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Renny Harlin: 沉默的證人 / Cheng mo de zheng reu / Bodies at Rest (CN/HK 2019) starring Richie Jen (Santa) and Nick Cheung (Dr. Chen Jia Hao). |
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Renny Harlin: 沉默的證人 / Cheng mo de zheng reu / Bodies at Rest (CN/HK 2019). The trio in the middle: Zi Yang (Qiao Lin), Nick Cheung (Dr. Chen Jia Hao), Richie Jen (Santa). |
沉默的證人 (traditional) / 沉默的证人 (simplified).
CN/HK © 2019 Wanda Media Co. Ltc. / Media Asia Film. P: Cheng Kim-fung, Lei Qiao, Fei Xiao.
D: Renny Harlin. SC: David Lesser. DP: Anthony Pun – colour – 2.39:1 – Red Weapon Monstro – Redcode RAW – master format: digital intermediate 2K – released on 35 mm and D-Cinema. M: Anthony Chue. Theme song: Xueran Chen. ED: Ka-Fai Cheung. Stunt coordinator: Ming-sing Wong.
Companies involved include: Phantom Clip Studio, MBS Studios, Physical FX, China Film Studio. Title design: Wandasunmon.
C: Nick Cheung (Dr. Chen Jia Hao), Richie Jen (Santa), Zi Yang (Qiao Lin), Carlos Chan (Elf), Shu-liang Ma (Security guard Uncle Jin).
With: Jin Au-Yeung (Wei Zai), Jiayi Feng (Rudolph), Roger Kwok (Ah Jie), Sonija Kwok (Chen's deceased wife), Clara Lee (Zheng Anqi), Peng Ming (Police officer Wu), Ron Ng (Police officer Li).
Loc: Hong Kong, Beijing.
Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese.
94 min
Festival premiere: 18 March 2019 Hong Kong International Film Festival.
Chinese premiere: 16 Aug 2019.
Hong Kong premiere: 22 Aug 2019.
Finnish premiere (selected cities): 5 Feb 2021 – released by Night Visions Distribution – with Finnish / Swedish subtitles by Sami Siitojoki / Angel Hammer.
Lappeenranta corona emergency security: max 20 capacity, face masks, distancing, hand hygiene.
Viewed at Finnkino Strand 1, Lappeenranta, 8 Feb 2021.
AA: Since 2016, Renny Harlin has directed three films in China, two of them belonging to the lineage of Hong Kong action cinema. The first one, Skiptrace, starring Jackie Chan, was the biggest box office hit of both Harlin and Chan.
In his new Triad saga Bodies at Rest Harlin pursues an agenda of his own within the constraints of genre cinema. He does not focus on martial arts like Bruce Lee. He does not emphasize comedy like Jackie Chan. He does not indulge in operatic bloodshed like John Woo. His cinema is not filled with magic like that of Tsui Hark. And he is not interested in the undercover cop narrative like Ringo Lam.
There is in the core of Harlin's cinema an innate kinetic urge, an instinct for the electrifying mise-en-scène and a natural talent for action cinema, a primal vitality that belongs to the mainstream of the great current of action adventure fantasy that started with Victorin Jasset's serials at the Éclair company.
It was as evident in Harlin's debut feature film Jäätävä polte / Born American as it is in Bodies at Rest, which does not belong to his most magnificent achievements. Despite its modest scope its pulsing dynamism is unmistakable.
Harlin was in the right place at the right time during the golden age of Hollywood's turbo-charged action extravaganzas produced by Joel Silver, Jerry Bruckheimer et al.
They were an over-the-top vision of the age of the bonfire of the vanities, displaying an appetite for destruction. They were post-modern manifestations of the Nero complex that has been in the heart of the cinema since Méliès. We create a world and sit back in an easy chair to watch it burn.
Bodies at Rest takes place at Christmas time at a huge Hong Kong morgue. Harlin brings his Hollywood expertise to the movie, but rainstorms, chases in halls of reflecting surfaces, races to the rescue, car crashes, battles in the freezing works, torrents of broken glass, countdowns, explosions and firestorms are not all there is. Even more engaging is Harlin's command of space and movement.
