Wednesday, October 15, 2008

J'entends plus la guitare / I Can't Hear the Guitar Anymore

Philippe Garrel: J'entends plus la guitare / I Can't Hear the Guitar Anymore (FR 1991) avec Johanna Ter Steege (Marianne) et Anouk Grinberg (Adrienne).

I Can't Hear the Guitar Anymore. FR 1991. PC: Les Films de l'Atalante / CNC / Procirep. D+SC: Philippe Garrel. Dial: Marc Chodolenko. DP: Caroline Champetier. M: Faton Cahen. Cast: Benoît Régent (Gérard), Johanna Ter Steege (Marianne), Yann Collette (Martin), Mireille Perrier (Lola), Brigitte Sy (Aline), Anouk Grinberg (Adrienne). A MAE print with English subtitles viewed at Cinema Orion, Helsinki 14 Oct 2008. Dedicated to the memory of Nico. – Good colour, ok print. – I first saw the film on 29 Oct 1996. This time I watched the first 30 min. – L'homme, la mer. L'homme, la mère. – L'amour at once, baby not at once. – I never see you as a whole. – Love: fear of not being loved. Love: everything you can't say. – Dialogue by Marc Chodolenko. A conversation piece literally. Two couples. – Twilight or darkness in the images. – Defining what love is. – Cinema bordering on the hermetic.

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