Monday, December 31, 2007

Cassandra's Dream

Cassandra's Dream / Cassandra's Dream. US / GB (c) 2007 Wolverine. P: Letty Aronson, Stephen Tenenbaum, Gareth Wiley. D+SC: Woody Allen. DP: Vilmos Zsigmond. M: Philip Glass. Starring: Colin Farrell (Terry Blaine), Ewan McGregor (Ian Blaine), Tom Wilkinson (Uncle Howard), Hayley Atwell (Angela Stark, actress), Sally Hawkins (Kate). 108 min. Released by Scanbox, Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Jaana Wiik / Janne Staffans. Viewed on 31 Dec 2007 at Tennispalatsi 11, Helsinki. Woody Allen has created a completely new style since moving to Britain. In Match Point and this, he creates original crime dramas which obey the laws of classical tragedy. His tales also share an affinity with Biblical parables. Born British critics do not find Woody Allen's Cockney accents and rhythms convincing, but from the viewpoint of a not-native speaker this is a strong, solid, and moving film. I admire Woody Allen's capability to surprise and explore new things. Certainly the audience was gripped in the sold-out screenings of Helsinki (it was hard to get a seat).

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