Wednesday, September 17, 1997

Event Horizon

100413 / 18 / GB 1997 / Anderson, Paul / science fiction

Event Horizon / Viimeinen horisontti. PC: Paramount. P: Lawrence Gordon. D: Paul Anderson. SC: Philip Eisner. DP: Adrian Biddle. CAST: Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan. 97’. Panavision. Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Timo Porri / Eirik Udd. DIST: UIP Finland. Viewed at VET, Helsinki, Wednesday, 17 September 1997. *** Solaris meets Hellraiser. Starting as an intelligent scifi epic in the Star Trek tradition the film turns into a straight splatter horror film. Breathtaking imagery, technical solutions and production design keep Event Horizon interesting on the most basic level. The title refers to the boundary of a black hole. A new solution to deep space travel by creating an artificial black hole has been invented, but something has gone wrong. The corridors of the spaceship are covered with blood and human remains. ”Where we are going we don’t need eyes to see”. They have visited ”another dimension: pure chaos - pure evil”. Hell, perhaps? ”Hell is only a word”.

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