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Tage Danielsson: Svenska bilder / Swedish Portraits (SE 1964) with Birgitta Andersson, Monica Zetterlund, Hans Alfredson. |
Cinemateket / Svenska Filminstitutet (Stockholm)
Bio Victor och Bio Mauritz, Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1, t-bana Karlaplan
Biografen Victoria: Götgatan 67, t-bana Medborgarplatsen
Svenska Filminstitutet 50th Anniversary
Cinemateket live: Roy Andersson
Cinemateket live: Per Åhlin
Psychologists look at films
Carolee Schneemann
Perspectives on Film
Federico Fellini
Shirley Clarke
World Cinema Foundation
Pierre Etaix
Wojciech Has
Nadine Trintignant
Max Ophuls
A Hundred Swedish Films You Must See
The Young Cinemateket
Autumn Holiday with Animation
Tova Mozart, Marius Dybwad Brandrud
Trond Lundemo: Banshun
Psychologists look at films: Taxi Driver
Pilsnerfilm evening: Pensionat Paradiset, Kyss henne!
Jörn Donner. "Livet är kort, men kuken är lång".
Richard Linklater: Before-trilogin
Wong Kar-wai
Muriel Box
Vsevolod Pudovkin
Films about film sound: Berberian Sound Studio, Blow Out, Lisbon Story
Martin Scorsese: the first 15 years
Carlos Reygadas
The favourite of the editors: Brief Encounter
Close-ups: Den brysomme mannen, Hester Street, To Kill a Mockingbird, Enter the Dragon, Wandafuru raifu
Newly restored: Dial M for Murder 3D, La grande illusion
The choice of the audience: Kaos
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Pensionat Paradiset, Tvärbalk, Demoner, Comédia infantil
The Young Cinemateket
Cinemateket live: Agnès Jaoui
Event evenings: Filmarkivet.se: commercials - Psychologists look at films: Illégal - Kulturnatt Stockholm: Blackmail silent, Blackmail with sound - Poltergeist
Newly restored: Scarecrow, three comedies with Anita Garvin and Marion Byron, Die Weber
Queer på Cinemateket
John Huston
Concert films
Jean Grémillon
Jan Svankmajer
The favourite of the editors: Out of the Past
Close-ups: Obchod na korze, An Angel at My Table, Point Blank, Kenneth Anger, Un homme et une femme, Five Easy Pieces, Ashani sanket, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Lumière, Shinjuku dorobo nikki, The Parallax View, Frida, naturaleza viva
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Swing it, magistern!, Nattvardsgästerna, Jag, Barnförbjudet
The choice of the audience: The Sheik, Fletch
The Young Cinemateket
Cinemateket live: Inga Landgré
Event evenings: Psychologists look at Die bleierne Zeit and La battaglia di Algeri - Silent special: Der Golem
Perspectives on Film: The Third Man, The Night of the Hunter, Jag älskar, du älskar, Dog Day Afternoon
Newly restored: Lawrence of Arabia in 4K
Preview: Lore (Cate Shortland)
Emile de Antonio
Margarethe von Trotta
The Italian 1910s: Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei, Fabiola, Cabiria
Jean-Luc Godard
Otto Preminger
Jerry Lewis
The favourite of the editors: Dupa dealuri / Beyond the Hills
Close-ups: Girl Friends, The Sweet Hereafter, Patricio Guzman: La batalla de Chile, Kiarostami: Shirin, Eddie Constantine: Cet homme est dangereux, Liquid Sky, Cissé: Baara, The Wild Bunch, E. A. Dupont: Piccadilly, The Wind, Cría cuervos, Kan door huid heen / Can Go Through Skin, Sedmikrasky, Max Havelaar
The choice of the audience: La vraie nature de Bernadette, Xie Jin: Fu rong zhen / Hibiscus Town
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Fången på Karlstens fästning, Banketten, Långt borta och nära, Sällskapsresan
