Tuesday, December 31, 1996


In 1996 I also saw

In Los Angeles:
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
The Little Colonel

In Helsinki:
From Dusk till Dawn
Secrets and Lies
Twelve Monkeys
Kauas pilvet karkaavat

December 1996

3.12.1996 The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean / Roy Bean - piru mieheksi. US 1972. D: John Huston. Paul Newman. Orion
7.12.1996 Kohayagawa-ke no aki / Perhetarina / The End of Summer. JP 1961. D: Yasujiro Ozu. Setsuko Hara. Orion
7.12.1996 The Man Who Would Me King / Seikkailujen sankarit. GB/US 1975. D: John Huston. Sean Connery, Michael Caine. Orion
10.12.1996 Kvarteret Korpen / Korppikortteli. SE 1964. D: Bo Widerberg. Thommy Berggren. Orion

Saturday, November 30, 1996

November 1996, Helsinki

5.11.1996 Limita. RU 1994. D: Denis Jevstignejev. Orion
5.11.1996 Konsert dlja krysy / Concert for a Rat. RU 1995. D: Oleg Kovaljov. Orion
5.11.1996 A Walk with Love and Death. US 1969. D: John Huston. Anjelica Huston, Assi Dayan. Apparently the first screening in Finland. Orion
6.11.1996 Levoton veri / Restless Blood. FI 1946. D: Teuvo Tulio. Regina Linnanheimo. Orion
6.11.1996 Vostotshnaja elegija / Eastern Elegy. RU/JP 1996. D: Aleksandr Sokurov. Orion
7.11.1996 Mes petites amoureuses. FR 1974. D: Jean Eustache. Orion
12.11.1996 Mizrekh un mayrev / Ost und West / East and West. AT 1923. D: Ivan Abramson, Sidney M. Goldin. Molly Picon. Orion
12.11.1996 Jevreiskoe stshastje / Evreyskoe schaste / Jewish Luck. SU 1925. D: Aleksis Granovski. Solomon Mikhoels. Orion
13.11.1996 Uvletshenija / Passions. RU 1994. D: Kira Muratova. Orion
19.11.1996 Uncle Moses. US 1932. D: Sidney M. Goldin, Aubrey Scotto. Sholom Asch. Maurice Schwartz, Judith Abarbanel. Orion
20.11.1996 Zayn Vaybs Lubovnik / Zein Weibs Liebenik / His Wife's Lover. US 1931. D: Sidney M. Goldin. Orion
21.11.1996 Yidl mitn Fidl / Yiddle with a Fiddle. PL/US 1937. D: Joseph Green, Jan Nowina-Przybylski. Molly Picon. Orion
21.11.1996 Grine Felder / Green Fields. US 1937. D: Jacob Ben-Ami, Edgar G. Ulmer. Orion
26.11.1996 Zsvey Shvester / Tsvaye Shvester / Two Sisters. US 1938. D: Ben K. Blake. Orion - notes
26.11.1996 Der Dibuk / Dybuk / The Dybbuk. PL 1937. D: Michal Waszynski. Orion
27.11.1996 Amerikaner Shachen / The American Matchmaker. US 1940. D: Edgar G. Ulmer. Orion
28.11.1996 Undzere Kinder / Our Children. PL 1951. D: Natan Gross. Orion

Wednesday, October 30, 1996

October 1996, Helsinki

Philippe Garrel: J'entends plus la guitare / I Can No Longer Hear the Guitar (FR 1991). Dedicated to the memory of Nico. See also blog note 15 Oct 2008.

2.10.1996 The Misfits / Sopeutumattomat. US 1961. D: John Huston. Orion
2.10.1996 Freud / Salatut intohimot. US 1962. D: John Huston. Orion
4.10.1996 Laulu tulipunaisesta kukasta / The Song of the Scarlet Flower. FI 1938. D: Teuvo Tulio. In the presence of Rakel Linnanheimo. Orion
8.10.1996 O Fim do Mundo / The End of the World. PT/FR 1993. D: João Mário Grilo. Orion
8.10.1996 Ren xia ren / The Dead and the Deadly. HK 1982. D: Ma Wu. Sammo Hung. Orion
9.10.1996 Vihtori ja Klaara / [Bringing Up Father]. FI 1939. D: Teuvo Tulio. Orion
9.10.1996 Das Tripas Coração / Four Elements: Fire. PT/FR 1992. D: Joaquim Pinto. Orion
9.10.1996 Vale Abraão / Abraham's Valley. FR/PT/CH 1993. D: Manoel de Oliveira. Orion
22.10.1996 La Naissance de l'amour. FR 1993. D: Philippe Garrel. Orion
22.10.1996 Vampyr. DE/FR 1932. Carl Th. Dreyer. Orion
24.10.1996 Hélas pour moi. FR/CH 1993. D: Jean-Luc Godard. Orion
25.10.1996 Vampyr. DE/FR 1932. Carl Th. Dreyer. Orion
29.10.1996 J'entends plus la guitare / I Can No Longer Hear the Guitar. FR 1991. D: Philippe Garrel. Orion
29.10.1996 Sous le soleil de Satan / Paholaisen auringon alla. FR 1987. D: Maurice Pialat. Orion
30.10.1996 Rakkauden risti / The Cross of Love. FI 1946. D: Teuvo Tulio. Orion
31.10.1996 Sinful Davey / Syntinen Davey. GB 1969. D: John Huston. John Hurt. Orion

Saturday, October 12, 1996

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, Pordenone, 12-19 October 1996

Herbert Brenon: The Rescue (US 1929), based on the novel by Joseph Conrad, produced by Samuel Goldwyn and starring Ronald Colman and Lily Damita.

