Erkki Vettenniemi: Punaisen terrorin todistajat. Neuvostoliitto suomalaisten leirivankien muistelmissa [Witnesses of Red Terror. The Soviet Union in the Memoirs of Finnish Camp Prisoners]. Helsinki: SKS, 2004. Erkki Vettenniemi wrote his dissertation, Surviving the Soviet Meat Grinder (2001), in English and based on it wrote this Finnish edition of Finnish testimonies about Soviet prison experiences from 1918 till 1990. This work is an excellent account of a remarkable Finnish literary genre: first-hand testimonies of Soviet terror, a genre which has flourished since 1918 and among which were bestsellers such as The Gardens of Beriya (1957) and the memoirs of Aino Kuusinen (ex-wife of O.W. Kuusinen) (1972) and Taisto Huuskonen (1979). There were 38 such memoirs, plus a lot of other books with Soviet terror as one of the topics, plus fictional works, plus memoirs published in newspapers and magazines. This corpus is a weighty Finnish counterpart to Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago, and the topics range from Solovetskaya (which Solzhenitsyn called the alma mater of the gulag) to Kolyma (the worst of them all). These memoirs would provide strong material for movies. Ceterum censeo: a Finnish Memorial should be established. See list of the books discussed below.
Erkki Vettenniemi (ed.): Suomalaisia vankileirien saaristossa [Finns in the Gulag Archipelago]. Helsinki: Art House, 2002. An anthology of Finnish gulag memoirs, a companion to Erkki Vettenniemi's dissertation (2001) and its Finnish edition (2004) commented above. The writers included: Cederholm, Kuortti, Helenius, Himiläinen, Flinkman, Nuorteva, Kuusinen, Togi, Piili, Kilkkinen, Punkka, Björkelund, Parvilahti, Multakari, Petrovskaja, Makara, and Huuskonen (see also list below for the full titles of the sources).
Anton Chekhov / Anton Tshehov: Valitut novellit I [Selected Short Stories I] [1880-1887]. Selected by V. Kiparsky, translated by Juhani Konkka. Porvoo - Helsinki: WSOY, 1959. Re-reading Chekhov, the king of the short story, starting from the beginning, his early days of humoristic short stories initially signed "Antosha Chekhonte". His first five years as a writer are sunny, light and humoristic, and then a gravity appears around 1885, often in short stories involving children such as "Oysters": the serious themes include disappointment, loss of illusions, and injustice. In "Dreams" there is both a pre-Chaplinesque tramp and a Siberian prison camp theme. The early short stories are often satirical, targets including bureaucracy, hypocrisy, corruption and the reverence of formal titles, positions and medals. Several stories belong to the sweet erotic tradition of A Thousand and One Nights, Decamerone and Les Contes drolatiques. Even in these short stories there is a rich sense of society and a full scope of life from childhood (Chekhov has a good psychological insight in a child's perspective) to old age. I seem to notice that Chekhov's early portraits of women are sometimes thin, clichéd and one-sided. The portrait of Susanna in "Slime" borders on the anti-semitic. There is a bias towards resignation and melancholy. Anyway already the early stories show the talent of the master in their wit, sharp detail, psychological insight and satiric touch. Incredibly, Anton Chekhov, who died at the age of 44, created over 600 works, his longer tales among the greatest ever written, and his plays still at the repertory everywhere. (A list of the stories in this volume is below.)
5. Папаша / Isäkulta, 1880 / [Dearest Daddy]
225. Ночь перед судом. (Рассказ подсудимого) / Yö ennen oikeudenkäyntiä, 1886 [The Night Before the Trial]
401. Гриша / Grisha, 1886Erkki Vettenniemi (ed.): Suomalaisia vankileirien saaristossa [Finns in the Gulag Archipelago]. Helsinki: Art House, 2002. An anthology of Finnish gulag memoirs, a companion to Erkki Vettenniemi's dissertation (2001) and its Finnish edition (2004) commented above. The writers included: Cederholm, Kuortti, Helenius, Himiläinen, Flinkman, Nuorteva, Kuusinen, Togi, Piili, Kilkkinen, Punkka, Björkelund, Parvilahti, Multakari, Petrovskaja, Makara, and Huuskonen (see also list below for the full titles of the sources).