The Young Cinemateket: Bambi, Méliès, Bugsy Malone, Watership Down, The Crimson Pirate, Kort och blandat, Det stora äventyret, Mon oncle, Flight of the Navigator
Newly restored: Tess, Himala / Miracle
Event evenings: Valborgsmässoafton - Psychologists look at Catfish - Alice Guy Blaché
Cinemateket live: Claudia Cardinale
The Godfather Trilogy
Science fiction
Chris Marker
Louise Brooks
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Intermezzo, Den vita väggen, Sally och friheten, Den enfaldige mördaren
Preview: Hannah Arendt
The choice of the audience: Waterloo Bridge (1940), La caduta degli Dei
Newly restored: Herr Arnes penningar (1954), Wanda, Lola
Event evenings: Psychologists look at Under the Skin, Halloween: Suspiria, The Hunger, Stockholms judiska filmfestival: Pettersson & Bendel
Cinemateket live: Chris Hegedus & D. A. Pennebaker
Cinemateket live: Claude Lanzmann - Le Rapport Karski - Sobibór - Shoah
Perspectives on Film: Mannekäng i rött, The Man in the White Suit, Marie Antoinette, Skyddsängeln
Mauritz Stillers bästa symposium
Georges Méliès
Francesco Rosi
Ernst Lubitsch
Swedes in Hollywood: Anna Q. Nilsson, Nils Asther, Värner Ölund, Signe Hasso, Viveca Lindfors, May-Britt Wilkens, Ann-Margret Olsson, Inger Stensland, Bo Svenson, Bo Brundin
Gena Rowlands
Jerzy Skolimowski
The favourite of the editors: Deutschland bleiche Mutter
The choice of the audience: Tchapayev, Atman, La Maman et la putain, David and Lisa
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Mamma, Erotikon, Seppan, En djungelsaga
The Young Cinematheqye: Dumbo, Åppelkriget, The Wizard of Oz, Kauwboy, Matilda, Mitt liv som hund, Spite Marriage
Autumn Holiday Special with Silent Film Festival: Fantzingos stumfilmsverkstad, The Kid, The Gold Rush, Chaplin shorts
The favourite of the editors: Bir zamanlar Anadoluda / Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
Newly restored: Man of Aran, Chronique d'un été, Marketa Lazarová
Event evenings: psychologists look at films, Filmarkivet.se presenterar: The Colonial Film Project, Perspectives on film: Stig Björkman: Cronaca di un amore, special screening: Fahrenheit 451
Jesper Ganslandt
Vincente Minnelli
August Strindberg
Nuberu bagu - japanska nya vågen (Oshima, Teshigahara, Imamura, Shindo)
Catherine Breillat
Ken Russell
Vittorio de Sica
A Hundred Swedish Films You Must See: Giftasvuxna döttrar, Sången om den eldröda blomman (1956), Drömmen om Amerika, Driver dagg faller regn
The Young Cinemateket
Erland Josephson
Newly restored: Once Upon a Time in the West, Pandora and the Flying Dutchman, A Night to Remember
Cinemateket live: Tomas Alfredson
Event evenings: Chambre 666, Traité de bave et d'étérnité
Bengt Forslund 80
Andrei Tarkovsky 80
Queer på Cinemateket
Elia Kazan
Spike Lee
Jacques Prévert
Abderrahmane Sissako
Louis Feuillade: Judex
Bio Victor och Bio Mauritz, Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1, t-bana Karlaplan
Biografen Victoria: Götgatan 67, t-bana Medborgarplatsen
Svenska Filminstitutet 50th Anniversary
Cinemateket live: Roy Andersson
Cinemateket live: Per Åhlin
Psychologists look at films
Carolee Schneemann
Perspectives on Film
Federico Fellini
Shirley Clarke
World Cinema Foundation
Pierre Etaix
Wojciech Has
Nadine Trintignant
Max Ophuls
A Hundred Swedish Films You Must See
The Young Cinemateket
Autumn Holiday with Animation
Tova Mozart, Marius Dybwad Brandrud
Trond Lundemo: Banshun
Psychologists look at films: Taxi Driver
Pilsnerfilm evening: Pensionat Paradiset, Kyss henne!
Jörn Donner. "Livet är kort, men kuken är lång".