This year the rewards of Le Giornato del Cinema Muto were mostly of historical interest. The artistic substance was not on the level of the best years.

1.  MAX DAVIDSON. Max Davidson the master comedian flourished simultaneously with Laurel & Hardy and others for Hal Roach, often with Leo McCarey as producer or director. Often Max plays a single father saddled with an idiot son and a marriage-hungry daughter. A couple of years ago we saw the brilliant Pass the Gravy and Flaming Fathers. Now we were lavished with "More Gravy" including Why Girls Say No, Jewish Prudence, Should Second Husbands Come First and The Boy Friend. Prints are scattered and difficult to access but the situation might improve as Davidson's reputation spreads.

2.  HERBERT BRENON. The main retrospective, dedicated to Herbert Brenon, was a disappointment in artistic terms. Herbert Brenon was a great Hollywood director in the 1910s and the 1920s, but his oeuvre has not stood the test of time. I discovered two exceptions in the series of some 20 films. The Rescue (Samuel Goldwyn, 1929) is one of the finest Joseph Conrad film adaptations. The forgotten film has been recently restored by George Eastman House. Beau Geste (Paramount, 1926), the first interpretation of the often filmed subject, is a charming romantic adventure. Brenon's most highly regarded films are the fairy-tale fantasies Peter Pan (Paramount, 1924) and A Kiss for Cinderella (Paramount, 1925), both starring Betty Bronson, both absolutely worth seeing. They are personal works but not for every taste. I had trouble relating to the scantily clad, very feminine Bronson as Peter Pan.

3. IN THE LAND OF THE SOVIETS 1918–1924. Immediately after the Revolution film production in Russia halted, and the volume of production fell sharply. The Pordenone retrospective confirmed the assumption that the flowering of the cinema in Czarist Russia was followed by a steep decline until the start of "anni mirabili" in 1924. (Typically for GCM famous classics of 1924 such as Strike, Aelita, Kino-Glaz, and Mr. West were not screened. Only rarities were included). The historically exciting and unique series included for instance Dziga Vertov's train films, Kuleshov's experiments and Eisenstein's first sketch, Glumov's Diary. Of the early directors were also on display Aleksandr Rasumny and Vladimir Gardin. Rasumny's Mother (1920), the first film adaptation of Gorky's novel, is more complex than Pudovkin's, and its sense of the milieu is more densely realistic. In a class of its own was Suram's Fortress (1923, directed by Ivan Perestiani, photographed by Boris Zavelev), the finest film of the retrospective, an important achievement in a continuity which has continued until the days of Sergei Parajanov and Yuri Ilyenko.

4.  MAGYAR DYNAMISM. When I visited the Hungarian film archive a few years ago I saw all Hungarian silent films available at the time and found no real gems among them. The Pordenone retrospective did not change my opinion, although more films have been discovered. The impression of a golden age of Hungarian cinema is based on the fact that an amazing number – around fifty! – great persons of world cinema (Zukor, Fox, Korda, Curtiz, Lugosi, Pressburger, Balazs... ) come from there. But perhaps their great period started abroad? The most important director in this series, Béla Balogh, seemed mediocre. The most famous film, Korda's Az aranyember, not very good either, surviving in an incomplete print, we screened in the FIAF 50 Touring Show.

5. THE ANIMATIONS OF GREGORY LA CAVA. Gregory Cava, who later became a reliable comedy director in Hollywood, started in animated cartoons of the Krazy Kat and Katzenjammer Kids comic strips. Dozens of films were seen in Pordenone. All mediocre or bad. They do not stand comparison with the contemporary films of the Fleischer brothers or Walt Disney.

6.  RESTORED TREASURES FROM THE UCLA. UCLA Film and Television Archive is not famous for its silent treasures – its strength lies with sound films. Even the most important treasure of UCLA's silent collections – Harold Lloyd's films – had not been accepted to Pordenone. Yet the series was a very important – exemplary – display of technical achievements. The most attention-catching film was The Bright Shawl (1923) which has been restored from broken 16 mm prints to 35 mm: the visual quality was amazingly good. The second Vitaphone programme (1926, starring Al Jolson, among others) was equally stunning. The films have been shot on silent stock, synchronized to be played with phonograph records. The project included also the restoration of at times severely broken phonograph records. There were six shorts and one feature, Syd Chaplin's The Better 'Ole (1926), a silent comedy synched with a Vitaphone score.

7.  DAS INDISCHE GRABMAL (Joe May, 1921). From the grand restorations of the Project Lumière of the EU was saw the big budget adventure fantasy Das indische Grabmal, written by Thea von Harbou and Fritz Lang, one of the most magnificent achievements of the golden age of German cinema. The two remakes, by Richard Eichberg (from the 1930s) and Fritz Lang himself (from the 1950s) are well-known, but this original has not been seen in 70 years except in badly truncated versions. Conrad Veidt and Bernhard Goetzke are among the stars. In several sequences – such as the waking up of the yoghi and the erotic rites at the temple – there is an unforgettable haunting atmosphere. The restoration (with toning and tinting) is first class.

8.  GEORGES MELIES. Four recent Méliès discoveries were on display, and excellent among them were La Danse du feu (1899) and Le Voyage de la famille Bourrichon (1912), Méliès's last film of which an uncertainty had prevailed whether it was ever even finished. Now we saw it and were able to state that Méliès never lost his genius.

9.  CENTENARY OF THE OLYMPICS. Compiled by Luke McKernan (NFTVA) who also moderated a programme meaningful for Finns. In the Pathé newsreels about the Stockholm 1912 Olympics we saw the legendary run of Hannes Kolehmainen – "when Finland was run on the map of the world" under the double-headed eagle of Russia but with Finland's seal on the chest. The first feature-length Olympic film is the 196 minutes long Les Jeux Olympiques Paris 1924 of which we saw a 40 min sample. Among the heroes were Paavo Nurmi and Ville Ritola, but there are many more Finnish victories included. Glimpses of these are familiar, but there is more material and it is of higher quality than has been generally known.

