Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Max Linder: Entente cordiale (FR 1912) with Harry Fragson, Jane Renouardt and Max Linder.

Nine films by Max Linder, France 1905-1915, production company: Pathé Frères, 35 mm prints from Les Archives Francaises du Film / Le Centre Nationale de la Cinématographie. Viewed at Finnish Film Archive: Orion, Helsinki, 11 March 2008. Upright piano: Joonas Raninen. E-subtitles by Lena Talvio.
Première sortie. FR 1905. His first film, as a drunken soldier.
Au music hall. FR 1907. Based on The Mumming Birds, as Chaplin's A Night in the Show (1915).
Les Surprises de l'amour. FR 1909. Father and two sons wooing the same lady.
Trop aimée. FR 1910. Max chased by two jealous dogs.
Les Débutes de Max au cinématographie. FR 1910. A reconstruction of Max meeting Charles Pathé and Louis J. Gasnier.
Entente cordiale / Max Linder englantilaisine ystävineen. FR 1912. Two rivals in love with the same maid get into duel, apparently killing the seconds.
Max fait de la photographie. FR 1913. Max on the beach wants to photograph a voluptuous lady.
Jockey par amour. FR 1913. Max starts to fast to qualify for the race track.
Le Baromètre de la fidélité. FR 1915. A beautiful print of a comedy with Jane Marnac.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gran film en la España de primeros de los 70: Las aventuras de Max Linder