Anton Chekhov / Anton Tshehov: Valitut novellit I [Selected Short Stories I] [1880-1887]. Selected by V. Kiparsky, translated by Juhani Konkka. Porvoo - Helsinki: WSOY, 1959. Re-reading Chekhov, the king of the short story, starting from the beginning, his early days of humoristic short stories initially signed "Antosha Chekhonte". His first five years as a writer are sunny, light and humoristic, and then a gravity appears around 1885, often in short stories involving children such as "Oysters": the serious themes include disappointment, loss of illusions, and injustice. In "Dreams" there is both a pre-Chaplinesque tramp and a Siberian prison camp theme. The early short stories are often satirical, targets including bureaucracy, hypocrisy, corruption and the reverence of formal titles, positions and medals. Several stories belong to the sweet erotic tradition of A Thousand and One Nights, Decamerone and Les Contes drolatiques. Even in these short stories there is a rich sense of society and a full scope of life from childhood (Chekhov has a good psychological insight in a child's perspective) to old age. I seem to notice that Chekhov's early portraits of women are sometimes thin, clichéd and one-sided. The portrait of Susanna in "Slime" borders on the anti-semitic. There is a bias towards resignation and melancholy. Anyway already the early stories show the talent of the master in their wit, sharp detail, psychological insight and satiric touch. Incredibly, Anton Chekhov, who died at the age of 44, created over 600 works, his longer tales among the greatest ever written, and his plays still at the repertory everywhere. (A list of the stories in this volume is below.)
5. Папаша / Isäkulta, 1880 / [Dearest Daddy]
225. Ночь перед судом. (Рассказ подсудимого) / Yö ennen oikeudenkäyntiä, 1886 [The Night Before the Trial]
125. Злой мальчик / Ilkeä poika, 1883 [The Naughty Boy]
129. Приданое / Kapiot, 1883 [The Dowry]
144. Толстый и тонкий / Paksukainen ja Ohukainen, 1883 [The Fat and the Thin]
131. Дочь Альбиона / Albionin tytär 1883 [Albion's Daughter]
122. Смерть чиновника / Virkamiehen kuolema, 1883 [The Death of a Civil Servant]
135. Справка / Kysely, 1883 [An Enquiry]
409. Счастливчик / Onnenpoika, 1886 [A Lucky Man]
202. Хирургия / Hammaskirurgi, 1884 [A Dental Surgeon]
206. Хамелеон / Kameleontti, 1884 [A Chameleon]
222. Свадьба с генералом. (Рассказ) / Häät kenraalin kera, 1884 [A Wedding Banquet with a General]
229. Устрицы / Osterit, 1884 [Oysters]
327. Кухарка женится / Keittäjätär menee naimisiin, 1885 [A Cook Gets Married] 515. Злоумышленники. (Рассказ очевидцев) / Pahantekijä, 1885 [A Malefactor]
316. Гость. (Сценка) / Ikävä vieras, 1885 [A Guest]
351. Старость / Vanhuus, 1885 [Old Age]
306. Лошадиная фамилия / Hevosenkaltainen sukunimi, 1885 [A Horse-Like Family Name]
303. Налим / Made, 1885 [A Burbot]
348. Пересолил / Liikaa suolaa, 1885 [Overdone]
295. Дачники / Huvila-asukkaita, 1885 [Dacha Vacationers]
341. Сонная одурь / Unen horteessa, 1885 [In a Sleepy Stupor]
322. Отец семейства / Perheen isä, 1885 [Paterfamilias] 370. Неудача / Ei onnistunut!, 1886 [A Failure]
431. Несчастье / Onnettomuus, 1886 [A Misfortune]
443. Житейская мелочь / Elämän pikkuseikka, 1886 [A Worldly Detail]
423. Хористка / Kuorotyttö, 1886 [A Chorus Girl]
471. Ванька / Kirje isoisälle, 1886 [Vanka]
466. Произведение искусства / Taiteen tuote, 1886 [A Work of Art]
419. Страхи / Pelottavia tilanteita, 1886 [Fears]
