Friday, January 01, 1971

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (the 1962 Finnish edition)

Walt Disney: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (US 1937). There had been Finnish-spoken True-Life Adventures before, but the 1962 re-release edition of Snow White was the first Walt Disney film synchronized into Finnish.

Lumikki ja seitsemän kääpiötä / Snövit och de sju dvärgarna. US 1937. Viewed in Kino-Palatsi, Tampere, 28 Jan 1963. The first Walt Disney feature film dubbed into Finnish, with Eeva-Kaarina Volanen as Snow White. The first film I saw.

Finnish language version 1962:
Translated and edited into Finnish by: Lea Joutseno
The sound recording directed by: Ritva Laatto
Eeva-Kaarina Volanen (Lumikki / Snow White)
Rauno Ketonen (prinssi / The Prince)
Rauni Luoma (kuningatar / The Queen)
Pentti Riuttu (Ujo / Bashful)
Pentti Irjala (Viisas / Doc)
Risto Mäkelä (Jörö / Grumpy)
Martti Tschokkinen (Lystikäs / Happy)
Jukka Sipilä (Unelias / Sleepy)
Heikki Savolainen (Nuhanenä / Sneezy)
Mauno Hyvönen (peilin henki / the Spirit of the Mirror)
Ritva Ahonen (kertoja / the Narrator)
The songs were sung in Swedish.

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