslow. Rigoletto. A futile compilation.
Broken Blossoms / Katkenneita kukkasia. US 1919. D: D. W. Griffith. Fkl / Fst. The Griffith year: in the spring I caught the fine A Romance of Happy Valley in the Helsinki archive series, and now this masterpiece from the London Chinatown. Lillian Gish one of the discoveries of the year for me.
The Heroes of Rock and Roll. TV. US 1979. D: Malcolm Leo. tv. Narrated by Jeff Bridges stupidly. A magnificent cavalcade of 127 clips. - The rock film year: The Rose clichéd; Monterey Pop deservedly legendary; Celebration at Big Sur serviceable; Breaking Glass big budget punk without inspiration; Rust Never Sleeps has Neil Young in good form; The Harder They Come and Rockers prime reggae films; Radio On an existentialist road movie fuelled by Kraftwerk and Bowie; ABBA the Movie starts electrifyingly with SOS I think but gets formulaic; Help! boring; The Heroes of Rock and Roll at best on the 1950s. - After John Lennon's death also clips such as "Penny Lane" (1967), "Stand By Me"; "Slipping and Sliding" (1975 - his last performance), the concerts of The Beatles in Sweden (1963, 1964), "Some Other Guy" (1962), The Dick Cavett Show: John Lennon and Yoko Ono (1971?), "Erection", "Imagine".

Saturday, November 01, 1980


The Idle Class / Joutilas luokka. US 1921. Charles Chaplin. tv
The Kid / Chaplinin poika. US 1921. Charles Chaplin. tv
Karin Ingmarsdotter / Karin Ingmarintytär / Karin, Daughter of Ingmar. SE 1920. D: Victor Sjöström. Selma Lagerlöf. Filmklubben / Filmhuset
Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru / Berg-Ejvind ja hänen vaimonsa / The Outlaw and His Wife. SE 1917. D: Victor Sjöström. Filmklubben / Filmhuset
Mästerman / Mestarimies / The Pawn of Love. SE 1920. D: Victor Sjöström. Hjalmar Bergman. Filmklubben / Filmhuset
La dolce vita. tv [2]
Ingmarssönerna 1-2 / Ingmarin pojat 1-2 /Sons of Ingmar 1-2. SE 1919. D: Victor Sjöström. Lagerlöf. Filmklubben / Filmhuset
Hans nåds testamente / Hänen armonsa testamentti / His Grace's Last Will. SE 1919. D: Victor Sjöström. Hjalmar Bergman. Fkl/Fst
Vem dömer? / Ken tuomitsee? / Love's Crucible. SE 1921. Hjalmar Bergman. Fkl/Fst
Démanty noci / Yön timantit / Diamonds of the Night. CZ 1964. D: Jan Němec. Arnošt Lustig. tv. An extremely taut story of an escape: the sweat, the fatigue, the mortal danger, the pain of hunger.
Asfalttilampaat / Asfaltkärlek / [Asphalt Love]. tv [2] Donner's part cut almost completely.
The Awful Truth. tv [2]
Körkarlen / Ajomies / The Phantom Carriage. SE 1920. D: Victor Sjöström. Lagerlöf. Fkl/Fst
He Who Gets Slapped / Hän joka saa korvapuustit. US 1924. D: Victor Sjöström. Leonid Andreyev. Lon Chaney. Fkl/Fh. Introduced by Bengt Forslund. The film discovery of the year: the long forgotten film was seen for the first time in decades. It was reported that also Ingmar Bergman saw it for the first time now, interestingly, because of the parallels with Gycklarnas afton. - And the director discovery of the year for me was Victor Sjöström.
The Scarlet Letter / Tulipunainen kirjain. US 1926. D: Victor Sjöström. Hawthorne. Lillian Gish. Fkl/Fh
Kenneth Anger: Puce Moment (US 1949), Scorpio Rising (US 1963), Invocation of My Demon Brother (US 1969), Rabbit's Moon (FR 1950 / US 1970), Eaux d'artifice (FR 1953), Fireworks (US 1947). Fkl
The Family Jewels / Jerry, perheen musta lammas. US 1965. Jerry Lewis. Saw half. tv. Mediocre
Meet John Doe. tv [2]
Несколько дней из жизни И. И. Обломова / Oblomov / A Few Days in the Life of I.I. Oblomov. SU 1980. D: Nikita Mikhalkov. Ivan Goncharov. Oleg Tabakov. Kosmos, Helsinki. - By this year I had seen all the film of M.: Five Evenings is best, there are good things in the end of The Unfinished Piece, Oblomov is too scattered and without a sense of urgency.
The Thirty-Nine Steps / 39 askelta. GB 1935. D: Alfred Hitchcock. Video PvB = Peter von Bagh
Il bidone / Huijarit. IT 1955. D: Federico Fellini. video PvB
The Man Who Knew Too Much / Mies joka tiesi liikaa. US 1956. D: Alfred Hitchcock. video PvB. Of the discoveries of the A.H. year, this is the best. Torn Curtain fascinating in its contradictions (the story it tells beyond the one it intends to tell). 39 steps starts thin, gets substance. Sabotage has a sense of pressure, marred by the fatal flaw of storytelling (the child's death).