413. В пансионе / Tyttöopistossa, 1886 [In a Girls' Boarding School]
392. Агафья / Agafja, 1886 [Agafya]
368. Ночь на кладбище. (Святочный рассказ) / Yö hautausmaalla, 1886 [A Night at the Graveyard]
421. Лишние люди / Tarpeettomia ihmisiä, 1886 [Superfluous People]
402. Любовь / Rakkaus, 1886 [Love]
438. В потемках / Pimeässä, 1886 [In the Dark]
417. Роман с контрабасом / Romaani bassoviulusta, 1886 [Romance with a Double Bass]
461. Событие / Surkea tapaus, 1886 [An Incident]
457. Мечты / Haaveita, 1886 [Dreams]
374. Детвора / Lapsia, 1886 [Kids]
388. Ведьма / Noita, 1886 [A Witch]
453. Тина / Susanna, 1886 [Slime]
381. Актерская гибель / Näyttelijän lähtö, 1886 [An Actor's Departure]
407. Знакомый мужчина / Tuttu mies, 1886 [A Familiar Man]
352. Горе / Suru, 1885 [Sorrow]
525. Беглец / Karkuri, 1887 [A Fugitive]
534. Мальчики / Poikia, 1887 [Boys]
476. Нищий / Kerjäläinen, 1887 [A Beggar]
522. Мститель / Kostaja, 1887 [The Avenger]
509. Неприятная история / Ikävä tapaus, 1887 [An Unfortunate Incident]
530. Дорогие уроки / Kalliita kielitunteja, 1887 [Expensive Language Lessons]
478. Добрый немец / Kunnon saksalainen, 1887 [A Good German]
520. Сирена / Seireeni, 1887 [The Siren]
531. Лев и Солнце / Leijona ja Aurinko, 1887 [The Lion and the Sun]
477. Враги / Viholliset, 1887 [Enemies]
The Finnish prison testimonies discussed by Erkki Vettenniemi:
1923 Heikki Välisalmi: 40 kuukautta Neuvosto-Venäjällä [40 Months in Soviet Russia]. Turku: Sosialistin Kirjapaino Oy.
1928 O.V. Itkonen: Maanpakolaisen muistelmia [Memoirs of an Exile]. Porvoo: WSOY.
1929 Boris Cederholm: Punainen painajainen [Red Nightmare]. Kuvia ja kokemuksia Neuvostoliitosta. Porvoo: WSOY.
1929 Kaarlo J. Hartikainen: Punaisten petojen luolissa [In the Caves of Red Beasts]. Suomalaisen työmiehen ja hänen vaimonsa omakohtaisia kokemuksia Neuvosto-Venäjältä ja sen vankiloista. Lappeenranta. - Second edition: Punaisten petojen luolissa. Jalan halki Venäjän. Kuvauksia Neuvostovenäjältä ja sen vankiloista. Pori: Otto Andersinin Kustannusliike.
1934 Aatami Kuortti: Pappina, pakkotyössä, pakolaisena. Inkeriläisen papin kokemuksia Neuvosto-Venäjällä [As a Priest, in Hard Labour, and in Exile. Experiences of an Ingrian Priest in Soviet Russia]. Porvoo - Helsinki: WSOY.
1935 Vilho Rantanen: Ristin ja Siperian tie [The Way of the Cross and of Siberia]. Kappale kahden Siperiaan karkoitetun ja Siperiasta paenneen inkeriläisen kohtalon tiestä. Jyväskylä - Helsinki: Gummerus.
1937 Juho Harri (= Kaarlo Hartikainen): Kirottujen tarina [The Story of the Damned]. Kertomus todellisesta elämästä. Porvoo - Helsinki: WSOY.
1944 Irja Niemi (= Kerttu Nuorteva): Neuvostokasvatti. Neuvostoelämän ääripiirteitä minä-muotoon kuvattuna [Raised in the Soviet Union. Extreme Characteristics of Soviet Life as a First Person Narrative]. Helsinki: Oy Suomen Kirja.
1957 Tauno Flinkman: Neljästi karkuteillä. Muistelmia 22 vuoden vankeusajalta Neuvostoliitossa [Four Times on the Run. Memories of 22 Years in Prison in the Soviet Union]. Helsinki: Tammi.
1957 Unto Parvilahti: Berijan tarhat [The Gardens of Beriya]. Havaintoja ja muistikuvia Neuvostoliitosta vuosilta 1945-1954. Helsinki: Otava.
1957 Martta Piili: Pakkotyövankina Siperiassa [As a Prisoner in Hard Labour in Siberia]. Jyväskylä: Kustannusliike Pohjola & Kumpp.
1964 Aatami Kuortti: Kirkossa, keskitysleirissä, korvessa [At the Church, at a Concentration Camp, in Deep Forest]. Porvoo - Helsinki: WSOY.
