Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Cento anni fà: i film del 1908: 8: Italia 1908 - il cinema italiano nel 1908

Il duello dei paurosi / Timid Duellers (IT 1908).

L'incontro dei reali a Venezia. IT 1908. P: Luca Comerio. Documentary on Vittorio Emanuele and Franz Joseph in Venice.
Topolini riconoscenti / Les Souris reconnaisants. IT 1908. PC: Ambrosio. Beautiful print of the comedy-fairytale.
L'abbandonata. IT 1908. PC: Cines. D: Mario Caserini. Starring Maria Caserini-Gasparini. The tragedy of the girl seduced and abandoned by the gamekeeper, with fatal results of a gunshot, the blame taken by the girl. A fine sense of histrionic melodrama in the gestures.
Giuditta e Oloferne / Judith and Holofernes. IT 1908. PC: Cines. D: Mario Caserini. A rather clumsy interpretation of the Biblical story.
Un dramma al Marocco. IT 1908. PC: Itala. A beautiful print of the pictorially pleasant film.
Le manovre navali italiane. IT 1908. PC: Ambrosio. Documentary of the great manoeuvres of the Italian navy.
Il duello dei paurosi / The Duel of Cowards. IT 1908. PC: Itala. A funny comedy with perfect convulsive, exaggerated gestures.

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