Friday, August 26, 2011

Sergio Donati in Finland

Sergio Leone: For a Few Dollars More (IT/ES/DE 1965) starring Clint Eastwood with Sergio Donati among the screenwriter team (n.c.).

Sergio Donati is visiting Finland as a guest of Helsinki Festival and us. He is a major screenwriter behind three other Sergios (Sergio Leone, Sergio Corbucci, Sergio Sollima) featured in our series "For a Few Sergios More" curated by Lauri Lehtinen and Antti Suonio.

Sergio Donati will meet the audience
today 26 August, at 19.00 at Bio Rex, introducing For a Few Dollars More
tomorrow 27 August, at 14.00 at Cinema Orion, in a Q & A session
tomorrow 27 August, at 20.00 at Cinema Orion, introducing Once Upon a Time in the West

Arriving at Helsinki yesterday Sergio Donati was in good spirits and amazed that it is so warm here. Coming from hot Rome he would actually have preferred it to be cooler. He speaks good English, and he is an avid raconteur.

Professional screenwriters are highly regarded by fellow film professionals but sometimes neglected in film criticism and film studies. Especially highly valued since the silent era are those masters who can rescue troubled projects and devise ingenious solutions to tighten films while saving the most precious parts. Sergio Donati belongs to those wizards whose uncredited work is as important as the credited part of their CV.

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