Wednesday, October 01, 1980


La città delle donne. Aniente, Rome [2]
Rust Never Sleeps. US 1979. D: Bernard Shakey (= Neil Young). Il Labirinto, Rome
The Conquest / Kreivitär Walewska. US 1937. D: Clarence Brown. Archimede, Rome. Greta Garbo. Her 75th anniversary: there is a shimmering in Mata Hari directed by George Fitzmaurice who also directed the very interesting As You Desire Me after Pirandello. The Conquest is mediocre, Charles Boyer out of his depth as Napoléon
Magnum Force / Magnum 44. US 1973. D: Ted Post. Clint Eastwood (Dirty Harry). Sergel-teatern
Bronco Billy / Bronco Billy. US 1980. D: Clint Eastwood. Bostock. My Clint Eastwood year: High Plains Drifter is a revenge legend where the ghost who returns forces the inhabitants to paint their town red and renames it Hell. Magnum Force is a fascinating attack against vigilantism. Every Which Way But Loose turns the star image upside down: he is a loser in fight and love, with an orangutang his only friend. Escape from Alcatraz is a masterpiece. Bronco Billy is modest entertainment, Clint hates violence, finds symbiosis in the contradictory situation with the heritage of machismo and facing feminism.
The Shining / Hohto. GB/US 1980. D: Stanley Kubrick. Filmstaden
Lolita / Lolita. GB 1962. D: Stanley Kubrick. Filmklubben / Filmstaden
Tout va bien / Kaikki ovat oikeassa. IT/FR 1972. D: Jean-Luc Godard. Filmklubben / Filmhuset
The Harder They Come. JM 1973. D: Perry Henzell. Cinema
Rockers. JM 1978. D: Ted Bafaloukos. Filmstaden
Radio On / Radio On. GB/DE 1980. D: Chris Petit. Filmstaden
Sauve qui peut (la vie) / Pelastukoon ken voi. FR/AT/DE/CH 1980. D: Jean-Luc Godard. Corona, Helsinki. Godard discoveries: Tout va bien pleasantly humoristic and offbeat. Sauve qui peut more interesting as a phenomenon, of utter desillusion.

