Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Peter von Bagh memorial: "Writing on Films Now - What's Up?" (Decennial of Peter von Bagh's death)

"Writing on Films Now - What's Up?" arranged by Risto Jarva Society at the Rosebud Sivullinen Bookstore. Panelists: Tuukka Hämäläinen, Satu Kyösola, Antti Alanen, Jari Sedergren, Jouko Aaltonen (moderator). 17 Sep 2024. Please click on the photo to expand it.

On Tuesday 17 September 2024, the tenth anniversary of Peter von Bagh's death, Risto Jarva Society celebrated the grantee of the the annual Peter von Bagh Stipendium, established to promote Finnish film writing.

The recipient this year was Tuukka Hämäläinen, currently writing a book called "Leffaharrastajan käsikirja" ["Handbook for the Film Buff"] and who has recently published together with Tero Mielonen the acclaimed "Tiedettä valkokankaalla - enemmän kuin Frankensteinin perintö" ["Science on the Screen - Beyond Frankenstein"] (Art House 2024, 388 pp). Hämäläinen (born 1987) is a writer, poet, editor and singer-songwriter. Besides films and music his expertise also includes games.

Our panel discussion focused on writing on films in the turbulence of today's rapidly changing media landscape. We agreed that writing on films (including all moving images) is more important than ever. I emphasized the importance of fair compensation for writers in the age of internet when the public expects everything to be free online. And also the challenge of preserving film criticism published online only. I also gave an update on the project of editing Peter von Bagh's posthumous works online.

My remarks on 

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