10.  ERKKI HUHTAMO: THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE MOVING IMAGE I–III (Yleisradio 1996). This fine work was seen as a world premiere in the video series. International top expert rated it highly. The work has lasting value and use in media education. Worthy of wide international export.



Peter Pan (US 1924) 124' at 19,5 fps GEH
The Dream (US 1911) 12' /16 fps/ Mary Pickford
The Long Strike (US 1912) incomplete 13' /16 fps/
A Kiss for Cinderella (US 1925) 140' /18 fps/ announced, actually ca 120'
Ivanhoe (US 1913) 49' /16 fps/ MoMA – notes
Absinthe (US 1914) fragment 14' /16 fps/ NFM – notes
Happy Hooligan at the Circus (US 1917) notes
Katzenjammer Kids: [Una pesca magica] (US 1917) notes
Victory and Peace / The Invasion of Britain / [The National Film] (GB 1918) fragment 3' /16 fps/ NFTVA
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (US 1913) 30' /16 fps/ UCLA – notes
Laugh, Clown, Laugh (US 1928) 74' /20 fps/ Lon Chaney. GEH – notes
The Street of Forgotten Men (US 1925) incomplete, 3–7, ca 65' /20 fps/ LoC – notes
The Spanish Dancer (US 1923) Pola Negri, 80' /18 fps/ NFM – notes
Dancing Mothers (US 1926) 69' /19 fps/ LoC – Alice Joyce, Clara Bow – notes
The Breaking Point (US 1924) Nita Naldi, 109' /16 fps/ LoC – notes
The Valley of the Giants (US 1927) 65' /25 fps/ UCLA – notes 6 pages
La principessa misteriosa (IT 1920) Maria Doro. 82' /16 fps/ Cineteca Italiana, Milano
The Rescue (US 1929) incomplete 85' /22 fps/ GEH – notes
Beau Geste (US 1926) 125' /20 fps/ LoC – notes

Cartoons in the Hotel (US 1915)
Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse at the Circus (US 1916), notes
Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse Discuss the Letter (US 1916), notes
The Joys and Glooms Elope (US 1916), notes
Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse in a Duet: He Made Me Love Him (US 1916), notes
Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse in a Tale That Is Knot (US 1916), notes
Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse In Their One-Act Tragedy, the Tale of the Nude Tail (US 1916), notes
Feet Is Feet: A Phable (US 1916)
Krazy Kat to the Rescue (US 1916)
The Phable of a Fat Woman (US 1916)
The Phable of a Busted Romance (US 1916)
Policy and Pie (US 1918)
How Could William Tell? (US 1919)
The Breath of a Nation (US 1919)
Smokey Smokes (US 1920)