Monday, September 01, 1980


Die Ehe der Maria Braun / Maria Braunin avioliitto / The Marriage of Maria Braun. DE 1979. D: R.W. Fassbinder. Hanna Schygulla. Grand
The Empire Strikes Back / Imperiumin vastaisku. US 1980. D: Irvin Kershner. Ri-tvåan. Good effects, but it tastes recycled
High Plains Drifter / Ruoska. US 1972. D: Clint Eastwood. Filmstaden
Sången om den eldröda blomman / Laulu tulipunaisesta kukasta / The Song of the Scarlet Flower. SE 1918. D: Mauritz Stiller. Filmklubben / Filmhuset
Swing Time / Hääkarkuri. US 1936. D: George Stevens. Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers. Filmklubben / Filmstaden
That's Entertainment 2: Hollywood, Hollywood! US 1976. Filmklubben / Filmstaden. Mishmash, yet still good fun
Herr Arnes pengar / Aarne-herran rahat. SE 1918. D: Mauritz Stiller. Filmklubben / Filmstaden
Fårödokument 1979. SE 1979. D: Ingmar Bergman. Filmklubben / Filmhuset. The Bergman year: Gycklarnas afton did not move me; En passion has a grim force; Fårödokument 1969 is ordinary, but Fårödokument 1979 magisterial, B's colour sense at its strongest; Ansikte mot ansikte was a strange experience on the big Filmhuset screen; Riten is a priapic joke and an attack against critics, a depressing comedy; Scener ur ett äktenskap still a big favourite in its powerful focus on faces
Goldfinger. Rita [2]
Summer Stock / Sano se sävelin. US 1950. D: Charles Walters. Filmklubben / Filmstaden. The final film of Judy Garland's consistent MGM musical career, "Get Happy" wonderful. - The autumn's musicals started brilliantly with That's Entertainment, a magnificent introduction into the MGM musical. Singin' in the Rain is great, as is Swing Time. Deep in My Heart is more mediocre. - My discovery of the greatness of Judy Garland and Fred Astaire
Geisha Boy / Jerry kimonossa. US 1958. D: Frank Tashlin. Jerry Lewis. Filmstaden
Deep in My Heart / Syvällä sydämessäni. US 1954. D: Stanley Donen. Filmklubben / Filmstaden. The Sigmund Romberg story with José Ferrer
Erotikon / Erotikon. SE 1920. D: Mauritz Stiller. Filmklubben / Filmhuset. This season was my introduction to Stiller, Sången om den eldröda blomman my favourite with its vigorous sense of life, Herr Arnes pengar I found too heavy, Erotikon brought the audience to laughter.
Breaking Glass. GB 1980. D: Brian Gibson. Bio Tivoli, Copenhagen
La città delle donne / Naisten kaupunki. IT/FR 198o. D: Federico Fellini. Aniente, Rome
Mata Hari / Mata Hari. US 1931. D: George Fitzmaurice. Greta Garbo. Archimede, Rome

Friday, August 01, 1980


Hollywood IX: The Westerns. GB 1979. Kevin Brownlow & David Gill. tv. saw half
American Gigolo / American Gigolo. US 1980. D: Paul Schrader. Göta Lejon. Cinematic: yes, original: no. Influenced by Bresson (Pickpocket), Demy (The Model Shop), Warhol & Morrissey (Heat), Altman (The Long Goodbye)
Singin' in the Rain / Laulavat sadepisarat. US 1952. D: Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly. Filmklubben / Filmstaden
Hollywood X: Star Treatment. GB 1979. Kevin Brownlow & David Gill. An exemplary tv series with wonderful interviews and appetizing clips that tempt to see all the films
Stromboli / Stromboli. IT 1949. D: Roberto Rossellini. Ingrid Bergman. tv. The volcanic vision is a psychological journey. Impressive even in the Howard Hughes version
That's Entertainment / Viihteen kulta-aika. US 1974. D: Jack Haley, Jr. A wonderful compilation of the best production numbers of the musicals of the golden age
Зеркало / Peili / The Mirror. SEA screening room, Helsinki [2]
Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих / Toverit / Friend Among Strangers, Stranger Among Friends. SU 1974. D: Nikita Mikhalkov. SEA screening room, Helsinki
Сталкер / Stalker. SU 1979. D: Andrei Tarkovsky. Kosmos, Helsinki. T. at his grimmest, cinema of desillusion, the film of the year, with hope in the hidden potential of people
Раба любви / Rakkauden orja / A Slave of Love. SU 1976. D: Nikita Mikhalkov. SEA screening room, Helsinki
Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино / Keskeneräinen sävelmä mekaaniselle pianolle / An Unfinished Piece for a Player Piano. SEA screening room, Helsinki [2]
Сталкер / Stalker. Kosmos [2]

Tuesday, July 01, 1980


Hollywood 5: The Stuntmen. GB 1979. Kevin Brownlow & David Gill. tv
The Man with the Golden Gun / James Bond ja kultainen ase. GB 1974. D: Guy Hamilton. Ian Fleming. Roger Moore (James Bond), Britt Ekland (Mary Goodnight), Maud Adams (Andrea Anders), Christopher Lee (Scaramanga). Ri-tvåan
Hollywood 6: The Comedians. GB 1979. Kevin Brownlow & David Gill. tv
Monkey Business / Neljä nolattua neroa. US 1931. The Marx Bros. Filmstaden. Now I have seen all the Marx Bros. films except Room Service and A Night in Casablanca. Animal Crackers is my favourite, A Night in the Opera is great, Monkey Business if fine but too plot-driven
Sabotage / Sabotaasi. GB 1936. D: Alfred Hitchcock. Filmstaden
Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot / Riemuloma Rivieralla / Semestersabotören. FR 1952. D: Jacques Tati. Now I have seen all the Tati theatrical feature films: Jour de fête already perfect, Les Vacances has a touch of melancholy, Mon oncle is my favourite
Angi Vera / Vera och Stalin. HU 1978. D: Pál Gábor. Filmstaden. Veronika Papp is moving. The story of the socialist experiment turning into repression

