Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Dead (James Joyce evening: reading and film)

John Huston: The Dead (US/GB 1987).

Muistot / De döda. US/GB 1987. D: John Huston. SC: Tony Huston - based on last short story in Dubliners (1914) by James Joyce. CAST: Anjelica Huston, Donal McCann. A vintage print with Finnish / Swedish subtitles. Viewed at Cinema Orion, 11 Sep 2009. - Introduced by the actor, Mr. Seppo Pääkkönen reading James Joyce (25 min). - Revisited the beginning of John Huston's last film, to many his masterpiece, preceded by a reading of the original text. - James Joyce is a central force in the film age, although this movie is probably the only masterful cinema adaptation of his work.

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