Proekt inzenera Prajta / [Engineer Prait's Project] (Lev Kuleshov, Hanzhonkov, RU 1918) fragment, titles missing 20' (20 fps) GFF, notes
Za krasnoe znamya / [For the Red Flag] (Vladimir Kasianov, RU 1919) 16' /18 fps/ GFF, notes
Devji gory – legenda ob Antihriste / [The Virgins of the Mountains – the Legend of the Antichrist] (Aleksandr Sanin, RU 1919) 40' /20 fps/ GFF, notes
Tovarisc Abram / [Comrade Abram] (Aleksandr Rasumnyi, RU 1919) 18' /19 fps/ GFF, notes
Son Tarasa / [Taras' Dream] (Yuri Zhelyabuzhki, RU 1919) 14' /19 fps/ GFF
Proletarii vseh stran, soedinyaites! / [Workers of All Lands, Unite!] (Boris Sushkevic, RU 1919) incomplete 22' /18 fps/ GFF
Dezertiry / [The Deserters] (Evgeni Slavinski, RU 1919) missing titles 11' /18 fps/ GFF, notes
Novoe platye korolya / [The Emperor's New Clothes] (Yuri Zhelyabutzhki, RU 1919) titles missing 20' /16 fps/ GFF, notes
Agit-poezd / [Agit Train] (Dziga Vertov, RU 1919) 6' /18 fps/ Muzei Kino, notes
Rabocij Sevyrev / Rabotshi Sevyrev / [Worker Shevyrev] (Ceslav Sabinski, RU 1919) 69' /19 fps/ GFF, notes
Vzjatye zimnego dvorca / [The Taking of the Winter Palace] (Nikolai Evreinov, Aleksandr Kugel, Nikolai Petrov, Boris Sanin et al., RU 1920) 22' /18 fps/ Muzei Kino – AD: Yuri Annenkov, notes
Mat / [Mother] (Aleksandr Rasumnyi, RU 1920) 63' /19 fps/ GFF, notes
Serp i molot / V trudnye dni / [Hammer and Sickle] / [Difficult Days] (Vladimir Gardin, RU 1921) incomplete r. 2–5, 55' /19 fps/ GFF, notes
[Eksperiment Kuleshova] / [The Kuleshov Experiment] (Lev Kuleshov, RU 1921) 2 m, screened 3 times, 10" (10 seconds) /16 fps/ Ekaterina Hohlova Collection / GFF, notes
Arsen Dzordziasvili / Ybjstvo generala Grjazanova / [Arsen Dzordziasvili] / [The Killing of General Gryazanov] (Ivan Perestiani, RU 1921) 53' /18 fps/ GFF, notes
Derevnia na perelome / [Countryside at the Time of Change] (Ceslav Sabinski, RU 1921) 41' /21 fps/ notes
Net scactja na zemle / Njet stshastja na zemlje / [There Is No Happiness On Earth] (Aleksandr Panteleyev, SU 1922) 48' /20 fps/ GFF, notes
Polikushka (Aleksandr Sanin, SU 1922) incomplete r. 2–3, 5–6, 55' /19 fps/ GFF, notes
Suramskaya krepost / [The Fortress of Suram] (Ivan Perestiani, SU 1923) 73' /20 fps/ GFF, notes
Prizrak brodit po Evrope / [There Is a Spectre Over Europe] (Vladimir Gardin, SU 1923) titles missing, 85' /20 fps GFF, notes
Kombrig Ivanov / [Brigade Commander Ivanov] (Aleksandr Razumnyi, SU 1923) 66' /20 fps/ GFF, notes, notes
Dnevnik Glumova / [Glumov's Diary] (Sergei Eisenstein, SU 1923) 7' /18 fps/ Muzei Kino, notes
Sovietskie igruski / [Soviet Toys] (Dziga Vertov, SU 1924) 12' /22 fps/ GFF, notes
President Samosadkin [The Self-Appointed President] (Mikhail Verner, SU 1924) 74' /24 fps/ GFF, notes
Slesar i kantsler / [The Locksmith and the Chancellor] (Vladimir Gardin, SU 1924) incomplete 2-5  60' /19 fps/ GFF, notes
Istorija odogo razocarovanija / Boris Savikov [Story of a Disappointment] (Aleksandr Buskin, SU 1924) 4' /20 fps/ GFF
Razboinik Arsen / [Arsen the Bandit] (Vladimir Barski, SU 1924) 78' /20 fps/ GFF
N+N+N (Nini, nalog, neprijatnost) [Nini, Taxes, Sorrows] (Vladimir Smidtgof, SU 1924) 15' /20 fps/ GFF – notes
Vragi. Otets i syn / [Enemies. Father and Son] (Ceslav Sabinski, SU 1924) 86' /20 fps/ GFF – notes, 6 pages
Pokhozdeniya Vanki Gvozdya / [The Adventures of Ivan-the-Nail] (Manuel Bolshintsov, SU 1924) 10' /22 fps/ GFF
Tainstvennoe kolzo, ili rokovaja tanja [The Mysterious Ring, Or, The Fatal Mystery] (Aleksandr Buskin, SU 1924) 5' /24 fps/ GFF – notes
Bednjaku v prok – kulaku v bok / [Give to the Poor – Take from the Rich] (Jakov Poselski, SU 1924) 30' / 20 fps/ GFF- notes
Cetyre i piat / Tshetyre i pjat / [Four and Five] (Vladimir Gardin, SU 1924) 95' /20 fps/ GFF, notes
Starec Vasili Grjaznov / Starets Vasili Grjaznov / [The Monk Vadili Gryaznov] (Ceslav Sabinski, SU 1924) 56' /24 fps/ GFF, notes
Vasa znakomaja / Zurnalistka / [Your Acquaintance] / [The Journalist] (Lev Kuleshov, SU 1927) fragment, 13' /24 fps/ GFF

MAGYAR DYNAMISM, Magyar Filmintézet
Küzdelem a létért / [Struggle for Life] (Alfred Deésy, HU 1918) starring Béla Lugosi, notes
A leányasszony / [The Young Wife] (Alfred Deésy, HU 1918), notes (I saw half)
Jön az öcsém / [My Brother Is Coming] (Michael Curtiz, HU 1919) 12' /16 fps/ notes
A megfayott gyermek / [The Frozen Child] (Béla Balogh, HU 1912) 51' /18 fps/
Hegyek alján / [Under the Mountains] (Béla Balogh, HU 1920) 82' /18 fps/
Az aranyember / [The Golden Man] (Alexander Korda, HU 1928) incomplete 100' /16 fps/ – over two thirds missing

Das indische Grabmal Teil I: Die Sendung des Joghi plus
Das indische Grabmal Teil Teil II: Der Tiger von Eschnapur (DE 1921) announced as 241' /20 fps/ actual duration ca 210', notes, Ende 18.09

Pep of the Lazy "J" (Victor Nordlinger, US 1926) 22' /21 fps/ GEH

Lotus Blossom (US 1921) 13' /20 fps/
Rheims (Charles Raleigh, US 1921) 8' /20 fps/ *
The Bright Shawl (John S. Robertson, US 1923) 93' /20 fps/, notes
[Carl Laemmle Silver Jubilee] (US 1932) 3' / 24 fps/
Tabu [preview trailer] (F. W. Murnau, US 1931) 4' /24 fps/
Legong (Dance of the Virgins) (Henri de la Falaise, US 1935) 54' /24 fps/, notes
Ouverture: The Spirit of 1918 / George Jessel / Elsie Janis / Willie and Eugene Howard / Al Jolson/ Bruce Bairnsfather (US 1926) 60' / 24 fps/
The Better 'Ole (Charles Reisner, US 1926) 95' / 24 fps/
[Ernst Lubitsch at Home in Hollywood] (US 1924) 3' /20 fps/
[Ernst Lubitsch on the Set of Rosita] (US 1923) 4' /20 fps/
The Patriot preview trailer (US 1928) 4' /18 fps/

Chaplin's Goliath. In Search of Scotland's Forgotten Star (GB 1996) VHS. 52' Eric Campbell

The Archaeology of the Moving Image I–III (FI 1996) English version. U-Matic. 90'

Sur les toits (FR 1897) AFF / CNC, notes
Le Prise de Tournavos (FR 1897) AFF / CNC, notes
La Danse du feu (FR 1899) GEH, notes
Le Voyage de la famille Bourrichon (FR 1912) Lobster Film, notes