Sunday, June 01, 1980


In Stockholm I immediately joined Filmklubben / Cinemateket / Svenska Filminstitutet, which had screenings in the heart of the city (Filmstaden) and in Filmhuset.
Play It Again, Sam / Kerta vielä Sam. US 1972. D: Herbert Ross. Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts. Bio 2001
En passion. Filmklubben/Filmstaden [2]
Fårödokument 1969. SE 1969. D: Ingmar Bergman. Filmklubben/Filmstaden
The Spy Who Loved Me / 007 rakastettuni. D: Christopher Wood. Ian Fleming. Roger Moore (James Bond), Barbara Bach, Curd Jürgens (Stromberg). Ri-tvåan
Ansikte mot ansikte / Kasvotusten / Face to Face. SE 1976. D: Ingmar Bergman. 1: Uppbrottet, 2: Gränsen, 3: Skymningslandet, 4: Återkomsten. Filmklubben/Filmhuset. The full long tv version on film on screen
Riten / Riitti / The Rite. SE 1968. D: Ingmar Bergman. Filmklubben/Filmstaden
Torn Curtain / Revitty esirippu. US 1966. D: Alfred Hitchcock. Filmklubben/Filmhuset
Tapsa. tv [2]
Diamonds Are Forever / Timantit ovat ikuisia. GB 1971. D: Lewis Gilbert. Ian Fleming. Sean Connery (James Bond), Jill St. John (Tiffany Case), Charles Gray (Ernst Stavro Blofeld). Ri-tvåan
You Only Live Twice / Elät vain kahdesti. GB 1967. D: Lewis Gilbert. Sean Connery (James Bond), Donald Pleasence (Ernst Stavro Blofeld). Ri-tvåan
Scener ur ett äktenskap / Kohtauksia eräästä avioliitosta / Scenes From a Marriage. SE 1973. D: Ingmar Bergman. 1: Oskuld och panik, 2: Konsten att sopa under mattan, 3: Paula, 4: Tåredalen, 5: Analfabeterna, 6: Mitt in natten i ett mörkt hus någonstans i världen. Filmklubben / Filmstaden. The full long tv version on film on screen
From Russia with Love / 007 Istanbulissa / Agent 007 ser rött. GB 1963. D: Terence Young. Ian Fleming. Sean Connery (James Bond), Daniela Bianchi. Ri-tvåan
Hollywood 3: Single Beds and Double Standards. tv series. GB 1979. Kevin Brownlow & David Gill. tv
Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat. US 1960. D: Alfred Hitchcock. Roald Dahl. tv
Every Which Way But Loose / Mies San Fernandosta. US 1978. D: James Fargo. Clint Eastwood. Filmstaden
Hollywood 4: Hollywood Goes To War. D: Kevin Brownlow, David Gill. tv
Великая Отечественная 20: Неизвестный cолдат / Tuntematon sota 20: Tuntematon sotilas / The Unknown War 20: The Unknown Soldier. SU/US 1978. D: Roman Karmen. video. The best episodes of the series were 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, and 19. There were strong, unforgettable images, which the cliche-ridden commentary could not spoil. The main problem: evading all difficult issues. The mistakes of the USSR and the Western allies were not discussed. As an example the case of Finland was ignored. Too many stock shots and stock sounds.
Thunderball / Pallosalama. GB 1965. D: Terence Young. Ian Fleming. Sean Connery (James Bond), Claudine Auger (Domino), Adolfo Celi (Emilio Largo). Ri-tvåan
Goldfinger / 007 ja Kultasormi. GB 1964. D: Guy Hamilton. Ian Fleming. Sean Connery (James Bond), Honor Blackman (Pussy Galore), Gert Fröbe (Goldfinger). Ri-tvåan. All Bond films seen in 1980: Goldfinger is best. Diamonds Are Forever starts the trend of stupid villains, but Connery's angry, frustrated face is intriguing. The Moore films are weaker than the Connery films, but after a weak start they started to grow. OHMSS has the funniest plot but Lazenby is not convincing. The apocalyptic theme is impressive in the cycle. It is not true that the films have gotten funnier; there is less suspense, though, and less of the absurd kind of pop humour.

