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Rovaniemen markkinoilla [At the Rovaniemi Fair]: gold-diggers in Lapland. Excerpts in Peter von Bagh's Suomalaiset ja raha: rakkaustarina [Finns and Money: A Love Story]. |
FI 2011. Suomen Pankki / Bank of Finland 200 Years. PC: Nosferatu. P: Mark Lwoff. D+SC: Peter von Bagh. ED+S+kuvankäsittely: Petteri Evilampi. DP: Arto Kaivanto. Narrators: Erja Manto, Eero Saarinen, Peter von Bagh. 30 min Dvd viewed at the summer cottage, Punkaharju, 26 July 2012.
Works from the Bank of Finland art collections: Unto Ahola: Ruska, Eva Anttila: Työ ja elämä, Eva Anttila: Kaupunki, Göran Augustson: Metsäsinfonia, Antti Favén: Elonleikkuu, Antti Favén: Risto Ryti, Akseli Gallén-Kallela: Aino-triptyykki, Akseli Gallén-Kallela: Lumipukuiset hiihtäjät, Olli Joki: Kaksi vanhusta, Dora Jung: Portti Saimalle, Terttu Jurvalainen: Juhlat, Aimo Kanerva: Kuuset, K. Kukk: Kyösti Kallio, Unto Koistinen: Klaus Waris, Markkku Kolehmainen: Matti Vanhala, Oscar Kleineh: Merimaisema, Tapani Raittila: Mauno Koivisto, Juho Rissanen: Elonkorjuu, tukinuitto ja silakkamarkkinat, Eliel Saarinen: Setelityttö, Santeri Salokivi: Hiekkarannalla, Eeva Saurio: Joensuun kaupunki, Lennart Segerstråle: Finlandia-freskot, Birger Salin: Sakari Tuomioja, Kain Tapper: Iso harmaa - puureliefi, Marjatta Tapiola: Sirkka Hämäläinen, Verner Thomé: Clas Herman von Collan, Voitto Vikanen: Suomen pankki, Björn Weckström: Hydraulinen hevonen
Movie excerpts: Rovaniemen markkinoilla, Onni pyörii, Suomisen perhe (speculation), Lapatossu (the symbol of evading work), Silmät hämärässä, Pekka ja Pätkä, Yhden miehen sota, Uuno Turhapuro movies, Pahat pojat, Hamlet liikemaailmassa, Aho & Soldan documentary films.
Rough notes: the green gold: the forest and paper industry - the history of the bank notes, designers included Eliel Saarinen, Tapio Wirkkala, and Erik Bruun - writers quoted include Paavo Haavikko, Pentti Haanpää, Maria Jotuni - other testimonies quoted include Edvard Gylling, Väinö Tanner, Risto Ryti, Anders Chydenius, Sylvi Kekkonen, Ernst Emil Schybergson - the history of Finland through the Bank of Finland - Finnish currency preceded the Finnish independence - the development of Finnish industry - periods of inflation, speculation, depression and recovery - 1938: the last year of peace, the brief happiness - Snellman's statue unveiled in front of the Bank of Finland - Juho Rissanen: Rahan hyväätekevä vaikutus [The Blessing of Money], Rahan kirous [The Curse of Money] - wartime bank offices in Eastern Karelia - a montage of portraits of bank directors - rationing during the war, clipping bank notes, the motif of tearing bank notes: "money is like trash", "money from heaven" - the new sets of bank notes - Tapio Wirkkala: Paasikivi, Ståhlberg, Snellman - old money thrown into the incinerator - the piggy bank: does dad drink the money from the child's piggy bank? - the mechanization of agriculture, urbanization, the most brutal change of economic structure - the liberalization of beer: Uuno Turhapuro as an image of what happened to the Finnish people - the new bank notes designed by Erik Bruun: Paavo Nurmi, Väinö Linna, Alvar Aalto, Jean Sibelius, Elias Lönnrot, Anders Chydenius - Olavi Virta schlagers - videos, virtual performances: flash montage - economy does not become more comprehensible - Irwin Goodman: "Raha ratkaisee" - the casino economy of the 1980s - securities vanished, including banks - the golden calf - the whole scope of industries.
AA: Another great, sharp, witty montage film by Peter von Bagh, the history of Finland through its money until the age of the euro. The moving images emphasize the transitory, perishable nature of money. This movie belongs together with Bagh's great series Oi kallis Suomenmaa 1-8 and Sininen laulu 1-12, to a surprising amount because it is also a showcase of the art treasures owned by the Bank of Finland. A work of lasting value.
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