Why Girls Say No (US 1927) 25' /20 fps/ Bonner Kinemathek, notes
Jewish Prudence (US 1927) 24' /20 fps/ Bonner Kinemathek, notes
Should Second Husbands Come First? (US 1927) Bonner Kinemathek
The Boy Friend (US 1928) Bonner Kinemathek
No Woman Knows (Tod Browning, US 1921) 65' /20 fps/ Cinecon 32 Hollywood / Filmoteca Española – notes
Hurdy Gurdy (US 1929) 20' /24 fps/ Bonner Kinemathek

Quand Madelon... (Georges Lordier, FR 1917), 4' /18 fps/ Lobster, live performance Serge Bromberg, notes
Celles qui s'en font (Germaine Dulac, FR 1928) 7' /20 fps/ Lobster. notes ,*****
Cast Ashore (US 192X) 9' /19 fps/ GEH - straight and gay hard core porn
Manchu Love (Elmer Clifton, US 1928) 17' /24 fps/ GEH

Olympic Games at Athens (GB 1906) 6'
[Athens 1896] (FR 1906) 1'
[1908 Olympics: Marathon] (GB 1908) 6' London
[Olympic Games 1912] (GB 1912) 8' Stockholm
[Stockholm: the Olympic Games 1912] (GB 1912) 13'
Antwerp – Olympic Games (Fox News # 11) (GB 1920) 1'
Les Jeux olympiques Paris 1924 (FR 1924) 3 reels selection 40' /20 fps/ IWM

Des Alters erste Spuren (Franz Hofer DE 1913) 23' /16 fps/ Slovenska Kinoteka, notes
Le Jongleur des chapeaux (FR 1909) 6' /16 fps/ Slovenska Kinoteka

The Little Country Mouse (Donald Crisp, US 1914) 14' /16 fps/ LoC New Zealand Collection
The Villain Foiled (Mack Sennett, US 1911) 6' /16 fps/ MoMA
Public Opinion (Frank Reicher, US 1916) 57' /16 fps/ LoC

Za-la-Mort / Der Traum der Za-la-Vie (DE 1924) 96' /18 fps/ Jugoslovenska Kinoteka / Cineteca del Comune di Bologna

Peculiar Patients' Pranks (Hal Roach, Lonesome Luke series, Rolin Film Co., US 1915), starring Harold Lloyd, Snub Pollard, Bebe Daniels - notes

Monday, September 30, 1996

September 1996, Helsinki

10.9.1996 Pink Flamingos. US 1972. D: John Waters. Orion
13.9.1996 Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart. US 1985. D: Wayne Wang. Orion
13.9.1996 Simple Men. US 1992. D: Hal Hartley. Orion
17.9.1996 Mala Noche. US 1986. D: Gus Van Sant. Orion
19.9.1996 Ma vida loca. US/GB 1993. D: Allison Anders. Orion. Notes.
20.9.1996 Barcelona. US 1994. D: Whit Stillman. Orion
21.9.1996 at 14.30 Helsinki Film Festival, Maxim 2
24.9.1996 The Roots of Heaven / Taivaan juuret. US 1958. D: John Huston. Orion
25.9.1996 Ar irardo! / Ne gorjui! / Meillä ei surra. SU-GE 1970. D: Georgi Danelija. Orion
27.9.1996 Laveata tietä / [The Broad Way]. FI 1931. D: Valentin Vaala. Teuvo Tulio. Orion
27.9.1996 Little Odessa / Pikku Odessa. US 1994. D: James Gray. Orion
29.9.1996 The Roots of Heaven / Taivaan juuret. US 1958. D: John Huston. Orion

Thursday, August 01, 1996

August 1996, Los Angeles, Hayden Lake, Spokane

Mel Stuart: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (US 1971), based on Roald Dahl, starring Gene Wilder.

1.8.1996 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory / Jali ja suklaatehdas (Mel Stuart, US 1971) chez S.M., Hayden Lake. I had never seen this wonderful movie before. After a disappointing first run it grew into a sleeper hit and cult movie, not well known in Finland.
2.8.1996 Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks, US 1959) tv at Shangri La Motel, Spokane. I opened the tv set at the motel. The transmission was terrible, full of static. I recognized the opening scene and sat transfixed through the 141 minutes of Rio Bravo, a movie that I had also programmed at school film societies on 16 mm. The film is always great no matter what quality the presentation.
7.8.1996 The Disorderly Orderly (Frank Tashlin, US 1964, with Jerry Lewis) video
8.8.1996 A Time to Kill (Joel Schumacher, US 1996)
9.8.1996 Victory Through Air Power (Walt Disney, US 1943) screening at Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, with Scott MacQueen
10.8.1996 Destry Rides Again (George Marshall, US 1939) Lakeside Video
13.8.1996 Darby O'Gill and the Little People (Robert Stevenson, US 1959) video
14.8.1996 Escape from L.A. (John Carpenter, US 1996) AMC Burbank
15.8.1996 Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino, US 1994) Lakeside Video
16.8.1996 The Manchurian Candidate (John Frankenheimer, US 1962) Lakeside Video
17.8.1996 Basquiat (Julian Schnabel, US 1996)
23.8.1996 Kansas City (Robert Altman, FR/US 1996) Lammle's Sunset 5
25.8.1996 Nixon (Oliver Stone, US 1995) video, director's cut
26.8.1996 Tin Cup (Ron Shelton, US 1996)