Friday, May 02, 1980


Пять вечеров / Viisi iltaa / Five Evenings. SU 1979. D: Nikita Mihalkov. Lyudmila Gurchenko, Stanislav Lyubshin. Pirkka
The closing party of the Solaris spring season (films screened in advance, too):
One Week [2, 3] +
The Playhouse / The Play House. US 1921. Buster Keaton [1, 2] +
The Balloonatic [2, 3]. Keaton was my favourite comedian
The Bride of Frankenstein / Frankensteinin morsian. US 1935. D: James Whale. Boris Karloff, Elsa Lanchester. Solaris
Великая Отечественная 16: Освобождение Польши / Tuntematon sota 16: Puolan vapautus / The Unknown War 16: The Liberation of Poland. SU/US 1978. D: Ilja Gutman. tv
Báječní muži s klikou / Nuo mainiot miehet elokuvakameroineen / Those Wonderful Men With a Crank. CZ 1978. D: Jiří Menzel. tv
Visions of Eight / München 1972: kahdeksan näkökulmaa. US/DE 1973. P: David L. Wolper. I: Juri Ozerov: The Beginning. II Mai Zetterling: The Strongest. III Arthur Penn: The Highest. IV Michael Pflegher: The Women. V Kon Ichikawa: The Fastest. VI Milos Forman: The Decathlon. VII Claude Lelouch: The Losers. VIII John Schlesinger: The Longest
Kung-fu. PL 1979. D: Janusz Kijowski. tv
Stärker als die Nacht / Yötä voimakkaampi / Plus fort que la nuit / [Stronger Than the Night]. DD 1954. D: Slatan Dudow. Germany seen from the inside during the Nazi times with the eyes of the resistance
The Country Doctor. US 1909. Biograph. D: D.W. Griffith. SEA Helsinki
Bobby, the Coward. US 1911. Biograph. D: D.W. Griffith. SEA Helsinki
A Romance of Happy Valley. US 1919. Biograph. D: D.W. Griffith. SEA Helsinki
Великая Отечественная 17: Cоюзники / Tuntematon sota 17: Liittolaiset / The Unknown War 17: The Allies. SU/US 1978. D: N. Solovjova. tv
The Seven Year Itch. tv [4] pan-scan damages the visual style
The Show Boat / Teatterilaiva. US 1951. D: George Sidney. Viva Ava, otherwise mediocre
Великая Отечественная 18: Битва за Берлин / Tuntematon sota 18: Taistelu Berliinissä / The Unknown War 18: The Battle of Berlin. SU/US 1978. D: A. Rybakova. tv
Сибириада / Siperiada / Siperiade. SU 1979. D: Andrei Mihalkov-Konchalovsky. Kosmos. His best since The First Teacher, also with critical aspects
Великая Отечественная 3: Блокада Ленинграда / Tuntematon sota 3: Leningradin piiritys / The Unknown War 3: The Siege of Leningrad. SU/US 1978. D: T. Semjonov. video
Великая Отечественная 7: Оборона Сталинграда / Tuntematon sota 7: Stalingradin piiritys / The Unknown War 7: The Defense of Stalingrad. SU/US 1978. D: S. Pumpjanskaja. video
This Gun for Hire / Vainottu. US 1942. D: Alan Tuttle. Graham Greene. Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake. Final sequence with gas masked men impressive
The Lusty Men / Rodeon miehet. US 1951. D: Nicholas Ray. Horace McCoy. Robert Mitchum. Fine
Ultimo tango a Parigi / Viimeinen tango Pariisissa. IT/FR 1972. D: Bernardo Bertolucci. Marlon Brando, Maria Schneider. Adams
Берлин / Berliini / Berlin. SU 1945. D: Juli Raizman. SEA Helsinki. doc
Суд народов / Kansojen oikeus / [The Judgment of the Nations]. SU 1946. D: Roman Karmen. SEA Helsinki. The Nuremberg trials
Der Hauptmann von Köln / Kölnin kapteeni / [The Captain from Cologne]. DD 1956. D: Slatan Dudow. SEA Helsinki. A contemporary parody of the Zuckmayer play set into West Germany
Великая Отечественная 19: Последнее сражение войны / Tuntematon sota 19: Taistelut kaukoidässä / The Unknown War 19: The Last Battle of the Unknown War. SU/US 1978. D: I. Grigorjev.
Великая Отечественная 2: Битва за Москву / Tuntematon sota 2: Taistelu Moskovasta / The Unknown War 2: The Battle for Moscow. SU/US 1978. D: Ilja Gutman. SEA moviola
The Prince and the Showgirl. [3] tv on the Diana II, the ferry to Stockholm