1964 Aino Salminen: Kuljin Stalinin Siperiaa [I Walked in Stalin's Siberia]. Pieksämäki: Akateeminen Kustannusliike.
1965 Aino Salminen: Paluu Stalinin Siperiasta [Return from Stalin's Siberia]. Pieksämäki: Akateeminen Kustannusliike.
1966 Boris Björkelund: Stalinille menetetyt vuoteni [My Years Lost to Stalin]. Elämäni vaiheet 1945-1955. Helsinki: WSOY.
1972 Aino Kuusinen: Jumala syöksee enkelinsä (Der Gott stürzt seine Engel) [God Plunges His Angels]. Helsinki: Otava.
1974 Boris Berin-Bey: Venäjän punainen lihamylly [Russia's Red Meat Grinder]. Turku: Veronica.
1979 Taisto Huuskonen: Laps Suomen [A Child of Finland]. Helsinki: WSOY.
198X Fanni Helenius: Pitkä etappi [A Long Passage]. Kurikka.
1981 Oskar Himiläinen: Vieras isänmaa [A Strange Fatherland]. Inkeriläisen kohtalontie. Jyväskylä: Gummerus.
1983 Antti Makara: Rajat eivät pidätä [Boundaries Don't Restrain]. Tampere: Kustannuspiste.
1984 Taisto Huuskonen: Ennin tarina [The Story of Enni]. Helsinki: WSOY.
1989 Lyyli Ronkonen: Laps' Inkerin. Muistojen Inkeri Stalinin hirmuvallan alla [A Child of Ingria. Memories of Ingria under Stalin's Tyranny]. Ed. Markku Laitinen. Jyväskylä: Gummerus.
1989 Urho Ruhanen: Syytettynä suomalainen [A Finn Accused]. Lilja ja Urho Ruhasen elämäntien kirja. Ed. Juha Virkkunen. Oulu: Pohjoinen.
1990 Olavi Eskola: Siperian kierros [A Round of Siperia]. Inkeriläisen Juho Punkan elämäkerta. Vantaa: RV-kirjat.
1990 Eeva Mesiäinen: Maria Kajavan pitkä taival [The Long Journey of Maria Kajava]. Helsinki: Karas-Sana.
1990 Nikolai Multakari: Stalinin tarhoissa [In the Gardens of Stalin]. Turku.
1990 Lyyli Ronkonen: Inkeri - isänmaa kallis [Ingria - Beloved Fatherland]. Jyväskylä: Gummerus.
1993 Anna Petrovskaja: Kohtalokas kielto. Suomalaisnaisen järkyttävä elämäntie [A Fatal Ban. The Shocking Life Story of a Finnish Woman]. Ed. Sinikka Salokorpi. Jyväskylä: Gummerus.
1995 Kalle Lehto: Vastavallankumouksellinen [Counter-Revolutionary]. Helsinki: Tammi
1995 Lyyli Ronkonen: Ilon ja itkun Inkeri [Ingria of Joy and Tears]. Katri Kukkosen elämäntarina. Ed. Raili Kymäläinen. Helsinki: SLEV-kirjat.
1996 Toivo Kinnunen: Barabbaan vangit [Prisoners of Barabbas]. Lahti.
1996 Juha-Matti Martikainen: Kotiinpaluu. Jalo Heikkisen elämä [Homecoming. The Life of Jalo Heikkinen]. Helsinki: Otava.
1997 Hilma Kilkkinen: Pitkä matka Siperiaan [A Long Journey to Siberia]. Ed. Ritva Sievänen-Allen. Helsinki: Otava.
1998 Ulla Riutta: Johannes Togi - tuomittu pykälän 58 mukaan. Huikea selviytymistarina Uralin vankileireiltä [Johannes Togi - Convicted According to Paragraph 58. An Extraordinary Survival Story from the Ural Prison Camps]. Hämeenlinna: Päivä.
2000 Antti Virolainen: Hittolan neito. Kertomus inkeriläisten kuolemanmarssista Siperiaan ja evankeliumin muuttavasta voimasta [A Maid from Hittola. An Account of the Death March of the Ingrians to Siberia and the Transformative Power of the Gospel]. Saarijärvi.
2002 Armas Kumpulainen: Punaupseeri Mikko Kopran päiväkirja [The Diary of the Red Officer Mikko Kopra]. Jyväskylä: Gummerus.
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