Monday, July 01, 1996

July 1996, Los Angeles

1.7.1996 The Nutty Professor (Tom Shadyac, US 1996, with Eddie Murphy) AMC Burbank
2.7.1996 Eraser (Chuck Russell, US 1996, with Arnold Schwartzenegger) AMC Burbank
3.7.1996 Independence Day (Roland Emmerich, US 1996)
3.7.1996 The Rock (Michael Bay, US 1996) AMC Burbank
4.7.1996 The Cable Guy (Ben Stiller, US 1996, with Jim Carrey) AMC Burbank
5.7.1996 Hoop-La (Frank Lloyd, US 1933, with Clara Bow) UCLA
5.7.1996 The North West Mounted Police (Cecil B. De Mille, US 1940, with Gary Cooper) UCLA
7.7.1996 GoldenEye (Martin Campbell, GB/US 1995, with Pierce Brosnan) Blockbuster Video - notes
8.7.1996 Get Shorty (Barry Sonnenfeld, US 1995) Blockbuster Video
10.7.1996 Clueless (Amy Heckerling, US 1995) Blockbuster Video
11.7.1996 The Great McGinty (Preston Sturges, US 1940) video
12.7.1996 The Bitter Tea of General Yen (Frank Capra, US 1933) video, short version
18.7.1996 Ich küsse Ihre Hand, Madame (Robert Land, DE 1929, with Marlene Dietrich) US version, GEH restoration, at UCLA
19.7.1996 The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (Robert Siodmak, US 1945) UCLA
19.7.1996 Specter of the Rose (Ben Hecht, US 1946) UCLA
20.7.1996 The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks, US 1945/1946) UCLA restored early version presented by Bob Gitt (I may mix dates here)
23.7.1996 The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks, US 1946) 1946 release version
25.7.1996 To Kill a Mockingbird (Robert Mulligan, US 1962) video
26.7.1996 The Jolson Story (Alfred E. Green, US 1945) video
27.7.1996 The Sea Wolf (Michael Curtiz, US 1941) Lakeside Video
28.7.1996 The Crowd (King Vidor, US 1928) Lakeside Video
29.7.1996 Alice in Wonderland (Walt Disney, US 1951) Lakeside Video

Saturday, June 01, 1996

June 1996, Los Angeles

1.6.1996 Mission: Impossible (Brian De Palma, US 1996) Chinese
1.6.1996 From the Journals of Jean Seberg (Mark Rappaport, US 1995) Laemmle's Sunset
1.6.1996 Mulholland Falls (Lee Tamahori, US 1996) Fairfax
2.6.1996 Captain Blood (Michael Curtiz, US 1935) video from TNT
3.6.1996 Music for the Movies: Bernard Herrmann (Joshua Waletzky, US/GB/FR 1992) video from L.A. Public Library
3.6.1996 The Farmer's Daugher (H.C. Potter, US 1947) video from L.A. Public Library
4.6.1996 Going My Way (Leo McCarey, US 1944) video from L.A. Public Library
5.6.1996 The Bells of St. Mary's (Leo McCarey, US 1945) video from Hollywood Library
6.6.1996 The Fountainhead (King Vidor, US 1949) video from Hollywood Library
7.6.1996 Holiday (George Cukor, US 1938) video from Hollywood Library
5.6.1996 Sylvia Scarlett (George Cukor, US 1935) video from Hollywood Library
8.6.1996 Kiss Me Kate (George Sidney, US 1953) video from Hollywood Library
8.6.1996 Pursued (Raoul Walsh, US 1947) video from Hollywood Library
9.6.1996 David Copperfield (George Cukor, US 1935) video from Hollywod Library
11.6.1996 Four Daughters (Michael Curtiz, US 1938) video from Hollywood Library
11.6.1996 Yankee Doodle Dandy (Michael Curtiz, US 1942) video from Hollywood Library
11.6.1996 Mildred Pierce (Michael Curtiz, US 1945) video from Hollywood Library
12.6.1996 The Quest (Jean-Claude Van Damme, US 1996) The Vine
12.6.1996 OG: Original Gangstas (Larry Cohen, US 1996) The Vine
13.6.1996 The Postman Always Rings Twice (Tay Garnett, US 1946) video from Hollywood Library
13.6.1996 Les Girls (George Cukor, US 1957) video from Hollywood Library
16.6.1996 A Letter to Three Wives (Joseph L. Mankiewicz, US 1949) video from Hollywood Library
16.6.1996 Stars in My Crown (Jacques Tourneur, US 1950) video from Hollywood Library
16.6.1996 Leave Her to Heaven (John M. Stahl, US 1945) video from Hollywood Library
17.6.1996 Christmas in July (Preston Sturges, US 1940) video from Hollywood Library
18.6.1996 The House on 92nd Street (Henry Hathaway, US 1945) video from Hollywood Library
18.6.1996 Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (Albert Lewin, GB 1951) video from Hollywood Library
19.6.1996 The Black Pirate (Albert Parker, US 1926, with Douglas Fairbanks) Orpheum
20.6.1996 The Bank Dick (Edward F. Cline, US 1940, with W.C. Fields)
20.6.1996 Panic in the Streets (Elia Kazan, US 1950)
22.6.1996 Lone Star (John Sayles, US 1996)
27.6.1996 Gilda (Charles Vidor, US 1946) restored, UCLA
29.6.1996 Striptease (Andrew Bergman, US 1996, with Demi Moore) AMC Burbank
30.6.1996 Ben-Hur (William Wyler, US 1959) video from Hollywood Library

Wednesday, May 01, 1996

May 1996, Los Angeles

George Loane Tucker: The Miracle Man (US 1919). A lost film, one of the most highly regarded silents. Two minutes survive in Paramount's 20th anniversary chronicle The House that Shadows Built (US 1933) - including the electrifying turning-point. The Miracle Man (Thomas Meighan, standing in the center) and his gang fool the crowd with a fake healing. The "crippled" Frog (Lon Chaney, lying in front of him) stands up and walks. Then an actual crippled boy (Frankie Lee) feels the healing spirit. Photo and information from Shawn Hall: The Everyday Cinephile (20 Oct 2022). Fragment viewed in the Silent Movie Theater in Los Angeles.