Tuesday, April 01, 1980


Popiół i diament. Pirkkala 16mm [2]
Vredens dag / Vihan päivä / The Day of Wrath. DK 1943. D: Carl Th. Dreyer. tv.
River of No Return. tv [2]
L'Année dernière à Marienbad / Viime vuonna Marienbadissa. FR/IT/DE/AT 1961. D: Alain Resnais. Alain Robbe-Grillet. Delphine Seyrig. SEA Tampere. To be coldly admired
Великая Отечественная 13: Освобождение Украины / Tuntematon sota 13: Ukrainan vapautus / The Unknown War 13: Liberation of the Ukraine. SU/US 1978. D: Lev Danilov. tv
Cегодня / Tänään / Today. SU 1930. D: Eshfir Shub. SEA Helsinki. Some good bits in This Is America style, but otherwise hopelessly dated.
Du und mancher Kamerad / Sinä ja moni toveri / [You and Many a Comrade]. DD 1956. D: Andrew Thorndike, Annelie Thorndike. SEA Helsinki. Brilliant on fascism, starts well, gets weaker
In the Year of the Pig. SEA Helsinki [2]
Великая Отечественная 14: Освобождение Белоруссии / Tuntematon sota 14: Valko-Venäjän vapautus / The Unknown War 14: The Liberation of Belorussia. video
The Man You Loved To Hate / Erich von Stroheim: mies jota oli ihana vihata. US 1977. D: Patrick Montgomery [& James C. Gutman?]. tv
The Long Goodbye / Pitkät jäähyväiset. US 1973. D: Robert Altman. Raymond Chandler. Elliott Gould (Philip Marlowe). This film well-loved by my friends did not move me so much
Der Rat der Götter / [Council of the Gods]. DD 1950. D: Kurt Maetzig. SEA Helsinki without translation. The history of IG Farben during the Nazi era. I did not understand German so well then
Великая Отечественная 15: От Карпат на Балканы до Вены / Tuntematon sota 15: Karpaateilta Wieniin / The Unknown War 15: The Balkans to Vienna. SU/US 1978. D: Igor Gelein. tv
The Best Years of Our Lives / Parhaat vuodet. US 1946. D: William Wyler. tv. I was impressed, but I had the feeling that the generations that had actually experienced the coming home years at the time did not feel this was authentic enough. The reality was more bitter to the returning cripples, and so on.
Sleeper / Unikeko. US 1973. D: Woody Allen. Royal

