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The director Mika Koskinen (to the right) and a member of the Pumi people. Photo: Luxian Production Oy. |
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Chinese schoolchildren plant trees. Photo: Luxian Production Oy. |
Punaisen Metsän Hotelli [the title in the Swedish-speaking Hufvudstadsbladet] [the title is the name of an actual hotel, therefore the capital letters].
FI/CN © 2011 Luxian Productions. Year of Finnish release: 2012. P: Mika Koskinen, Risto Rumpunen. D+SC: Mika Koskinen. DP: Mika Koskinen, Mika Mattila - 2K DCP mastered at Toast Post Production. M: traditional Pumi and Hami folk music. S: Janne Laine. ED: Kauko Lindfors. 87 min.
With commentary in Finnish and dialogue spoken in Chinese including in the Guangxi dialect.
Distributed in Finland by Pirkanmaan Elokuvakeskus with Finnish subtitles only by Katja Paanala (Broadcast Text).
2K DCP viewed at Kinopalatsi 4, Helsinki, 28 Jan 2012.
From the production information: "The attempt of a Finnish cinematographer to make a movie about the tree planting projects in the newly green oriented China turns into a nightmare when the officials defending the reputation of a pulp and paper manufacturer set themselves against it."
"The Finnish news cinematographer who has worked for 15 years in Beijing starts to make a movie about China's massive tree planting campaigns. Facing the climate change the giant state invests also into recycling and renewable energy. The cinematographer is intrigued to observe whether authoritarian China might grow into a model of green politics for the whole world."
"There is a surprise turn in the film-making project when local authorities stop the cinematographer on his way to the tree plantations in the Guangxi province in Southern China."
"The Finnish-owned pulp and paper manufacturer is planting immense eucalyptus plantations for raw materials for a planned paper mill. The atmosphere turns Kafkaesque. The helpful officials praise the project but try with every means to prevent interviews in their district. The film-maker is isolated in his hotel, and his local contacts are caught." (My translation.)
AA: The backstory I was not familiar with: in modern green China a lot is invested into wind energy and solar energy. There is a plan of a green Great Wall - an immense zone of trees. Planting trees is a civil duty. China plants two and a half times more trees than the rest of the world together. China is the biggest importer of trees.
Another backstory is China's ancient ecological tradition, not strange for a Finn: the beliefs of the old Pumi and Hami peoples about the protecting powers of old trees, some of them over a thousand years old.
But something is going wrong with Stora Enso. The film-makers speak about "totalitarian ecology": the exploitation of nature in the service of the destructively "efficient" eucalyptus cultivation. Eucalyptus trees drain the water from the sources and their cultivation makes life hell for the people living there. Famous springs and wells dry up. The establishment of eucalyptus plantations is achieved with violent enforcement.
In the final credits we learn that the sober lawyer Yang Zaixin who accompanies the filmmaker Mika Koskinen has been sentenced into prison on 13 June 2011.
"Even the word Finland scares us" state the villagers (Stora Enso is a Finnish company). I have heard the same claim during my visits in Brazil and Argentine because of Finnish companies' ruthless ways and gross neglect of the local people's interests.
The visual quality is understandably that of a basic video record. The grandeur of the nature is not visually evident, but the focus of the film is in the serious and balanced exposé of industrial corruption. What price success?
End credits beyond the jump break:
Käsikirjoitus, ohjaus ja tuotanto
Mika Koskinen
Mika Koskinen
Mika Mattila
Tuomas Hakala
Antti Seppänen
Kauko Lindfors
Käsikirjoitus- ja rakennekonsultti
Kimmo Kohtamäki
Donagh Coleman
Tuomas Hakala
Mika Koskinen
Janne Laine
Janne Laine
Olli Pärnänen
Meguru Film Sound
Abdissa Assefa
Mika Koskinen
Audio Networks
Pumi- ja Hami-kansojen perinnemusiikki
Kuvan jälkikäsittely
Toast Post Production
Tommi Rehn
Kari Mankinen
Veikko Ruuskanen
Vesa Vinni
Jari Vuoristo
Hanna-Leena Kartano
Petja Salmio
2. Tuottaja
Risto Rumpunen
Tiedotus- markkinointi- ja käännöstuottaja
Soile Koskinen
Lihong Zheng
Kuvausjärjestelyt Guangxissa
Dean Peng
Gu Tieliu
Litterointi Kiinassa
Jessica Wang
Kääntäjät Kiinassa
Jessie Lu
Zhu Qinzhe
Lucia Yang Liuxi
Guangxin-murteen käännökset
Cai Kunru
Li Fengying
Wang Chunqing
Kwok Wong
Tekstityksen viimeistely
Katja Paanala/Broadcast text
Hannu Hyvönen
YLE Beijing
Yang Zaixin
Yang Jinghui
Flood B.Cheng
Cai Kunru
Su Tianjin
Larry Lohmann
Chen Zhenhua, Liu Guohui, Ou Fahua, Song Zhihong, Yin Zhenjun, Zhao Jing Yun, Zhang Jianshe
Tree planting station Beijing/Qiu Yang
CTC Zhong Jin Car Rental/Gao Yin
Ma Yongshun Tree Planting Base/Ma Chunhua, Zhang Hua
Wuzuolou State Forest Farm of Mi Yun Forestry Bureau
Lenovo Group Beijing/Liu Limei
China Green Times/Alice Wang Shengnan
China Mobile Youth Group/Song Xuesi
Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park/Nancy Miao
Beijing Forest Bureau Propaganda Department Municipal Government Bureau of Forestry/Tong Haiming
China National Tobacco Corp. Idealistic & Political Dept./Liu Xu
Stora Enso/Cindy Zhang, Lauri Peltola
Tufeng project:
Chen Zhe - Beijing
Hu Xinyu - Beijing
Guo Weixi - Hexi
Xong Qing - Lanping
Yang Hongkai - Lanping
Global Times - Zhang Yuchen
EU-China Biodiversity Program:
John MacKinnon
Lin Gu
Maan ystävät - Noora Ojala
Greenpeace China - Liu Bing
Greenpeace Finland - Matti Liimatainen
Anki Nikula, Jukka Åkerman, Jari Turunen, Sohini Sengupta, Craig Protzel, Jesse Lai, Wang Li, Zhang Lan, Iikka Vehkalahti, Katri Makkonen, Petteri Tuohinen, Sami Sillanpää, Leena Koskinen, Marita, Taina & Olli Ruokolainen, Veli Sertti, Hannu Hyvönen, Ben Partridge, Wei Xiaoshi
Ja kaikki muut tässä elokuvassa esiintyneet ja sen valmistumista auttaneet tahot Guangxissa, Yunnanissa, Nanxunissa, Pekingissä ja Helsingissä.
Tämän elokuvatuotannon hiilijalanjälki on pyritty minimoimaan matkustamalla lentokoneen sijasta junalla sekä Kiinan ja Suomen välillä että Euroopan ja Kiinan sisäisillä matkoilla.
Suomen elokuvasäätiö - Miia Haavisto, Elina Kivihalme
AVEK - Audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin edistämiskeskus -
Pia Andell, Timo Korhonen
YLE - Iikka Vehkalahti, Erkki Astala
SVT Ruotsi - Axel Arnö
NRK Norja - Tore Tomter
Myynti: www.autlookfilms.com
© Luxian productions 2011
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