10.5.1996 The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming, US 1939) tv CBS special screening 40th tv anniversary with special material: a making of documentary hosted by Angela Lansbury, directed by Jack Haley, Jr.
11.5.1996 The Return of Frank James (Fritz Lang, US 1940) tv TNT
11.5.1996 Counsellor at Law (William Wyler, US 1933) UCLA
11.5.1996 The Little Foxes (William Wyler, US 1941) UCLA
13.5.1996 Dead Man Walking (Tim Robbins, US 1995)
17.5.1996 Lethal Weapon (Richard Donner, US 1987) tv UPN (Paramount)
18.5.1996 Serpico (Sidney Lumet, US 1973) video UPN (Paramount)
18.5.1996 Klute (Sidney Lumet, US 1971) tv TBS
18.5.1996 Enter the Dragon (Robert Clouse, US 1973) video from UPN (Paramount)
19.5.1996 Twister (Jan De Bont, US 1996) Academy, Beverly Hills, preview
20.5.1996 Visions of Light (Arnold Glassman, Todd McCarthy etc., US 1992) tv PBS
20.5.1996 Norma Jean & Marilyn (tvm, Tim Fywell, US 1996) video from HBO
20.5.1996 Crimson Tide (Tony Scott, US 1995) tv Showtime
23.5.1996 tv: American Cinema - Film In the Television Age, 60 min, tv PBS
23.5.1996 Malicious (Ian Corson, US 1995) tv Showtime
23.5.1996 Color of Night (Richard Rush, US 1994) tv Showtime
24.5.1996 Confidential Agent (Herman Shumlin, US 1945) video Showtime
24.5.1996 Mr. Wu (William Nigh, US 1927) Silent Movie Theater, Lon Chaney Super
24.5.1996 Victory (Maurice Tourneur, US 1919) Silent Movie Theater, Lon Chaney Super
+ Felix Goes Hungry (Otto Messmer, US 1924)
+ The Miracle Man (George Loane Tucker, US 1919) fragment - in the presence of Michael Blake, organ: Stan Kann, notes. Not released in Finland. In Sweden: Mirakelmannen.
25.5.1996 Otrazhenie v zerkale / Reflections in a Mirror (Svetlana Proskurina, RU 1992) Laemmle's Sunset 5
25.5.1996 Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, US 1995) Laemmle's Sunset 5
25.5.1996 Cold Comfort Farm (John Schlesinger, GB 1995) Laemmle's Sunset 5
25.5.1996 Toy Story (John Lasseter, US 1995) Fairfax
26.5.1996 exhibition: MOCA: Hall of Mirrors
26.5.1996 The Sands of Iwo Jima (Allan Dwan, US 1949) tv TNT
26.5.1996 Biruma no tatego (Kon Ichikawa, JP 1956) video from PBS
27.5.1996 The Dirty Dozen (Robert Aldrich, US 1967) video from TNT. Notes
27.5.1996 tv: AFI Tribute to Clint Eastwood, tv ABC
28.5.1996 Shaft (Gordon Parks, US 1971) tv TNT
29.5.1996 The Seven Year Itch (Billy Wilder, US 1955) The Los Angeles Theatre, arranged by The Los Angeles Conservatory, on MM 70th birthday, with Stephanie Anderson, Leonard Maltin, Anna Strasberg, Evelyn Moriarty, George Barris, Donald Spoto
30.5.1996 tv: American Cinema: Film Noir, tv PBS
30.5.1996 Marilyn and Me (tvm, John Patterson, US 1991, with Susan Griffiths)
30.5.1996 Dangerous Game (Abel Ferrara, US 1993)
31.5.1996 tv: Intimate Portrait: Marilyn Monroe (1996) tv Lifetime