Saturday, March 01, 1980


Dr. Mabuse der Spieler 1: Der grosse Spieler - ein Bild der Zeit / Tri Mabuse - ihmispeto. DE 1922. D: Fritz Lang. The Leiser-Atlas reissue version (1964) with the unforgettable music by Konrad Elfers (& Peter Schirmann?). SEA Tampere
Великая Отечественная 10: Величайшее танковое сражени / Tuntematon sota 10: Maailman suurin panssaritaistelu / The Unknown War 10: The World's Greatest Tank Battle. SU/US 1978. D: Tengiz Semyonov. tv
Some Like It Hot. Studio, Helsinki [2]
Prova d'orchestra / Orkesteriharjoitus. IT/DE 1978. D: Federico Fellini. Uusi Orion, Helsinki
Le Signe du lion / Leijonan merkki. FR 1959. D: Eric Rohmer. Solaris. Fascinating, also with the influences and hommages to Chaplin (the tramp), Welles (the lion's nature), Murnau (the last laugh), and especially Renoir (Boudu!)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. tv [2]
Восхождение / Nousu / The Ascent. SU 1977. D: Larisa Shepitko. Monroe. Masterpiece
Dr. Mabuse der Spieler 2: Inferno, ein Spiel von Menschen unserer Zeit / Tri Mabuse rikosten pyörteessä. DE 1922. D: Fritz Lang. SEA Tampere. Dynamite
Im Feuer bestanden / Tulessa karaistu / [Tempered in Fire]. DD 1978. D: Heynowski & Scheumann. SEA Helsinki. Chile
Phoenix. DD 1979. D: Heynowski & Scheumann. SEA Helsinki. Vietnam
Casino Royale / Casino Royale. GB/US 1967. D: Joe McGrath & Robert Parrish & John Huston & Val Guest & Ken Hughes. Petit. A boring spoof
Le amiche / Pikku ystävättäriä. IT 1955. D: Michelangelo Antonioni. SEA Tampere. My favourite Antonioni at that time
Великая Отечественная 11: Война в воздух / Tuntematon sota 11: Taistelu ilmassa / The Unknown War 11: War in the Air. SU/US 1978. D: Zoja Fomina. tv
The Seven Year Itch. Petit [3]
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Aguirre - Jumalan viha. DE/PE/MX 1972. D: Werner Herzog. Monroe 16mm
In this month, I watched for the first time films and tv programmes taped on home video. The first person I knew who had a home video player was Mr. Jouko Hanhinen.
Tapsa, viiltoja reissumiehen elämästä / [Tapsa, Cuts from a Vagabond's Life]. FI 1980. Video [Jouko Hanhinen?]. The best of Bagh along with Vuosi 1952
[W.C. Fields in Hurry Hurry / Hurja ajo?]. The chase sequence from It's a Gift / Sehän käy kuin leikiten. US 1934. TAMY 16mm [2]
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Video (Jouko Hanhinen) [3]
L'avventura / Seikkailu. IT/FR 1960. D: Michelangelo Antonioni. SEA Tampere. The French version, shortened by 20 min, yet a profound spiritual experience
Великая Отечественная 12: Битва на море / Tuntematon sota 12: Taistelu merellä / The Unknown War 12: The Battle of the Seas. D: Semjon Kiselev. tv
[W. C. Fields: the store sequence] from Never Give a Sucker an Even Break / Harmia kerrakseen. US 1941. TAMY 16mm [2]
The Crimson Pirate / Karmiininpunainen merirosvo. US/GB 1952. D: Robert Siodmak. Burt Lancaster & Nick Cravat. TAMY 16mm. An extra laugh was granted because of the topicality of Burt Lancaster as the host of The Unknown War. His parodic introduction ("believe everything you see... believe half of what you see") reminded us of his tv performance.

Friday, February 01, 1980


Ingmar Bergman: Gycklarnas afton (SE 1953). Hasse Ekman (Frans), Harriet Andersson (Anne).