Jumps to conclusions and leaps of logic are perhaps also stunts expected in this brand of cinema.
What dates Harlin's cinema is his penchant for sadism, but more is not more.
The blitz montages in fight sequences are so rapid that it is hard to make sense of them. Ultra-rapid cutting weakens the impact of action scenes, because it breaks down the suspension of disbelief. We cease to feel viscerally that the actors are really going through all the mayhem.
But perhaps the ADHD mentality is a manifestation of the epoch of "The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing To Our Brains". We surf quickly ahead without stopping to reflect or feel. No matter how great the overload of attractions, everything remains indifferent.
The movie is well cast. Nick Cheung conveys quiet authority and a silent dignity as Dr. Chen Jia Hao, perhaps in tribute to Harlin's own father who was a doctor and chief physician in his city. Zi Yang as Qiao Lin is a resourceful fighter in the female leading role. Shu-liang Ma brings a jovial presence as the donut-loving security guard Uncle Jin.
The three villains, dressed in Christmas masks, are modelled after familiar archetypes. Richie Jen (Santa) is a poker-faced, callous leader. Carlos Chan (Elf) is an erratic sadist. Jiayi Feng (Rudolph) is an old-timer who faints at the sight of blood.
The relations between the villains are based on a healthy mutual distrust. Bodies at Rest is not a story-driven film, and the relevant backgrounds of the wars between the Hong Kong and Thai triads, the policemen doubling as gangsters, and the underworld connections of Dr. Chen Jia Hao remain underexposed.
Renny Harlin's first film Born American was a violent anticommunist action fantasy. Bodies at Rest has been made in a country ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. It's the last Christmas in Hong Kong for the doctor and his assistant. In the finale, the rainstorm warning is cancelled. We may pause to think about the meaning of the multiple disguises of gangsters as policemen as merry Christmas figures.
The film has been efficiently shot by Anthony Pun, and the score by Anthony Chue is engaging. I like the design of the final credit sequence based on the concept of X-ray photos and silhouettes of hands holding them.
Night Visions Distribution: "Renny Harlinin odotettu ohjaus Bodies at Rest on intensiivinen ja vauhdikas toimintatrilleri, joka tempaa mukaansa jo alkumetreillään – eikä sen jälkeen päästä katsojaansa otteestaan edes hetkeksi. Lopputulos osoittaa, että sellaisten modernien klassikoiden kuin Die Hard 2, Cliffhanger ja Long Kiss Good Night tekijä lukeutuu yhä maailman taitavimpien toimintaelokuvaohjaajien harvalukuiseen joukkoon."
"Tapahtumat käynnistyvät myrskyvaroituksesta jouluaattona. Rankkasade piiskaa asfalttia. Teitä ja siltoja suljetaan ääriolosuhteiden vuoksi."
"Ruumishuoneen työntekijät valmistautuvat joulun viettoon. Liki sijoilleen laskeutunut rauha pirstoutuu sirpaleiksi, kun kolme aseistautunutta naamiomiestä ryntää ovista sisään. Tunkeutujat tietävät tarkkaan, mitä etsivät. Kukaan ei kuitenkaan aavista, kuinka pahasti rikolliset ovat aliarvioineet vastuksensa. Ylitöihin viimeisten joukossa jäänyt oikeuslääkäri avustajineen ei aio antaa periksi mistään hinnasta."
"Sadeveden lamauttama miljoonakaupunki alkaa vaipua uneensa, kun todellinen kamppailu elämästä ja kuolemasta alkaa."
"Harlinin 21. pitkä valkokangasohjaus tekee komeasti kunniaa sekä ohjaajan itsensä varsinaiselle Hollywood-läpimurrolle Die Hard 2:lle että hongkongilaisen toimintaelokuvan 1980- ja 90-lukujen kultakauden mestariteoksille. Amerikkalaisen David Lesserin alkuperäiskäsikirjoitukseen perustuva teos paiskaa katsojansa kutkuttavan jännittävälle visuaaliselle vuoristorata-ajelulle, joka kutittaa vatsanpohjasta ja pakottaa kämmenet hikoamaan." (Night Visions Distribution)
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