Thursday, January 28, 2010


Moana, auringon poika / Moana, solens son. US 1926. D: Robert J. Flaherty. 97 min. The Monica Flaherty sound version (1980). Print: Sami van Ingen, 16 mm (the Monica Flaherty sound version only exists on 16 mm). Viewed at Cinema Orion (DocPoint), Helsinki, 28 Jan 2010.

The first public screening in Finland of the Monica Flaherty sound version of Moana.

Introduced by Sami van Ingen. He told the long story of the production of Moana and of Monica Flaherty's work to produce a soundtrack to it from original Samoan songs, music, and sounds.

Revisited the vision of the paradise island produced when it was still just barely possibly to reconstruct the traditional way of life of the Samoans. A dream-like reconstruction with profound roots in ancient reality, in ways of life completely different from modernity.

See my previous Moana remarks on 9 Feb 2009.

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