The Amazing Howard Hughes 2 / Hämmästyttävä Howard Hughes 2. TVM. US 1977. D: William A. Graham. Tommy Lee Jones. tv. An excellent tv biopic, although not of Welles calibre
Valahol Európában / Jossakin Euroopassa / Somewhere in Europe. HU 1947. D: Géza von Radványi. SC: Béla Balázs. SEA Tampere. One of the cinemas memorable stories about the young outcasts, qf. Los olvidados, Putjovka v zhizn, Wild Boys of the Road, Sciuscià
Великая Отечественная 6: Война в Арктике / Tuntematon sota 6: Taistelut arktisella alueella / The Unknown War 6: War in the Arctic. SU/US 1978. D: Leonid Kristi. tv
A Night at the Opera / Ilta oopperassa. US 1935. The Marx Bros. Olympia
Du rififi chez les hommes / Rififi. FR 1955. D: Jules Dassin. Pirkka. Magnificent crime film, along with Touchez pas au grisbi
Gycklarnas afton / Viettelysten ilta. SE 1953. D: Ingmar Bergman. Walhalla
Monkey Business. tv [2]. Disturbed by an avalance of commercials, this film with its special rhythm does not work on tv
On Her Majesty's Secret Service / Hänen majesteettinsa salaisessa palveluksessa. GB 1969. D: Peter Hunt. Ian Fleming. George Lazenby (James Bond). Royal. Big fun, better than its reputation
Tavaszi zápor / Marie eli unkarilainen legenda / Marie, a Hungarian Legend. HU 1932. D: Pál Fejös. Annabella. SEA Tampere
Великая Отечественная 8: Победа под Сталинградом / Tuntematon sota 8: Voitto Stalingradissa / The Unknown War 8: Survival at Stalingrad. SU/US 1978. D: Semiramida Pumpjanskaja
Конец Санкт-Петербурга / Pietarin viimeiset päivät / The End of St. Petersburg. TAMY 16 mm [2, 3]
Ukigusa / Kiertolaiset. JP 1959. D: Yasujiro Ozu. Diana
Bellissima / Bellissima. IT 1951. D: Luchino Visconti. tv. Magnani magnificent
Gone With the Wind / Tuulen viemää. US 1939. D: Victor Fleming. Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable. The 1967 70 mm re-release version looked strange, yet magnificent. Bristol, Helsinki
Jour de fête / Lystikäs kirjeenkantaja. FR 1947. D: Jacques Tati. TAMY 16 mm
Великая Отечественная 9: Битва за Кавказ / Tuntematon sota 9: Taistelu Kaukasuksella / The Unknown War 9: The Battle of Caucasus. SU/US 1978. D: Dzhemma Firsova. tv

Tuesday, January 01, 1980


In this month and year the Soviet aggression to Afghanistan was front page news. It was ironic to watch the magnificent 20-part American-Soviet tv series The Unknown War in such times. Operation Bear Trap was successful.
Vuosi 1952 / Året 1952 / The Year 1952. FI 1980. D: Peter von Bagh. tv
Великая Отечественная 1: 22 июня 1941 г / Tuntematon sota 1: 22. kesäkuuta 1941 /The Unknown War 1: June 22, 1941. TV series. SU/US 1978. P: Isaac Kleinerman. D: Roman Karmen. Host: Burt Lancaster. tv
The Westerner / Lännen mies. US 1940. D: William Wyler. tv
The Rose / The Rose. US 1979. D: Mark Rydell. Bette Midler. Madison, Wisconsin
Monterey Pop / Monterey Pop. US 1968. D: D.A. Pennebaker. tv, Madison, Wisconsin
Celebration at Big Sur. US 1971. D: Baird Bryant, Johanna Demetrakas. Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Graham Nash, John Sebastian, Neil Young. tv, Madison, Wisconsin
Move Over Darling / Sänky kolmelle. US 1963. D: Michael Gordon. Doris Day, James Garner. The film that was made instead of Something's Got to Give with Marilyn Monroe, Dean Martin. tv, Madison, Wisconsin
Великая Отечественная 4: Партизаны. Война в тылу врага / Tuntematon sota 2: Partisaanien taistelu saksalaisia vastaan / The Unknown War 4: The Partisans. SU/US 1978. D: Vasili Katanjan. tv
Solaris: opening season
Finland by Night. FI 1971. D: Börje Aura
Robin Hood, Jr. US 1934. D: Ub Iwerks. Willie Whopper
[The Janitor?]. Ub Iwerks
Riemukkaat rämäpäät =
The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case [2] +
Twice Two [2] +
Come Clean [2] +
County Hospital [2]
The Other / Kalman sormi. US 1972. D: Robert Mulligan. Uta Hagen. Royal, midnight horror show
Love and Death / Sota ja rakkaus. US 1975. D: Woody Allen. Diane Keaton. Royal
Herr Puntila och hans dräng Matti / Herra Puntila ja hänen renkinsä Matti / Mr. Puntila and His Man Matti. FI 1979. D: Ralf Långbacka. Bertolt Brecht based on Hella Wuolijoki. Lasse Pöysti phenomenal
Escape from Alcatraz / Pako Alcatrazista. US 1979. D: Don Siegel. Clint Eastwood. Häme. Magisterial
Kanal. Pirkkala 16mm [2]
During this season, I was in charge of the SEA Tampere programme.
Los olvidados. SEA Tampere [3]
Великая Отечественная 5: На Восток / Tuntematon sota 5: Kohti itää / The Unknown War 5: To the East. SU/US 1978. D: Roman Karmen. tv