Monday, April 01, 1996

April 1996, Los Angeles

2.4.1996 Executive Decision (Stuard Baird, US 1996) AMC Century
2.4.1996 The Birdcage (Mike Nichols, US 1996) AMC Century
2.4.1996 Babe (Chris Noonan, AU/US 1995) Fairfax
2.4.1996 Leaving Las Vegas (Mike Figgis, US 1995) Fairfax
3.4.1996 Dog Day Afternoon (Sidney Lumet, US 1975) video from UPN
3.4.1996 Samson and Delilah (Cecil B. DeMille, US 1949) tv TNT
6.4.1996 The Naked City (Jules Dassin, US 1948) USC
6.4.1996 The Undercover Man (Joseph H. Lewis, US 1949) USC, in the presence of Marvin Wald, Nina Foch
6.4.1996 The Dark Past (Rudolph Maté, US 1948) USC
6.4.1996 An American in Paris (Vincente Minnelli, US 1951) UCLA
6.4.1996 Lust for Life (Vincente Minnelli, US 1956) UCLA
7.4.1996 Moses (tvm, Roger Young, US 1995, with Ben Kingsley) tv TNT
7.4.1996 The Ten Commandments (Cecil B. DeMille, US 1956) tv ABC 280 min with commercial breaks
8.4.1996 While You Were Sleeping (Jon Turteltaub, US 1995, with Sandra Bullock) tv Showtime
11.4.1996 Land and Freedom (Ken Loach, GB/ES/DE/IT 1995) Goldwyn Pavilion
11.4.1996 Antonia (Marleen Gorris, NL 1995) Goldwyn Pavilion
11.4.1996 Fargo (Joel Coen, US 1996) AMC Media North 6 at Burbank Media City Center
11.4.1996 Primal Fear (Gregory Hoblit, US 1996) AMC Burbank 14
13.4.1996 Point Blank (John Boorman, US 1967) LACMA "The Big Picture", presence of Angie Dickinson, hosted by Todd McCarthy
13.4.1996 Tengoku to jigoku (Akira Kurosawa, JP 1962) LACMA "The Big Picture"
18.4.1996 Ed Wood (Tim Burton, US 1994) video from Showtime
20.4.1996 Chung Hing sam lam / Chung King Express / Chungking Express (Wong Kar-Wai, HK 1994) Laemmle's Sunset 5
20.4.1996 Denise Calls Up (Hal Salwen, US 1995) Laemmle's Sunset 5
20.4.1996 James and the Giant Peach (Henry Selick, US 1996) El Capitan
20.4.1996 Jumanji (Joe Johnson, US 1995) Fairfax
20.4.1996 Broken Arrow (John Woo, US 1996) Fairfax
20.4.1996 Advise and Consent (Otto Preminger, US 1962) LACMA "The Big Picture"
21.4.1996 UCLA Westwood: "Hall of Mirrors: Film and Art Since 1945": Animation Programme
- Gerald McBoing Boing (1951)
- The Tell-Tale Heart (1953)
- Love Comes to Magoo (1958)
- Barefaces Flat Foot (1951)
- Big Things, Lots of Things (Pat O'Neill, 1995) 38 min
- Motion Painting No. 1 (Oskar Fischinger, 1949)
- Film No. 12 (The Magic Feature / Heaven and Earth Magic, Harry Smith, 1960) 66 min
- Lapis (James Whitney, 1965)
25.4.1996 The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress (William Wyler, US 1944) UCLA
25.4.1996 Jezebel (William Wyler, US 1938) UCLA
26.4.1996 Detour (Edgar G. Ulmer, US 1945) video from A&E
26.4.1996 Lady of the Pavements (D.W. Griffith, US 1929) Silent Movie Theater
+ Stupid, But Brave (Roscoe Arbuckle, US 1924, with Al St. John)
+ The Fall Guy (Larry Semon, US 1921)
27.4.1996 Dark Passage (Delmer Daves, US 1947) video from Showtime
28.4.1996 The Man in the Glass Booth (Arthur Hiller, US 1974) USC Lucas Hall (Max Kade -Institut), 35 mm colour faded, in the presence of the screenwriter (Edward Anhalt I believe)

Friday, March 01, 1996

March 1996, Los Angeles

Edward Dmytryk: Murder, My Sweet (US 1944) with Dick Powell (Philip Marlowe) and Claire Trevor (Helen Grayle), based on Farewell, My Lovely (1940) by Raymond Chandler, one of the first films noir. It was the third Raymond Chandler film but the first with Philip Marlowe as a character. Viewed at the Edward Dmytryk marathon at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in the presence of Edward Dmytryk.

23.3.1996 Crossfire (Edward Dmytryk, US 1947) USC
23.3.1996 Murder, My Sweet (Edward Dmytryk, US 1944) USC, presence of E.D. + discussion
23.3.1996 Cornered (Edward Dmytryk, US 1945), USC
25.3.1996 TV: The Oscars, at Robert Gitt's
27.3.1996 Flirting with Disaster (David O. Russell, US 1996) AMC Century
27.3.1996 La flor de mi secreto (Pedro Almodóvar, ES 1995) Laemmle's Royal, Santa Monica
27.3.1996 Braveheart (Mel Gibson, US 1995) Fairfax, Beverly Bl.
28.3.1996 The Long, Long Trailer (Vincente Minnelli, US 1954) video from TNT
30.3.1996 Body and Soul (Abraham Polonsky, US 1947) USC, presence of A.P.?
30.3.1996 Force of Evil (Abraham Polonsky, US 1948) USC
31.3.1996 Breakfast at Tiffany's (Blake Edwards, US 1961) video from TBS

Thursday, February 01, 1996

February 1996, Los Angeles

8.2.1996 Lucky Boy (Norman Taurog, US 1928, with George Jessel), Robert Gitt
10.2.1996 an episode of Fantômas (Louis Feuillade, FR 1913), USC George Lucas Hall, Yuri Tsivian & David Shepard
10.2.1996 Der Student von Prag (Stellan Rye, DE 1913), USC George Lucas Hall, Yuri Tsivian & David Shepard
10.2.1996 Atlantis (August Blom, DK 1913), USC George Lucas Hall, Yuri Tsivian & David Shepard
10.2.1996 Death's Marathon (D.W. Griffith, US 1913), USC George Lucas Hall, Yuri Tsivian & David Shepard
10.2.1996 Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (Enrico Guazzoni, IT 1913), USC George Lucas Hall, Yuri Tsivian & David Shepard

Monday, January 01, 1996

January 1996, Los Angeles

6.1.1996 Sense and Sensibility (Ang Lee, 1995), Santa Monica
18.1.1996 The Jazz Singer (Alan Crosland, 1927), Robert Gitt, Studio City
+ The Jazz Singer trailer + Al Jolson: A Plantation Act (1926)
25.1.1996 Wonder Bar (Lloyd Bacon, US 1934), nitrate, UCLA Melnitz - notes ***½
+ The Miller's Daughter (Friz Freleng, US 1934) nitrate, **½, Chuck Jones contributed
+ Hearst Metrotone News Vol. 5, No. 264 (5/5/1934)
+ What, No Men? (Ralph Staub, US 1934) 22', Technicolor, nitrate, ***½
25.1.1996 The Singing Kid (1936), UCLA Melnitz, Charles Hopkins, guest: Cybill Jason
+ clip: You Are the Cure to All Ills
29.1.1996 TV doc: The American Experience: The Battle Over Citizen Kane (1996), TV PBS (KCET)