Richard Linklater: Before-trilogin
Wong Kar-wai
Muriel Box
Vsevolod Pudovkin
Films about film sound: Berberian Sound Studio, Blow Out, Lisbon Story
Martin Scorsese: the first 15 years
Carlos Reygadas
The favourite of the editors: Brief Encounter
Close-ups: Den brysomme mannen, Hester Street, To Kill a Mockingbird, Enter the Dragon, Wandafuru raifu
Newly restored: Dial M for Murder 3D, La grande illusion
The choice of the audience: Kaos
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Pensionat Paradiset, Tvärbalk, Demoner, Comédia infantil
The Young Cinemateket
Cinemateket live: Agnès Jaoui
Event evenings: Filmarkivet.se: commercials - Psychologists look at films: Illégal - Kulturnatt Stockholm: Blackmail silent, Blackmail with sound - Poltergeist
Newly restored: Scarecrow, three comedies with Anita Garvin and Marion Byron, Die Weber
Queer på Cinemateket
John Huston
Concert films
Jean Grémillon
Jan Svankmajer
The favourite of the editors: Out of the Past
Close-ups: Obchod na korze, An Angel at My Table, Point Blank, Kenneth Anger, Un homme et une femme, Five Easy Pieces, Ashani sanket, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Lumière, Shinjuku dorobo nikki, The Parallax View, Frida, naturaleza viva
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Swing it, magistern!, Nattvardsgästerna, Jag, Barnförbjudet
The choice of the audience: The Sheik, Fletch
The Young Cinemateket
Cinemateket live: Inga Landgré
Event evenings: Psychologists look at Die bleierne Zeit and La battaglia di Algeri - Silent special: Der Golem
Perspectives on Film: The Third Man, The Night of the Hunter, Jag älskar, du älskar, Dog Day Afternoon
Newly restored: Lawrence of Arabia in 4K
Preview: Lore (Cate Shortland)
Emile de Antonio
Margarethe von Trotta
The Italian 1910s: Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei, Fabiola, Cabiria
Jean-Luc Godard
Otto Preminger
Jerry Lewis
The favourite of the editors: Dupa dealuri / Beyond the Hills
Close-ups: Girl Friends, The Sweet Hereafter, Patricio Guzman: La batalla de Chile, Kiarostami: Shirin, Eddie Constantine: Cet homme est dangereux, Liquid Sky, Cissé: Baara, The Wild Bunch, E. A. Dupont: Piccadilly, The Wind, Cría cuervos, Kan door huid heen / Can Go Through Skin, Sedmikrasky, Max Havelaar
The choice of the audience: La vraie nature de Bernadette, Xie Jin: Fu rong zhen / Hibiscus Town
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Fången på Karlstens fästning, Banketten, Långt borta och nära, Sällskapsresan
The Young Cinemateket: Bambi, Méliès, Bugsy Malone, Watership Down, The Crimson Pirate, Kort och blandat, Det stora äventyret, Mon oncle, Flight of the Navigator
Newly restored: Tess, Himala / Miracle
Event evenings: Valborgsmässoafton - Psychologists look at Catfish - Alice Guy Blaché
Cinemateket live: Claudia Cardinale
The Godfather Trilogy
Science fiction
Chris Marker
Louise Brooks
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Intermezzo, Den vita väggen, Sally och friheten, Den enfaldige mördaren
Preview: Hannah Arendt
The choice of the audience: Waterloo Bridge (1940), La caduta degli Dei
Newly restored: Herr Arnes penningar (1954), Wanda, Lola
Event evenings: Psychologists look at Under the Skin, Halloween: Suspiria, The Hunger, Stockholms judiska filmfestival: Pettersson & Bendel
Cinemateket live: Chris Hegedus & D. A. Pennebaker
Cinemateket live: Claude Lanzmann - Le Rapport Karski - Sobibór - Shoah
Perspectives on Film: Mannekäng i rött, The Man in the White Suit, Marie Antoinette, Skyddsängeln
Mauritz Stillers bästa symposium
Georges Méliès
Francesco Rosi
Ernst Lubitsch
Swedes in Hollywood: Anna Q. Nilsson, Nils Asther, Värner Ölund, Signe Hasso, Viveca Lindfors, May-Britt Wilkens, Ann-Margret Olsson, Inger Stensland, Bo Svenson, Bo Brundin
Gena Rowlands
Jerzy Skolimowski
The favourite of the editors: Deutschland bleiche Mutter
The choice of the audience: Tchapayev, Atman, La Maman et la putain, David and Lisa
100 Swedish Films You Must See: Mamma, Erotikon, Seppan, En djungelsaga
The Young Cinematheqye: Dumbo, Åppelkriget, The Wizard of Oz, Kauwboy, Matilda, Mitt liv som hund, Spite Marriage
Autumn Holiday Special with Silent Film Festival: Fantzingos stumfilmsverkstad, The Kid, The Gold Rush, Chaplin shorts
The favourite of the editors: Bir zamanlar Anadoluda / Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
Newly restored: Man of Aran, Chronique d'un été, Marketa Lazarová
Event evenings: psychologists look at films, Filmarkivet.se presenterar: The Colonial Film Project, Perspectives on film: Stig Björkman: Cronaca di un amore, special screening: Fahrenheit 451
Jesper Ganslandt
Vincente Minnelli
August Strindberg
Nuberu bagu - japanska nya vågen (Oshima, Teshigahara, Imamura, Shindo)
Catherine Breillat
Ken Russell
Vittorio de Sica
A Hundred Swedish Films You Must See: Giftasvuxna döttrar, Sången om den eldröda blomman (1956), Drömmen om Amerika, Driver dagg faller regn
The Young Cinemateket
Erland Josephson
Newly restored: Once Upon a Time in the West, Pandora and the Flying Dutchman, A Night to Remember
Cinemateket live: Tomas Alfredson
Event evenings: Chambre 666, Traité de bave et d'étérnité
Bengt Forslund 80
Andrei Tarkovsky 80
Queer på Cinemateket
Elia Kazan
Spike Lee
Jacques Prévert
Abderrahmane Sissako
Louis Feuillade: Judex
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