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Cd cover photo: Valentin Vaala: Vaimoke (FI 1936) starring Ansa Ikonen and Tauno Palo. Composer: Harry Bergström. |
[Finnish Film Music Vol. 1: Recordings from 1931–1936] (cd). Artie Music Oy, Turku, Finland 2010. AMCD 1029. www.artiemusic.com. Sleeve notes by Juha Seitajärvi. Recordings from Suomen Äänitearkisto r.y. and KAVA. Restored by Timo Wuori.
1. "Tui, Tui, Tuulikki", foxtrot, perf. Georg Malmstén. Sano se suomeksi (1931).
2. "Auringon lapset", perf. Georg Malmstén. Auringon lapset (1933).
3. "Sukellusvenevalssi", waltz perf. Georg Malmstén. Meidän poikamme merellä (1932).
4. "Aallokko kutsuu", waltz, perf. Georg Malmstén. Meidän poikamme merellä (1932).
5. "Meidän Maija", waltz, perf. Georg Malmstén. Meidän poikamme merellä (1932).
6. "Laulu onnesta", waltz, perf. Georg Malmstén. Pikku myyjätär (1933).
7. "Pikku neiti", tango, perf. Georg Malmstén. Pikku myyjätär (1933).
8. "Keittiöhaaveita", foxtrot, perf. Olavi Nyberg. Herrat täysihoidossa (1933).
9. "Kiljusen serenadi", tango, perf. Olavi Nyberg. Herrat täysihoidossa (1933).
10. "Ihminen älä hermostu", foxtrot, perf. Matti Jurva. Helsingin kuuluisin liikemies (1934).
11. "Kauniit unet", foxtrot, perf. Hannes Veivo. Helsingin kuuluisin liikemies (1934).
12. "Metsäpirtti", waltz, perf. Georg Malmstén and Greta Pitkänen. Voi meitä! Anoppi tulee (1933).
13. "Lemmen liekki leimahtaa", waltz, perf. Greta Pitkänen and Georg Malmstén. Syntipukki (1934).
14. "Palaavat muistot", tango, perf. Toivo Lampén. Vaimoke (1936).
15. "Sävelhurmaa", waltz, perf. Arvi Tikkala. Vaimoke (1936).
16. "Vaimoke", foxtrot, perf. Arvi Tikkala. Vaimoke (1936).
17. "Bulu bulu bulu", foxtrot, perf. Arvi Tikkala. Vaimoke (1936).
18. "Mieheke", waltz, perf. Tauno Palo. Mieheke (1936).
19. "Kun kuulen tuon", slow fox, perf. Tauno Palo. Mieheke (1936).
20. "Ah, ethän tiedä", foxtrot, perf. Tauno Palo. Mieheke (1936).
21. "Syksyn tullessa", waltz, perf. Tauno Palo. Onnenpotku (1936).
22. "Sinä vainen", waltz, perf. Tauno Palo. Onnenpotku (1936).
23. "Soi läntiset lämpimät tuulet", waltz, perf. Eugen Malmstén. Seikkailu jalkamatkalla (1936).
24. "Suviyön tarina", waltz, perf. Eugen Malmstén. Kaikenlaisia vieraita (1936).
25. "Sulle kukkii kaunis maa", waltz, perf. Eugen Malmstén. Kaikenlaisia vieraita (1936).
26. "Sun huules kertoo onnesta", tango, perf. Eugen Malmstén. Kaikenlaisia vieraita (1936).
27. "Tuulen terveiset", waltz, perf. Eugen Malmstén. Kaikenlaisia vieraita (1936).
28. "Bulu bulu bulu", foxtrot, perf. Ansa Ikonen. Vaimoke (1936).
Only the last track is taken directly from the film soundtrack, itself, all others are compiled from vintage shellac record release versions.
There have been several good Finnish film music compilation cd's during the last ten years, and this is a valuable addition as more than 20 of the tracks have never been published on cd before. Although this cd is systematical and chronological it is also entertaining to listen to and to dance to.
There had been short Finnish sound films since 1929 but the real breakthrough took place in 1931, and then it was all out with inspired composers, hit tunes, and stories carried by song and dance. Some early efforts were clumsy (Meidän poikamme merellä [Our Boys at Sea]) and the music had more staying power than the films themselves. The Estonian-Finnish Auringon lapset [Children of the Sun] was never even released in Finland, but the theme song, lyrics written by the first great Finnish film producer Erkki Karu, has become an evergreen. The barytone Georg Malmstén was training to become an opera singer but chose to become an entertainer, instead. His voice was great from the start. He was a Navy man, himself, which explains the special inspiration in the songs written for the Navy musical. His brother Eugen Malmstén was equally good but not yet at his best on these tracks. Tauno Palo was Finland's film star number one, also a serious dramatic actor. In the 1930s he was the leading heartthrob, a Finnish Vittorio De Sica or Cary Grant. He had a gentle sound, singing from his heart. The orchestras such as the Dallapé are the top dance bands of the decade. The cd is well edited with expert sleeve notes by Juha Seitajärvi.
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